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On 1 November 1914, off the coast of Chile near Coronel, ships of the German and British navies exchanged fire, resulting in the sinking of two British ships HMS Monmouth and HMS Good Hope with the loss of nearly 1,600 sailors. To counter the German squadron, the Royal Navy sent two battle-cruisers—Inflexible and Invincible—to the South Atlantic. In December 1914, the British battle-cruisers, accompanied by smaller ships, engaged the German squadron during the Battle of the Falkland Islands and sank the German armoured cruisers SMS Scharnhorst and SMS Gneisenau near the Falkland Islands. First published in 1962, this is a gripping account of the World War I British-German naval battles off the coast of South America, and an examination of the issue of Britain’s preparation for naval warfare in 1914.
A highly illustrated account of the naval battles of Coronel and the Falklands in 1914, which saw the destruction of both British and German squadrons. Upon the outbreak of war, the British Royal Navy was deployed globally, whilst the Imperial German Navy was concentrated in two areas – Home Waters and Tsingtao, the home port of the crack East Asia Cruiser Squadron which, under the command of Admiral von Spee contained some of Germany's most modern cruisers. As Spee made his way to the Chilean port of Valparaiso, he met the British 4th Cruiser Squadron which had been ordered to engage and defeat the German force. This resulted in the battle of Coronel where the antiquated British warships proved no match for Spee's modern cruisers. It was the first naval defeat suffered by the Royal Navy in over 100 years. When news reached London, panic reigned and two ships HMS Inflexible and Invincible were sent to lead the force against Spee. When bad weather delayed the German arrival, Spee knew that he had to stand and fight, unaware that amongst the ships opposing him were two modern battlecruisers which outclassed any of his own squadron's ships. Given the presence of Inflexible and Invincible, the result of the battle had an inevitable outcome and after several hours hard combat, Spee's ships were defeated.
The defeat that Rear-Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock suffered at Coronel in 1914 at the hands of Maximilian Graf von Spee, one of Germany's most brilliant naval commanders, was the most humiliating blow to British naval prestige since the eighteenth century and a defeat that had to be avenged immediately. On 8 December 1914, the German squadron steamed towards Port Stanley, unaware that in the harbour lay two great British battle-cruisers, the 'Invincible' and 'Inflexible'. Realizing this, Spee had no option but to turn and flee. Hour by hour during that long day, the British ships closed in until, eventually, Spee was forced to confront the enemy. With extraordinary courage, and against hopeless odds, the German cruisers fought to the bitter end. At five-thirty that afternoon, the last ship slowly turned and rolled to the bottom. Cradock and Britain had been avenged.
El coronel Ildefonso Puigdengolas Ponce de León (1876-1936) fue un veterano que luchó en Cuba y Marruecos y desarrolló su historial en el Cuerpo de Seguridad, institución policial de la Segunda República. Bien considerado por los políticos republicanos, fue nombrado gobernador militar de Badajoz, ciudad que fue tomada por las fuerzas sublevadas. Las verdaderas circunstancias de la caída de Badajoz han estado ocultas hasta hace muy poco por la prensa-propaganda de la época, que escondió y deformó lo que realmente sucedió. Del máximo responsable militar de la defensa de Badajoz no sabíamos casi nada y muchos de los datos que circulaban sobre él eran difusos y contradictorios. Este libro aporta información nueva sobre su vida y su personalidad, pero también desmiente falsedades vertidas sobre este militar y el que fue el episodio más importante de su carrera.
Whilst much scholarly work has been focused on Spain's American colonies, much less is known about Spanish colonization of the Pacific. As such, this book fills an important gap in our knowledge, directing attention both to Spain's wider imperial ambitions, and the specific situation within the Philippines. By structuring the book around the life of Hernando de los Ríos Coronel, many overlapping and complex threads are drawn out that cast light upon a diverse range of subjects. Soldier, priest, diplomat, explorer, naval pilot and scientist, de los Ríos was a fascinating figure who played a pivotal role in Spanish efforts to establish a thriving colony in the Philippines. In 1588, at the age of 29 he was sent to the Philippines as a soldier, and once there quickly established himself as a pillar of society, ultimately becoming a priest. Over 36 years, until his death sometime before the end of January 1624, he shuttled between the Philippines and Spain, in his role as Procurator General - the sole representative of the Philippines (both Spaniards and Indigenes) at the Spanish Court. As well as telling the story of an extraordinary individual, this book provides a fascinating introduction to the early history of the Spanish Philippines. By touching upon a broad range of topics, it also opens up numerous avenues for further research.
Con estos relatos anhelo resaltar lo bello y fantástico de la región, en memoria de aquellas personas que ya fueron una vez de ese lugar y en tiempo difícil de la época. Al mismo tiempo los que soportaron para abrirse camino en un mundo de dificultad. Aunque vinieron aportar y no anotarse como víctimas de un revés prevaleciente, además fueron como la misma fortuna que buscaron con afán, por esa causa, les decían "gringo sucio, una algarabía caminante". Pues la misma importancia del caso en el presente, serian bueno que echen mano de lo señalado. Y fueran a averiguar las Lápidas de las Tumbas de estos seres que una vez fueron habitantes y huéspedes fructíferos del pueblo de Avelín. Aunque confieso que a muchos le retrase lo que hicieron en vida, para no herir el sentimiento de sus descendientes, que además fueron mis amigos de infancia y que aún pueden estar viviendo en el lugar y sus alredores. Además sepan tomar como un afectuoso aporte literario, con el fin de enriquecer el pensamiento en cosas del pasado, que son los fundamentos de los presentes.