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Cette convention du Conseil de l'Europe est le premier instrument juridique international contraignant qui reconnaisse un droit général d'accès aux documents publics détenus par les autorités publiques. Elle établit un droit d'accès aux documents publics, énonce les normes minimales à appliquer dans le traitement des demandes d'accès aux documents publics (formes de l'accès et frais d'accès aux documents publics), le droit de recours et les mesures complémentaires. Établissant un socle commun de normes minimales, provenant des expériences et pratiques très différentes des 47 États membres du Conseil de l'Europe, la Convention offre la flexibilité nécessaire pour permettre aux législations nationales de s'appuyer sur ce socle commun et de prévoir un accès éventuellement plus étendu aux documents publics.
Cette convention du Conseil de l'Europe est le premier instrument juridique international contraignant qui reconnaisse un droit général d'accès aux documents publics détenus par les autorités publiques. Elle établit un droit d'accès aux documents publics, énonce les normes minimales à appliquer dans le traitement des demandes d'accès aux documents publics (formes de l'accès et frais d'accès aux documents publics), le droit de recours et les mesures complémentaires. Établissant un socle commun de normes minimales, provenant des expériences et pratiques très différentes des 47 États membres du Conseil de l'Europe, la Convention offre la flexibilité nécessaire pour permettre aux législations nationales de s'appuyer sur ce socle commun et de prévoir un accès éventuellement plus étendu aux documents publics.
Good Administration and the Council of Europe: Law, Principles, and Effectiveness examines the existence and effectiveness of written and unwritten standards of good administration developed within the framework of the Council of Europe (CoE) and in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. These standards - called 'pan- European general principles of good administration' - cover the entire range of general organizational, procedural, and substantive legal institutions meant to ensure a democratically legitimized, open, and transparent administration respecting the rule of law. They are about the 'limiting function' of administrative law: its function to protect individuals from arbitrary power, to legitimize administrative action, and to combat corruption. This book analyses the sources and functions of the pan-European general principles of good administration and seeks to uncover how deeply they are rooted in the domestic legal systems of the CoE Member States. It comprises 28 country reports dedicated to an in-depth exploration of the impact of these standards on the national legal systems of the Member States written by respective experts on these systems. It argues that the pan-European general principles of good administration lead to a certain harmonization of the legal orders of the Member States with regard to the limiting function of administrative law despite the many fundamental differences between their administrative and legal systems. It comes to the further conclusion that the pan-European general principles of good administration can be considered as a concretization of the founding values of the CoE and describes the 'administrative law obligations' a Member State entered into when joining the CoE.
This book presents a comparative study on access to public information in the context of the main legal orders worldwide(inter alia China,France,Germany,Japan,Russia,Sweden,United States).The international team of authors analyzes the Transparency- and Freedom-to-Information legislation with regard to the scope of the right to access, limitations of this right inherent in the respective national laws, the procedure, the relationship with domestic legislation on administrative procedure, as well as judicial protection. It particularly focuses on the Brazilian law establishing the right of access to information, which is interpreted as a benchmark for regulations in other Latin-American states.
Parallel texts in English & French
This volume of the Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, relates to 1986. Its presentation follows that of the previous volume. Part one contains basic texts and information of a general nature; part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; part three with the European Court of Human Rights; part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States and developments within the European Communities. A Bibliography and Index are included.Ce volume de l'Annuaire de la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme, préparé par la Direction des Droits de l'Homme du Conseil de l'Europe, concerne l'année 1986. La première partie contient des textes fondamentaux et des informations de caractère général; la deuxième partie contient les rapports de la Commission européenne des Droits de l'Homme; la troisième partie donne des informations sur la Cour européenne des Droits de l'Homme; la quatrième partie contient les Résolutions du Comité des Ministres; et les cinquième et sixième parties regroupent toutes les autres activités concernant la Convention dans le cadre du Conseil de l'Europe et comprennent des informations sur les débats devant les parlements nationaux et sur les développements au sein des Communautés européennes concernant la protection des droits de l'homme. Le volume se termine avec une bibliographie et un index alphabétique.
This volume of the Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, relates to 2004. Part one contains information on the Convention. Part two deals with the control mechanism of the European Convention on Human Rights: selected judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and human rights (DH) resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; part three groups together the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, and includes the work of the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Directorate General of Human Rights; part four is devoted to information on national legislation and extracts from national judicial decisions concerning rights protected by the Convention. Appendix A contains a bibliography on the Convention, and Appendix B the biographies of the new judges elected to the European Court of Human Rights.