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Preface of the Editors Ce volume prend sa source dans le Colloque en l'honneur de Pierre Dolbeault, organise a l'occasion de son depart a la retraite, a !'initiative des Universites de Paris 6 et de Poitiers. Ce colloque, consacre a l' Analyse Complexe et a la Geometrie Analytique, s'est tenu a Paris, sur le campus de l'Universite Pierreet Marie Curie, du 23 au 26 Juin 1992.11 areuni autour de ces themes une centaine de congressistes, dont de nombreux mathematiciens etrangers (Allemagne, Argentine, Canada, Etats-Unis, Islande, Italie, Pologne, Roumanie, Russie, Suede). Nous avons souhaite prolanger cet hommage par la publication d'un volume dedie a Pierre Dolbeault. Le present recueil d'articles ne constitue pas strictement les actes du Colloque. Nous avons voulu qu'il rassemble uniquement des articles originaux ou synthetiques, qui illustrent l' ceuvre scientifique de Pierre Dolbeault a travers les themes abordes ou la personnalite de leurs auteurs. Nous remercions les conferenciers qui ont bien voulu contribuer a cet ouvrage, et Klas Diederich de l'avoir accueilli dans la collection "Aspects of Mathematics" qu'il dirige. Au nom du Comite d'Organisation du Colloque (C. Laurent-Thiebaut, J. Le Potier, J.B. Poly, J.P. Vigue et nous-memes), nous remercions les institutions qui nous ont apporte leur aide financiere et materielle: les Universites Paris 6 et de Poitiers, la Direction de la Recherche et des Etudes Doctorales, le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et le Ministere de la Recherche et de la Technologie.
The book consists of a presentation from scratch of cycle space methodology in complex geometry. Applications in various contexts are given. A significant portion of the book is devoted to material which is important in the general area of complex analysis. In this regard, a geometric approach is used to obtain fundamental results such as the local parameterization theorem, Lelong' s Theorem and Remmert's direct image theorem. Methods involving cycle spaces have been used in complex geometry for some forty years. The purpose of the book is to systematically explain these methods in a way which is accessible to graduate students in mathematics as well as to research mathematicians. After the background material which is presented in the initial chapters, families of cycles are treated in the last most important part of the book. Their topological aspects are developed in a systematic way and some basic, important applications of analytic families of cycles are given. The construction of the cycle space as a complex space, along with numerous important applications, is given in the second volume. The present book is a translation of the French version that was published in 2014 by the French Mathematical Society.
This introduction to the theory of complex manifolds covers the most important branches and methods in complex analysis of several variables while completely avoiding abstract concepts involving sheaves, coherence, and higher-dimensional cohomology. Only elementary methods such as power series, holomorphic vector bundles, and one-dimensional cocycles are used. Each chapter contains a variety of examples and exercises.
Easily accessible Includes recent developments Assumes very little knowledge of differentiable manifolds and functional analysis Particular emphasis on topics related to mirror symmetry (SUSY, Kaehler-Einstein metrics, Tian-Todorov lemma)
This reference presents the proceedings of an international meeting on the occasion of theUniversity of Bologna's ninth centennial-highlighting the latest developments in the field ofgeometry and complex variables and new results in the areas of algebraic geometry, differential geometry, and analytic functions of one or several complex variables.Building upon the rich tradition of the University of Bologna's great mathematics teachers, thisvolume contains new studies on the history of mathematics, including the algebraic geometrywork of F. Enriques, B. Levi, and B. Segre ... complex function theory ideas of L. Fantappie, B. Levi, S. Pincherle, and G. Vitali ... series theory and logarithm theory contributions of P.Mengoli and S. Pincherle ... and much more. Additionally, the book lists all the University ofBologna's mathematics professors-from 1860 to 1940-with precise indications of eachcourse year by year.Including survey papers on combinatorics, complex analysis, and complex algebraic geometryinspired by Bologna's mathematicians and current advances, Geometry and ComplexVariables illustrates the classic works and ideas in the field and their influence on today'sresearc
Cauchy-Riemann (CR) geometry is the study of manifolds equipped with a system of CR-type equations. Compared to the early days when the purpose of CR geometry was to supply tools for the analysis of the existence and regularity of solutions to the $\bar\partial$-Neumann problem, it has rapidly acquired a life of its own and has became an important topic in differential geometry and the study of non-linear partial differential equations. A full understanding of modern CR geometryrequires knowledge of various topics such as real/complex differential and symplectic geometry, foliation theory, the geometric theory of PDE's, and microlocal analysis. Nowadays, the subject of CR geometry is very rich in results, and the amount of material required to reach competence is daunting tograduate students who wish to learn it.
This volume contains a collection of well-written surveys provided by experts in Global Differential Geometry to give an overview over recent developments in Riemannian Geometry, Geometric Analysis and Symplectic Geometry. The papers are written for graduate students and researchers with a general interest in geometry, who want to get acquainted with the current trends in these central fields of modern mathematics.
This meeting has been motivated by two events: the 85th birthday of Pierre Lelong, and the end of the third year of the European network "Complex analysis and analytic geometry" from the programme Human Capital and Mobility. For the first event, Mathematicians from Poland, Sweden, United States and France, whose work is particularly related to the one ofP. Lelong have accepted to participate; for the second, the different teams of the Network sent lecturers to report on their most recent works. These teams are from Grenoble, Wuppertal, Berlin, Pisa and Paris VI; in fact, most of their results are also related to Lelong's work and, a posteriori, it is difficult to decide whether a talk is motivated by the first or by the second event. We chose only plenary lectures, usually of one hour, except a small number, given by young mathematicians, which have been shorter. A two hours problem session has been organized. The Proceedings gather papers which are exact texts of the talks, or are closely related to them. The members from the Network and five other lecturers sent us papers; the other lecturers published the content of their talks in mathematical Journals. All the presented texts have been submitted to referees independent of the organizing committee; the texts of the problems have been approved by their authors.
In 1960 Wilhelm Stoll joined the University of Notre Dame faculty as Professor of Mathematics, and in October, 1984 the university acknowledged his many years of distinguished service by holding a conference in complex analysis in his honour. This volume is the proceedings of that conference. It was our priviledge to serve, along with Nancy K. Stanton, as conference organizers. We are grateful to the College of Science of the University of Notre Dame and to the National Science Foundation for their support. In the course of a career that has included the publication of over sixty research articles and the supervision of eighteen doctoral students, Wilhelm Stoll has won the affection and respect of his colleagues for his diligence, integrity and humaneness. The influence of his ideas and insights and the subsequent investigations they have inspired is attested to by several of the articles in the volume. On behalf of the conference partipants and contributors to this volume, we wish Wilhelm Stoll many more years of happy and devoted service to mathematics. Alan Howard Pit-Mann Wong VII III ~ c: ... ~ c: o U CI> .r. ~ .... o e ::J ~ o a:: a. ::J o ... (.!:J VIII '" Q) g> a. '" Q) E z '" ..... o Q) E Q) ..c eX IX Participants on the Group Picture Qi-keng LU, Professor, Chinese Academy of Science, Peking, China.