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This 15-hour free course explored key aspects of the economy, society, politics and culture of contemporary Wales from a social science perspective.
Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Wales (1978) draws together recent research specifically on Wales, to overcome the overly-English takes on the ‘social structure of modern Britain’. A pattern of relative social deprivation is outlined, and such symptoms of this deprivation as second home ownership, school closure, economic peripheralism and inadequate social services become the marker of Wales’ marginality. The cultural marker of note is the Welsh language, several of the papers discussing its erosion and the steps taken to preserve and maintain it. While ethnicity serves as an integrating force, there are also divisions based upon class, which are discussed.
This book introduces a social science-based analysis of Wales, providing a contemporary account of politics, culture, society and the economy of Wales. It will introduce and apply some key concepts, theories and debates regarding difference and identities in Wales. -- Welsh Books Council
This consolidation of Wales as a regional/national space of social and economic governance, with increasingly sharp territorial definition has refocused attention on the dynamics of spatial difference within the country. The authors of the book analyse the impact of the changes and the way the Welsh localities stack up against one another, with important conclusions for the economy, policy and governance.
Rich in detail but vigorous, authoritative and unsentimental, A History of Modern Wales is a comprehensive and unromanticised examination of Wales as it was and is. It stresses both the long-term continuities in Welsh history, and also the significant regional differences within the principality.
First published in 1984, this second edition of a highly-regarded survey of the history of Wales in modern times contains fully updated reference material and a new final chapter. "A clear, crisp and thoroughly sensible narrative which will prove a real boon to students and general readers."--The Times Literary Supplement
This is a general textbook organised around ideas of identity and nationhood rather than the usual high political narrative. It incorporates cutting-edge scholarship and new evidential sources to provide novel perspectives. Early Modern Wales considers neglected topics such as gender and women's experiences and examines history beyond the ruling elite.
A collection of essays, the contributors to this volume describe the experiences of Irish migrants who moved to Wales. The essays also examine in depth the social and cultural impact the Irish immigrants made on the country.
This book discusses issues of Welsh literature, history and the vernacular language of the devolved region of Wales (as a part of the United Kingdom of Northern Ireland and Great Britain). In this context, the volume sheds light on various aspects of the identity construction of a small nation with an endangered language, which is a P-Celtic tongue, known for exhibiting many features alien to Indo-European and SAE languages. All the issues tackled here are presented in diachronic and synchronic perspective, allowing for correlations to be drawn with similar problems faced by other cultures. As such, the volume will be of interest to anyone promoting Wales and Welsh culture within and outside the country, as well as journalists, politicians, linguists, literary scholars, historians, and those interested in areal studies focusing on the UK.
This work is intended to examine the main trends in Wales during the century following the Tudor settlement of Wales. Emphasis is placed on the social structure, the framework of government and administration, and the Reformation Settlement. The Stuart accession and its repercussions are also considered in relation to political, economic and cultural affairs, as well as the attitudes of the Welsh gentry to a new environment on the eve of the Civil War. The work makes ample use of contemporary sources to examine each aspect of the political, governmental and religious life of Wales.