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Part of the work that has become Contemplative Masonry first appeared on the internet in 2000 as an anonymously authored guide to the exploration of Freemasonry through contemplative practices like prayer, meditation, breath work, chanting, and visualization. Sixteen years later, the original author of that material, C.R. "Chuck" Dunning, Jr., has come forward with a substantially expanded edition for those seeking to utilize Masonic symbolism and teachings in a way that is practical, accessible, inspiring, and profoundly transformative. Contemplative Masonry is a much-needed resource for Masons seeking to undertake the challenging and rewarding work of deep self-knowledge and self-improvement. Brother Dunning provides Freemasons with a unique system of practices derived directly from the Degrees of Craft Masonry, without reliance upon other religious, spiritual, or esoteric traditions. He also shares the valuable wisdom and insights that come from decades of personal experience with contemplative practices. "I would heartily recommend this book to any Mason who has wondered how he might engage more deeply with the Craft and enhance his quest for light. Brother Dunning has mapped out a practical approach to what he terms contemplative Masonry, which can be practiced by any brother, regardless of his religion or spiritual beliefs. I know of few Masons better qualified to serve as a guide to a specifically Masonic path of spiritual growth." - Jay Kinney, 33 , author of The Masonic Myth and editor of The Inner West "Chuck Dunning takes us on a wonderful and enlightening journey of what has to occur in a man's body, mind, and spirit for him to actually improve himself in Masonry. He discusses the nature of inner work in Freemasonry, and he is eminently qualified to do so. He enlightens us with his wisdom and offers us a number of exercises which can lead us to the true treasure of manhood. This book is a must read for anyone wanting to know what is hidden in the language of Freemasonry." - Robert G. Davis, 33 G.C., author of The Mason's Words and Understanding Manhood in America"
The Contemplative Lodge continues the work of C.R. "Chuck" Dunning, Jr. in providing thoughtful, practical, and accessible guidance for everyone interested in the utilization of contemplative practices, such as meditation, breath work, chanting, and visualization, within a Masonic setting and context. This book specifically addresses the needs of Masons seeking to facilitate or participate in group practices, learning, and support. Brother Dunning hands readers the working tools required to develop themselves as skilled contemplative practitioners, facilitators, teachers, and mentors. He provides many detailed scripts, exercises, and instructions that may be used by Masons in their Lodges or within private group settings. His three decades of experience provide wise and vital insight into the establishment and preservation of the right environment, the benefits and challenges unique to group work, and the most effective methods and approaches to ensure that participants get the most out of group contemplative practice. "Brother Dunning's The Contemplative Lodge picks up where his Contemplative Masonry left off, offering guided exercises to engage members in a meaningful lodge experience. His ideas focus on the inner, symbolic, and speculative aspects of the Craft, encouraging members to seek balance and develop an active, meaningful relationship between themselves and 'the work'. This book provides techniques which transform the theoretical into the practical, showing how speculative and philosophical notions are actualized. Brother Dunning asks us to examine ourselves and our intentions, demonstrating that ritual and reflection (when properly understood and applied) address the needs of the individual, thus contributing to a better society." - Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross, KYCH, Grand Archivist and Grand Historian, Supreme Council, 33°, S.J. "The Contemplative Lodge is an essential read for every member of the Craft. Brother Dunning shows how contemplation lies at the heart of Freemasonry, providing clear, simple-to-follow instructions for Lodges that want to introduce contemplative discussion, group meditation, silent sitting, guided imagery meditation, and more. This book offers essential guidance to every Lodge seeking to encourage the exploration of its processes, symbolism, meaning, and implications for the life of the initiate. Strikingly, rather than adopting these practices from other systems, Brother Dunning looks within Freemasonry itself to find them." - Angel Millar, author of Freemasonry: Foundation of The Western Esoteric Tradition "If your desired Lodge experience is limited to a hot meal, a reading of the minutes, and paying bills, then this is not the book for you. The Contemplative Lodge offers the reader a blueprint for a more spiritual, a more meditative, and a more Masonic Lodge. This is a book for those with a hunger to experience the deeper and more meaningful aspects of Freemasonry. In a nutshell, if you care about Freemasonry, buy this book and put it to use. You, and your lodge, will greatly benefit." - Michael R. Poll, author of Measured Expectations, A Masonic Evolution, and A Lodge at Labor
In The Complete Idiot's Guide to Freemasonry, an expert author reveals the truths and dispels the myths that have surrounded the Freemasons for hundreds of years- Were the first masons 14th-century stone masons and cathedral builders, or can Freemasonry really be traced back as far as Egypt, Babylon, and Palestine? The Masonic insistence on the belief in a Supreme Being The Masons and the Knights Templar True or false- the Masons coordinated the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution. How are Masons initiated, and exactly what goes on in a Masonic lodge? What s the difference between the York Rite and the Scottish Rite, and are there women and African American Freemasons? The Masons in the streets of Washington, DC- a tour
Relying upon insights drawn from Jungian psychology as well as from the Western esoteric tradition's essential sources-Neoplatonism, Kabbalah, and Hermetic thought-W. Kirk MacNulty encourages the reader to reflect deeply upon the symbolism and ceremonies of the Masonic experience.
What does President George Washington have in common with the Buddha, Sakyamuni? Author and teacher, Robert Sachs, brings together the lessons and teachings of these two great men; one an exemplary political figure, the other, the founder of one of the world’s great wisdom traditions. The result is a guidebook to study, carry with you, and apply to cultivate healthy, intelligent, and communication and action inspired by and rooted in civility.
Freemasonry is entirely built around traditions. From time immemorial, those who have belonged to the world's oldest and largest fraternal order have metaphorically passed between the pillars of Solomon's Temple to nurture within themselves a harmonious bond between tradition and modernity. This is the story of the Masonic ritual, the language and ceremonial forms that have evolved into the present structure of American Freemasonry, defined its lodge space, and offered its members the same stablizing influence of instruction that has prevailed on every continent for nearly 400 years. The reader will discover that the language of the world's oldest fraternal society has also made its own interesting journey, and been tested by the most powerful and the most humbling of men. The result is, that, in Masonic lodges across America, and, indeed, the world, men from every walk of life, of all ages, every social category and every spiritual and philosophical conviction are able to find a basis for reflection on who they are, why they are here, and what has meaning to them. By its common language delivered in a common culture of fraternal relationship, Freemasonry is enabled to exemplify a univeral brotherhood of man. This is the story of the Mason's words; the history and evolution of the American Masonic ritual. It is an interesting bit of history that is perhaps all the more fascinating because it is so rarely known.
The ritual of the Masonic Lodge is at a critical point. Many of the Degrees have sections that are not being given because the Craft have not memorized them. We now have to forego sections and deliver them at another time or location, when the necessary people are available to give these lectures. Instant gratification, or the feeling of pleasure without delay, has dealt a traumatic blow to the memorization of our rituals. With the advent of television, computers, and cell phones, the past few decades of initiates have been afforded the reward of instant gratification. Our Masonic memory work does not support this way of thinking. We strive to find pleasure in minor accomplishments, yet these are rarely found in Masonry. Our ritual is not being learned by the younger generations because of lack of time, lack of understanding, and lack of memorization techniques. This book addresses the latter.
A detailed guide to the three successive initiatic archetypes: Craftsman, Warrior, and Magician • Investigates the symbolism, rituals, and metaphysical aspects of each initiatic archetype, from the alchemy and shamanism of the craftsman, to the subtle energy work of the warrior, to the sex magic practices and Higher Self work of the magician • Shares meditations, practices, and transformational techniques for each archetype • Investigates the similarities between contemporary Western occultism, from Crowley to Chaos Magic, and the “positive thinking” mind metaphysics movement Exploring the craftsman, warrior, and magician archetypes--three vocations that echo the traditional tripartite division of society--Angel Millar reveals how these archetypes represent the three successive stages of spiritual growth in an individual’s life. He shows how they provide structure for the initiatory process to develop one’s mental, physical, and spiritual potential. As craftsman, the individual experiences “mnemonic” initiation: the cultivation of memory as well as language. As warrior, “somatic” initiation: development of the physical body and cultivation of the spirit body. And as magician, “gnostic” initiation: cultivation of the self and manifestation of the Higher Self. Investigating the metaphysical aspects of each archetype, the author explores their symbolism, spiritual practices, and rituals. Examining the craftsman archetype, he looks at metallurgy, alchemy, and the “Craft” of Freemasonry, as well as the ancient role of blacksmith as shaman. He explores the idea of God as a “Creator” or “Craftsman,” especially in relation to ancient Greek philosophy, Islamic neoplatonism, and the Kabbalah. Examining the warrior archetype, he reveals how the way of the warrior was affected by religion and mysticism, such as how the Persian martial art of Zoorkhaneh was profoundly shaped by Sufism and why the Buddhist Shaolin temple became synonymous with Kung Fu. The author places special emphasis on the cultivation of subtle energy as practiced in martial arts, especially in relation to Taoist inner alchemy. Examining the magician archetype, he reveals how each individual has two “selves”--a lower self and a Higher Self--and explores the union of opposites studied by the magician, such as in the tantric arts and sacred sex magic. Sharing meditations, practices, and processes associated with each archetype, as well as techniques for transforming one’s consciousness, he also investigates similarities between contemporary Western occultism, from Crowley to Chaos Magic, and the “positive thinking” mind metaphysics movement. Structured to parallel the three archetypal stages of the initiatic process, this comprehensive guide offers a literary initiation through three degrees of esoteric knowledge.
The author's home lodge is different. They suffer from higher than 100% attendance, men wait periods of longer than a year to get initiated, they have never lost a single Entered Apprentice, they have nobody on the roles who is NPD or has been dropped for NPD. Men arrive on lodge days at 8:00 a.m. and are often reluctently leaving for home near midnight or 2:00 a.m. Their dues are high by American standards, the background check is rigorous, and the initiations are solemn and serious. Every lodge meeting is treated as an event and celebrated as such. Dinner is treated as a feast with all its positive connotations. Freemasonry is celebrated in every aspect of the lodge. From the artwork, the furnishings, the set up and the atomosopher; all aspects of the lodge meeting are intentional and meant to create an experience. The Lodge is a Traditional Observance Lodge or T.O. Lodge as it is called by some. Like all labels, the Traditional Observance label has caused fear and fright, anger and frustration, confusion, and edicts. It has also helped to define the practices that make the author's lodge one of the most successful lodges in the United States by any standard one might choose to measure it. This book does not claim to provide a Masonic magic pill for the ailing lodges of the world. Nor does it claim in any fashion or form that the way this author's lodge operates is the only way or the best way to operate. What this book does is explain the the Traditional Observance model and encourages ideas in the area of increasing the lodge experience and allowing quality to become the watchword over every aspect of Freemasonry. The writings contains a mixture of personal experiences, practicle advice, and real life examples for creating a Traditional Observance lodge or increasing your lodges fulfillment.