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La Biblia contiene la única verdad que salva de los horrendos efectos del pecado en la humanidad. Junto a ella vemos lado a lado al joven y al anciano, al sabio y al necio, al rico y al pobre, buscando en sus paginas la única verdad que sacia la sed del alma. La Biblia ha sido la causa de innumerables obras de caridad a favor de los menos afortunados. A ella debemos innumerables centros para niños huérfanos, acilos para ancianos, innumerables clínicas y hospitales para la asistencia médica de los pobres; planes de viviendas, alimentos y muchas mas obras benéficas. Encuentre en ella un raudal de bendiciones para su alma y para la vida cotidiana. Léala, practique sus enseñanzas y tendrá vida eterna.
The book contains twenty-one interviews with those who are unanimously considered the greatest pioneers in the scientific field of the History of Education, having opened new avenues of investigation and promoted works of considerable magnitude and depth, which have since become treasured assets for the entire scientific community. Each interview covers their biography and academic careers, highlighting not only their successes, but also the difficulties they encountered in the workplace. From the pages emerge useful hints and tips for those who today are venturing into the world of History of Education research, alongside the enthusiasm and curiosity that have unfailingly distinguished the work of each of these pioneers, in whose footsteps we continue to walk.
The last two decades have seen a broad expansion of the ayahuasca religions, and it has also witnessed, especially since the millennium, an explosion of studies into the spiritual uses of ayahuasca. Ayahuasca Religions grew out of the need for an ordering of the profusion of titles related to this subject that are now appearing. This publication offers a map of the global production of literature on this theme. Three researchers located in different cities (Beatriz Caiuby Labate in São Paulo, Rafael Guimarães dos Santos in Barcelona, and Isabel Santana de Rose in Florianapolis, Brazil) worked in a virtual research group for a year to compile a list of bibliographical references on Santo Daime, Barquinha, UDV and urban ayahuasqueiros, including the specialized academic literature as well as esoteric and experiential writings produced by participants of these churches. Ayahuasca Religions presents the results of that collaboration. Ayahuasca Religions includes two essays commenting on aspects of the bibliography. The first presents a profile of these religious groups, including their history and expansion, and a general assessment of the principal characteristics, tendencies, and perspectives evident in the literature about them. The second essay summarizes the most important studies of human subjects in the context of Santo Daime, Unio do Vegetal and Barquinha, evaluating their results, contributions, and limitations. The essay also offers some preliminary anthropological reflections on biomedical research of ayahuasca.
Keith Whinnom, Professor of Spanish and Deputy Vice-Chancellor in the University of Exeter, died on March 6, 1986. He was one of the leading hispanists of his generation, and a world authority on the literature of the reign of the Catholic Monarchs (and, in a quite different area, on pidgin and creole languages). The contributors to this memorial volume are all specialists in the literature of Keith Whinnom’s chosen period, and all had close links with him, through personal friendship, research collaboration, and correspondence. They include his most admired teacher, two young scholars whom he helped at the outset of their careers, and representatives of the academic generations in between; they come from Britain, Spain, the United States, Argentina and France. Most of the articles deal with the favorite Whinnom subjects of cancionero poetry, sentimental romance, and Celestina, and there are others on historiography, humanistic prose, chivalric romance, sermons, drama, and the interaction of history and literature. A bibliography of Keith Whinnom’s scholarly writings is included.
En este libro encontrarA nociones claras y conocimientos bAsicos de la doctrina cristiana, algo primordial para todo creyente, ya que lo que creemos influencia la forma en que vivimos, y cada creyente debe saber claramente lo que cree. Paso a paso el autor va exponiendo de una manera sencilla y dinAmica los principales temas doctrinales de la fe que confesamos. Aprenda respuestas rApidas para exponer mejor su fe Algunos temas incluyen: - El lugar de la Biblia en la fe cristiana - La perspectiva bIblica de la creaciOn - Dios y su providencia - El nacimiento del mesIas prometido - Vida terrenal, sufrimientos y muerte de JesUs - La persona del EspIritu Santo - El poder de la fe en la vida cristiana - La gran importancia de la oraciOn - La comunidad de la iglesia - La importancia del bautismo y la cena del SeNor - La resurrecciOn de los muertos y el juicio final - y mucho mAs