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Habermas describes Knowledge and Human Interests as an attempt to reconstruct the prehistory of modern positivism with the intention of analysing the connections between knowledge and human interests. Convinced of the increasing historical and social importance of the natural and behavioural sciences, Habermas makes clear how crucial it is to understand the central meanings and justifications of these sciences. He argues that for too long the relationship between philosophy and science has been distorted. In this extraordinarily wide-ranging book, Habermas examines the principal positions of modern philosophy - Kantianism, Marxism, positivism, pragmatism, hermeneutics, the philosophy of science, linguistic philosophy and phenomenology - to lay bare the structure of the processes of enquiry that determine the meaning and the validity of all our statements which claim objectivity. This edition contains a postscript written by Habermas for the second German edition of Knowledge and Human Interests.
Discurso y conocimiento se trata de un libro sobre las maneras que tienen los usuarios del lenguaje en gestionar el conocimiento en el discurso. Trata sobre el tipo de conocimiento general, sociocultural, que periodistas y lectores, entre muchos otros usuarios del lenguaje, han de tener para ser capaces de escribir o leer y comprender una noticia, para participar en una conversación, para dictar una clase o participar en reuniones profesionales, así como para muchos otros géneros de discursos. Hay muchos miles de libros sobre conocimiento, en variadas disciplinas, y muchos cientos de libros sobre discurso. Sin embargo, pese a las múltiples e interesantes relaciones entre las dos nociones, no existe ni siquiera una monografía que, sistemáticamente, se centre en el estudio de esas relaciones. La intención de este libro es, justamente, hacer eso. En esta monografía hemos mostrado, necesariamente a los más altos y, por lo tanto, más superficiales niveles, que el estudio del conocimiento se debe llevar a cabo de una manera profundamente integrada, como acabamos de mostrar en las últimas décadas para el estudio del discurso.
This book presents an innovative theoretical and methodological approach to study information literacy in higher education contexts. While mainstream studies tend to see information literacy as a technical and universal process, this book proposes a theoretical and methodological framework to study information literacy from a sociocultural perspective, highlighting the importance of the social and cultural contexts in which information literacy develops. This situated approach demands that research data must be analysed in relation to the contexts in which they emerge, so the book proposes a research method based on the study of personal histories and stories, learning situations and intersubjective relationships to characterize the different information profiles of different information users. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach that combines contributions from educational research, psychology and information sciences, the authors first present a theoretical discussion to argue in favor of the sociocultural paradigm to study information literacy, then present their methodological proposal to observe informational competencies among higher education students, and finally present the results of an empirical study to identify different information literacy profiles among Latin American students and teachers. Breaking with the hegemonic paradigm in the field, Information Literacy in Higher Education – A Sociocultural Perspective provides useful and innovative tools to researchers working in different areas of the social sciences, such as education, psychology, linguistics and information sciences.
Detrás del estreno de una película, existe una cuidada estrategia en la que se llevan a cabo distintas acciones con un objetivo común: conseguir un buen debut en cines y, por extensión, un recorrido comercial óptimo en el resto de las ventanas de explotación. Este libro aborda la promoción de una película de manera global. El lector descubrirá, de la mano de sus autores, las principales herramientas y estrategias que la empresa audiovisual tiene a su disposición durante toda la cadena de generación de valor de un título: desde la idea creativa hasta el día de su proyección en salas. Por un lado se exponen los procesos, estrategias, materiales y medios que forman parte de una campaña de marketing cinematográfico para explicar, posicionar y promocionar un título entre los espectadores potenciales. En segundo lugar se abordan las técnicas que proporciona la investigación de mercado para definir productos más afines, dimensionar la película y conocer mejor el público objetivo (target) al que nos dirigimos. Por último se explican las posibilidades de promoción que ofrecen las redes sociales al sector del entretenimiento, especialmente en uno de los nichos de audiencia más esquivo: los jóvenes.
Apart from considering classical theories of justice from Aristotle, Plato, Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Bible, and the Quran, the aim of Justice and Law is to focus on the contemporary vista, reviewing some of the modern ideas of justice advanced by legal philosophers of our time, such as John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas, Ronald Dworkin, Robert Nozick, Richard A. Posner, Wojciech Sadurski, Marxism, or Feminist Theories. In the second part of the work, María José Falcón y Tella deals with some of the principal themes relating to justice, such as punishment, civil disobedience, conscientious objection, just war, conflict of duties, and tolerance.
Freedom does not mean absence of coaction, which on the other hand is impossible for the limited human being (evidently through the elemental economic and material conditions). Freedom is referred to the responsibility that makes of autonomy a critizable authority. Therefore, justification is included in freedom and is born of the committed rationality of human being (who iconoclastically is able to eclypse manipulations and servility-)- In this sense, the democracy and utopia of freedom are mutually grounded if one does not understand utopia as an ideology or dogma to be applied over the person or the society. The opposition determinism-freedom should be overcome, hence, through a pragmatic attitude allowing freedom for individual and social creativity.