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The book discusses some basics about computer security and some of the strategies that personal computer users take to try to keep their machine safe. It also discusses the dangers that many people and governments face from people misusing computer resources and some of the strategies that the United States Federal Government is taking to help keep its citizens safe. The book also robotics used from a distance to help disabled people recreate and work across countries.
This book discusses the process of investigating and analyzing electronic equipment, detecting devices, wireless signals, and the prosecution and prevention of high tech crime. The coauthors are from private industry and academia and really provide a wide variety of perspectives on the detection of electronic eavesdropping devices, wiretaps, various electronic signals, and the collection and examination of information from laptops, desktop computers, and PDAs. Kenneth Bruno does an excellent job teaching the reader about all the equipment used in electronic eavesdropping detection. We also introduce the reader to various pieces of electronic equipment used to detect and identify explosives, biochemical weapons, as well as historic unexploded ordinance. The reader is also introduced to the legal system by Mr. Joel Liebesfeld who does corporate investigations and is often employed by clients who are in the legal profession or insurance industry. Mr. Joel Liebesfeld and Dr. Doherty discuss the process of becoming an expert witness who may testify to what was found using scientific methods in combination with electronic signal detection or computer forensic equipment. We hope that the readership of the book will include high school students considering a career in private industry, law enforcement, intelligence agencies, or the military. A background in electronics, math, and computer science is helpful but not necessary in reading this book. Lockards Principle of Exchange specifies that two objects or people that come in contact with each other will change. We hope that this book changes you by increasing your understanding of electronic devices, investigation, and the justice system.
This "Everyone" book attempts to the guide the reader through the more essential steps of understanding the basic principles or elements that constitute the daily work of investigators in fields relating to computing and electrical loss. The chapter's are meant to set a foundation for people who may want to enter the field of investigations, or are at the beginning of a career in the area, or are seasoned investigators looking to delve into more contemporary areas of investigations, or for persons that are just interested in reading about matters or topics that are currently revealed in differing forms of media, such as in the successful TV drama series "CSI." The book is formatted sequentially so that the reader can review important legal matters that are a part of most investigations and then go on to peruse the elements of basic electrical principles as they apply to certain types of fire and fault losses. These beginning chapters set a broad stage for the various areas of computing that follow. The book does not necessarily have to be read in the order that it was written. In a sense, the reader may choose to use the book as a reference book. The chapters were written, for the most part, to be able to stand alone, as monographs. There are many chapters that review a broad range of more common topics and there are chapters concerned with more esoteric areas of computing and electronics. Some of these chapters discuss the high-tech methods that are sometimes deployed by thieves, terrorists, pedophiles, stalkers, etc. All of the co-authors reflect their experience as individuals that work closely with the criminal justice and civil institutions.
This book discusses a variety of topics such as cell phone seizure and examination, electrical fire investigation, potential vulnerabilities when using historic electrical devices, interpersonal conduct in the Middle East, Russia, and the USA, intellectual property theft, spy cases, and various motivations for crime in a manner that everyone can understand. We also discuss various test equipment and software used for collecting evidence from both physical evidence and invisible radio frequency artifacts. We also discuss electronic equipment that is used to destroy various documents as well as both human and automated processes used to reconstruct small shreds of paper. We discuss real cases regarding document reconstruction such as the American Embassy in Iran and the recently discovered East German (secret police) Stasi shredded records. We also discuss the Hanssen spying case using a PDA and low tech techniques such as the dead drop. Lastly, Jeff Marsh, a brilliant man who became disabled due to an unfortunate accident, demonstrates with the help of Dr. Doherty, various devices such as clocks and mustard jars with concealed purposes that may be used by undercover surveillance professionals or private investigators in a variety of settings, once proper approval is given. Jeff also discusses recreation and conversation as a means of exercising our intellect and informally learning from other people.
This book takes both a historical and personal views of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. The historical view is provided by Dr. Devine, Joel Liebesfeld, Todd Liebesfeld, Esq., and Prof. Schuber. The personal view is presented by Dr. Doherty who discusses the account of Robert J. Walsh, a U.S. Army 34th Infantry soldier telephone lineman, who was stationed near Nagasaki. Robert took approximately 275 pictures for his photo album with a simple Kodak camera. Many of the pictures are at ground zero and show the devastation of the atomic bomb as well as a marker for the epicenter. Robert was also electrocuted on high voltage wires and fell off a telephone pole to the ground. His back was broken in three places and he was put in a coma so that he would stay still and the back could be fused. While in a coma, Robert was lost in one of the nearby hospitals. His mother received a telegram that he was lost. His mother was completely beside herself and turned to Congressman Fred A. Hartley Jr. for help. Congressman Hartley launched an investigation and found Robert in a hospital in Japan. Robert was in a body cast for two years, part of it in a coma, but did not get a bed sore due to the results of a Japanese nurse named Snowball who invented a special medical instrument that she used with Robert. Robert was brought back home and brought back to Walter Reed Hospital where doctors used innovative techniques to help him heal and walk again. The book also ends with Robert as a senior citizen who lives a normal life leading a dance group at his retirement center.
Approximately 80 percent of the worlds population now owns a cell phone, which can hold evidence or contain logs about communications concerning a crime. Cameras, PDAs, and GPS devices can also contain information related to corporate policy infractions and crimes. Aimed to prepare investigators in the public and private sectors, Digital Forensics
It is your eighteenth birthday and one of your parents must die. You are the one who decides. Who do you pick? In a dying world, the Offset ceremony has been introduced to counteract and discourage procreation. It is a rule that is simultaneously accepted, celebrated and abhorred. But in this world, survival demands sacrifice so for every birth, there must be a death. Professor Jac Boltanski is leading Project Salix, a ground-breaking new mission to save the world by replanting radioactive Greenland with genetically-modified willow trees. But things aren’t working out and there are discrepancies in the data. Has someone intervened to sabotage her life’s work? In the meantime, her daughter Miri, an anti-natalist, has run away from home. Days before their Offset ceremony where one of her mothers must be sentenced to death, she is brought back against her will following a run-in with the law. Which parent will Miri pick to die: the one she loves, or the one she hates who is working to save the world? File Under: Science Fiction [ Only One Leaves | The Choice is Yours | Last Hope | Counting Down ]
This book presents a compilation of the most recent implementation of artificial intelligence methods for solving different problems generated by the COVID-19. The problems addressed came from different fields and not only from medicine. The information contained in the book explores different areas of machine and deep learning, advanced image processing, computational intelligence, IoT, robotics and automation, optimization, mathematical modeling, neural networks, information technology, big data, data processing, data mining, and likewise. Moreover, the chapters include the theory and methodologies used to provide an overview of applying these tools to the useful contribution to help to face the emerging disaster. The book is primarily intended for researchers, decision makers, practitioners, and readers interested in these subject matters. The book is useful also as rich case studies and project proposals for postgraduate courses in those specializations.
This book discusses the fundamentals of emergency management. The four phases of emergency management are discussed in detail throughout the book. These phases are mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery with respect to floods, earthquakes, storms, and other man made as well as natural disasters. This book uses easy to understand examples that also include populations such as senior citizens and the disabled. There are numerous chapters that show the progression of emergency management equipment and how it was used through the last four centuries in the United States. There is also a section on the atomic age which explains radiation, fallout, and some warning systems that are in place to warn the public in case of nuclear accidents such as Three Mile Island. There are also some never seen photos of Nagasaki shortly after the blast in World War Two. We will also meet Uncle Bob who sometimes worked in the hot zone and was later electrocuted, injured his spine, and was in a coma for a while. We will also discuss some of the issues with electrical burns too. Later chapters include the topic of telemedicine and the technology used in telemedicine. Telemedicine becomes important to serve rural communities around the world where people may not have access to quality health care usually available in cities.
It is predicted that robots will surpass human intelligence within the next fifty years. The ever increasing speed of advances in technology and neuroscience, coupled with the creation of super computers and enhanced body parts and artificial limbs, is paving the way for a merger of both human and machine. Devices which were once worn on the body are now being implanted into the body, and as a result, a class of true cyborgs, who are displaying a range of skills beyond those of normal humans-beings, are being created. There are cyborgs which can see colour by hearing sound, others have the ability to detect magnetic fields, some are equipped with telephoto lenses to aid their vision or implanted computers to monitor their heart, and some use thought to communicate with a computer or to manipulate a robotic arm. This is not science-fiction, these are developments that are really happening now, and will continue to develop in the future. However, a range of legal and policy questions has arisen alongside this rise of artificial intelligence. Cyber-Humans provides a deep and unique perspective on the technological future of humanity, and describes how law and policy will be particularly relevant in creating a fair and equal society and protecting the liberties of different life forms which will emerge in the 21st century. Dr Woodrow (Woody) Barfield previously headed up the Sensory Engineering Laboratory, holding the position of Industrial and Systems Engineering Professor at the University of Washington. His research revolves around the design and use of wearable computers and augmented reality systems and holds both JD and LLM degrees in intellectual property law and policy. He has published over 350 articles and major presentations in the areas of computer science, engineering and law. He currently lives in Chapel Hill, NC, USA.