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The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2, provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account of the main methodologies, contexts and resources in Spanish Language Teaching (SLT), a field that has experienced significant growth world-wide in recent decades and has consolidated as an autonomous discipline within Applied Linguistics. Written entirely in Spanish, the volume is the first handbook on Spanish Language Teaching to connect theories on language teaching with methodological and practical aspects from an international perspective. It brings together the most recent research and offers a broad, multifaceted view of the discipline. Features include: Forty-four chapters offering an interdisciplinary overview of SLT written by over sixty renowned experts from around the world; Five broad sections that combine theoretical and practical components: Methodology; Language Skills; Formal and Grammatical Aspects; Sociocultural Aspects; and Tools and Resources; In-depth reflections on the practical aspects of Hispanic Linguistics and Spanish Language Teaching to further engage with new theoretical ideas and to understand how to tackle classroom-related matters; A consistent inner structure for each chapter with theoretical aspects, methodological guidelines, practical considerations, and valuable references for further reading; An array of teaching techniques, reflection questions, language samples, design of activities, and methodological guidelines throughout the volume. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching contributes to enriching the field by being an essential reference work and study material for specialists, researchers, language practitioners, and current and future educators. The book will be equally useful for people interested in curriculum design and graduate students willing to acquire a complete and up-to-date view of the field with immediate applicability to the teaching of the language.
“The next day he came for my children. The time to go had come.... The river was very strong and very cold.... When I heard the sound of the helicopter, my heart pounded....” Choices must be made whether bad or good. I went from hot El Salvador to cold Canada, but my faith kept me cool and kept me warm and safe, just like I kept my family. The Salvadorian civil war didn’t kill me, the Rio Grande didn’t drown me, la migra didn’t catch me, Canadian winters haven’t frozen me. Yet. Many people have had trials and tribulations and chose the wrong attitude to get through them. I did the same until I truly listened to my heart and the voice of God. Using His map, I took my family from the dark into the light. I didn’t know how to swim, speak English, shovel snow, drive, or sometimes feed my family. But I am a survivor, a fierce wife and an even fiercer mother. Some people say I’m tougher than nails. My life shows that determination and faith—and strength—can lead to wonders. I hope my story can inspire people—my children, my grandchildren, everybody.
En enero de 1959 un Comité del Senado en los EU investigaba las actividades de la mafia. Participaban en ello los hermanos John y Robert Kennedy. La DEA solicitó la extradición de los mafiosos residentes en Cuba. La negativa de Castro a esa solicitud originó el gran cisma entre ambas naciones. Este primer volumen recoge cronológicamente la vida y obra del joven Fidel Castro, desde 1945, hasta su ascenso al poder en enero de 1959 y el Golpe de Estado que le dio al Presidente Urrutia en julio de ese año. Altos oficiales conspiraban para quitarlo del poder. Alertado por la KGB, Castro destruyó la conspiración y estableció una sólida alianza con la mafia. El segundo volumen en el cual Gutiérrez ahora trabaja, comienza con estos hechos y concluye el viernes 22 de Noviembre de 1963, el momento en Dallas que transformó América y el mundo. In January 1959, a U.S. Senate Committee, of which John and Robert Kennedy were members, was investigating Mafia activities. The DEA asked Castro for the extradition of Mafiosos living in Cuba, and Castro’s denial of this request started the schism between the two nations. This first volume gathers chronologically information about the life and deeds of the young Fidel Castro, from 1945 until his ascendance to power on January 1959, and the Coup of President Urrutia in July of that year. High ranking officials conspired to take Castro out of power. Alerted by the KGB, Castro worked to destroy the conspiracy and establish his solid alliance with the Mafia. The second volume, on which Gutierrez is now working, begins with these actions and concludes on Friday, November 22, 1963, the moment in Dallas that changed America and the world.
After a year in peace, the time for a new adventure is here. Soleil, along with her friends, Sky, Selene and Leo must awaken the moon power before the Red Moon sheds the last tear of blood. They will have to face new dangers, they will suffer great losses, they will make big sacrifices, The journey will take them to visit new places, meet new enemies, new allies, new battles. Soleil will have to do her best to get the help of the Amazonian queen Hipolita if she wants to get out of the Amazon River alive. After new challenges and new powers, Soleil will have to trust Selene to survive this dangerous adventure. To win, this time Soleil will have to lose more than she is willing to offer. Tras un ano en calma, el momento de una nueva aventura se acerca. Soleil, junto a sus amigos, Sky, Selene y Leo deberan despertar el poder lunar antes que La Luna Roja derrame la ultima lagrima de sangre. Deberan enfrentar nuevos peligros, sufriran grandes perdidas, se haran sacrificios, visitaran nuevos lugares, conoceran nuevos enemigos, nuevos aliados, nuevas batallas. Soleil, tendra que idearselas para conseguir la ayuda de la reina amazonica Hipolita si desea salir con vida del rio amazonas. Tras nuevos retos y poderes, Soleil tendra que confiar en Selene para sobrevivir a esta peligrosa aventura. Para vencer, esta vez Soleil debera perder mas de lo que esta dispuesta a ofrecer.
In the continuing U.S. debate over illegal immigration, a human face has rarely been shown. The topic has been presented as a monolithic abstraction, a creation of statistics, political rhetoric, and fear. This collection of letters between undocumented immigrants in California and their families back home reveals the other side of the story. Published for the first time in paperback, Between the Lines reveals the often poignant human drama currently being played out along the U.S.-Mexico border. The letters, presented in Spanish and English, express powerful feelings of hope, uncertainty, and fear among the undocumented travelers as they arrive in the United States and seek work, social support and legal status. The letters from their families in Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador return feelings of hope, love, and support. Translator/editor Siems provides a powerful and lyrical introductory essay that sets the stage for the letters that follow.
Score your highest on the Spanish-translated GED Passing the GED provides Spanish-speakers with expanded job and educational opportunities, like attending college or starting a successful career. El GED en Espanol Para Dummies is a comprehensive study guide for native Spanish-speakers preparing to take the GED exam. You'll get hands-on, essential test preparation help on everything you need to know-from registering and studying effectively to managing your time during the exam. Hands-on training in each of the five main subject areas: Writing, Reading, Social Studies, Science, and Math. Fresh and relevant example questions Two full practice tests with detailed walk-throughs and explanations for every solution If you're one of the thousands of native Spanish-speakers looking for an all-in-one study guide for El GED en Espanol, this hands-on, friendly guide is your ticket for scoring your highest on exam day!
El contenido de este libro es extremadamente complicado pero fácil de entender. Los temas están divididos en quince encuentros conversacionales entre un profesor universitario retirado y un joven estudiante. Ambos desarrollan una amistad extraordinaria y los temas tratados revelan que hay un misterio espiritual en un lugar no circunscrito y no antes explorado en nuestra vida. Debemos entender que como resultado de nuestras experiencias adquiridas todos tenemos una forma de pensar, de actuar y ver la vida. Por esta razón, es posible que alguno de los temas tratados entre en conflicto con la manera de pensar que hasta ahora hayas tenido. Pero al analizarlos, y entenderlos estos se incorporan a nuestro conocimiento creando cambios de ideas y los conflictos intelectuales se desvanecen. Entonces despertamos a un nuevo amanecer. Seremos felices, prospero, tendremos abundancia, buenas amistades, salud y energía para controlar el dolor, suprimir enfermedades y todo aquello en la mayoría de las veces te maltrata y te abusa. La decisión de explorar esa nueva realidad, constituye el primer paso hacia la iluminación. Aumentaras tu conocimiento y cambiaras tu manera de pensar y ver la vida. Porque, "cuando la mente conoce, al cuerpo no le queda otra cosa que cambiar". El camino resultara muy agradable y comprenderás que "lo importante no es llegar si no que vas de camino"
Te invito a usar tus ojos de una manera diferente. Redescubre el verdadero sentido del mirar: hazlo con los verdaderos ojos, los del espíritu. Cuando aceptes esta invitación, podrás lanzar UNA MIRADA AL CIELO y encontrarás una maravillosa sorpresa: el descubrimiento del paraíso y la vida eterna que se abre ante ti. Realiza conmigo este viaje y encuentra los designios que Dios me ha revelado para ti. Descubre, a través de la lectura de esta obra testimonial, experiencias por las que he pasado yo misma y por las que han pasado otros, y una respuesta a las interrogantes existenciales: ¿Qué es la muerte física? ¿Qué hay más allá de ella? ¿Somos solo polvo que se extingue y lleva el viento o somos un espíritu que trasciende? ¿Existe un juicio superior después de la muerte? Y si es así, ¿quién lo hace? ¿Existe Dios? ¿Qué es el purgatorio? ¿Qué es la vida eterna? ¿Cómo deberé vivir en el aquí y en el ahora para tener derecho a una vida mejor? Como adelanto, quiero decirte que este viaje no tiene fi n. Es apenas un breve itinerario, pero ten cuidado, porque necesitas ir preparado. Como equipaje, debes llevar un corazón sensible y abierto, una actitud humilde para aceptar lo que descubras durante el trayecto y una mente alejada de toda crítica, porque solo de esta manera podrás darle uso a tus nuevos ojos. Pronto estarás de regreso para continuar con la cotidianeidad de tu existencia, y tal vez, después de lanzar UNA MIRADA AL CIELO, tu corazón, tu espíritu y tu mente encontrarán el verdadero sentido de la felicidad y la clave para vivir eternamente en el paraíso, en compañía de Dios y tus seres queridos. ¿Qué esperas? ¡Acompáñame!