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Atraer a tu alma gemela es como embarcarse en un misterioso viaje a las profundidades de tu ser, un viaje que comienza en el corazón de tu alma. En esta aventura espiritual, te invitamos a explorar el territorio desconocido del amor auténtico y a prepararte para el encuentro con tu otra mitad espiritual. Este diario es un compañero inestimable para quienes desean sintonizar con el amor y ser encantados, amados y deseados por su pareja, ya sea su alma gemela o su compañero de vida. A través de meditaciones profundas, momentos de silencio que le llevarán más allá del velo, donde su alma gemela espera su encuentro. Además, con 301 preguntas tan profundas como hilos de plata, te conducirán a un estado de conciencia más profundo y te ayudarán a definir quién eres realmente y qué buscas en una relación. Estas preguntas te guiarán en tu camino de autoexploración y comprensión de la dinámica de las relaciones. Además, con 100 afirmaciones a modo de mantras sagrados, diseñadas para transformar tu mentalidad, disolver las cadenas de los miedos y la resistencia, y preparar tu corazón para la llegada del amor. Estas poderosas afirmaciones te ayudarán a desarrollar un auténtico magnetismo social y a transmitir amor en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Este viaje interior te enseñará a desarrollar las cualidades que buscas en los demás, a encarnar el amor en cada encuentro y en cada momento de tu vida. Porque el amor es una elección, una decisión que debe renovarse constantemente, con cada respiración, con cada latido del corazón. Querido viajero del alma, toma esta obra: "Cómo atraer a tu alma gemela", y prepárate para el increíble viaje hacia una vida llena de amor, alegría y conexión profunda. Tu destino de amor te espera, y estás listo para embarcarte en él.
¿Alguna vez has deseado una vida más plena, llena de amor, éxito y felicidad? ¿Estás buscando un camino que te pueda llevar a manifestar tus sueños y convertirlos en realidad? Bueno, entonces estás en el lugar correcto. Nuestro libro, “La Ley de la Atracción: Cómo utilizar el magnetismo personal para transformar tus deseos en realidad” es una guía esclarecedora y práctica que te llevará a través del profundo y fascinante mundo de las Leyes de la Atracción. Estas leyes son mucho más que una Concepto abstracto; son una herramienta poderosa que puede ayudarte a darle forma a tu vida de maneras que quizás nunca hayas imaginado. En estas páginas descubrirás cómo puedes convertirte en el director de tu vida, atrayendo experiencias, relaciones, abundancia y alegría. Aprenderás a sintonizarte con el universo y emitir vibraciones positivas que atraerán lo que deseas. A través de ejemplos y ejercicios prácticos, te guiarán en un viaje que te enseñará a superar bloqueos mentales, miedos y dudas, y a reconectar con tu fuerza interior. No importa si eres principiante o si ya has experimentado su poder, encontrarás en este texto una fuente de inspiración y sabiduría que te acompañará en cada paso del camino. Prepárate para experimentar una transformación profunda, redescubrir tu capacidad de crear la realidad que deseas y comenzar un viaje extraordinario hacia una vida llena de significado, alegría y éxito. Estamos seguros de que una vez que comiences a leer este libro, no podrás evitar querer aplicar las Leyes de Atracción en tu vida, convirtiendo cada sueño en realidad. Es hora de empezar a vivir la vida que siempre has soñado. ¿Estás listo?
Women make up the vast majority of activists and organizers of grassroots movements fighting against environmental ills that threaten poor and people of color communities. [This] collection of essays ... pays tribute to the ... contributions women have made in these endeavors. The writers offer varied examples of environmental justice issues such as children's environmental-health campaigns, cancer research, AIDS/HIV activism, the Environmental Genome Project, and popular culture, among many others. Each one focuses on gender and sexuality as crucial factors in women's or gay men's activism and applies environmental justice principles to related struggles for sexual justice. Drawing on a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives, the contributors offer multiple vantage points on gender, sexuality, and activism.-Back cover.
Practice-as-Research: In Performance and Screen presents a thoroughgoing exploration of the major fissures of established knowledge created by a new trans-disciplinary, worldwide project for the twenty-first century. Focussing on the most fleeting and yet pervasive practices of the performance and screen arts, it both documents and analyses the practical-theoretical integration of hands-on creative and scholarly methods of research. Through an innovative combination of manuscript, catalogue and digital multi-media formats, it aims to embody the principles of performance and screen practice-as-research in its structure and design – making book pages and DVD images mutually illuminating. With over fifty practitioner-researcher contributors, Practice-as-Research constitutes the most comprehensive presentation of this sometimes controversial and frequently fresh way of doing things with an imaginative convergence of artistic and scholarly processes.
Do environmental problems and processes produce violence? Current U.S. policy about environmental conflict and scholarly work on environmental security assume direct causal links between population growth, resource scarcity, and violence. This belief, a staple of governmental decision-making during both Clinton administrations and widely held in the environmental security field, depends on particular assumptions about the nature of the state, the role of population growth, and the causes of environmental degradation.The conventional understanding of environmental security, and its assumptions about the relation between violence and the environment, are challenged and refuted in Violent Environments. Chapters by geographers, historians, anthropologists, and sociologists include accounts of ethnic war in Indonesia, petro-violence in Nigeria and Ecuador, wildlife conservation in Tanzania, and "friendly fire" at Russia's nuclear weapons sites. Violent Environments portrays violence as a site-specific phenomenon rooted in local histories and societies, yet connected to larger processes of material transformation and power relations. The authors argue that specific resource environments, including tropical forests and oil reserves, and environmental processes (such as deforestation, conservation, or resource abundance) are constituted by and in part constitute the political economy of access to and control over resources. Violent Environments demands new approaches to an international set of complex problems, powerfully arguing for deeper, more ethnographically informed analyses of the circumstances and processes that cause violence.
When the Past Is Always Present: Emotional Traumatization, Causes, and Cures introduces several new ideas about trauma and trauma treatment. The first of these is that another way to treat disorders arising from the mind/brain may be to use the senses. This idea, which is at the core of psychosensory therapy, forms what the author considers the "third pillar" of trauma treatment (the first and second pillars being psychotherapy and psychopharmacology). Psychosensory therapy postulates that sensory input—for example, touch—creates extrasensory activity that alters brain function and the way we respond to stimuli. The second idea presented in this book is that traumatization is encoded in the amygdala only under special circumstances. Thus, by understanding what makes an individual resistant to traumatization we can offer a way of preventing it. The third idea is that traumatization occurs because we cannot find a haven during the event. This is the cornerstone of havening, the particular form of psychosensory therapy described in the book. Using evolutionary biological principles and recently published neuroscientific studies, this book outlines in detail how havening touch de-links the emotional experience from a trauma, essentially making it just an ordinary memory. Once done, the event no longer causes distress.
No student or colleague of Marjorie Grene will miss her incisive presence in these papers on the study and nature of living nature, and we believe the new reader will quickly join the stimulating discussion and critique which Professor Grene steadily provokes. For years she has worked with equally sure knowledge in the classical domain of philosophy and in modern epistemological inquiry, equally philosopher of science and metaphysician. Moreover, she has the deeply sensible notion that she should be a critically intelligent learner as much as an imaginatively original thinker, and as a result she has brought insightful expository readings of other philosophers and scientists to her own work. We were most fortunate that Marjorie Grene was willing to spend a full semester of a recent leave here in Boston, and we have on other occasions sought her participation in our colloquia and elsewhere. Now we have the pleasure of including among the Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science this generous selection from Grene's philosophical inquiries into the understanding of the natural world, and of the men and women in it. Boston University Center for the R. S. COHEN Philosophy and History of Science M. W. W ARTOFSKY April 1974 PREFACE This collection spans - spottily - years from 1946 ('On Some Distinctions between Men and Brutes') to 1974 ('On the Nature of Natural Necessity').