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English summary: This is the first Spanish textbook to use food as the vantage point from which to learn language and acquire cultural literacy. It presents a rich introduction to food and food practices across the Hispanic world. It serves advanced secondary-level/high school students and students in second- and third-year Spanish at the university level who are furthering their knowledge of Hispanic cultures. Information is organized according to topics and key concepts, with historical and literary texts acting as enrichment and support for cultural concepts. Each chapter is comprised of a main reading on a key topic (for example, Aztec food practices) and followed by smaller sections on particular concepts or artifacts related to the main topic. There are sections on related language expressions, reading comprehension exercises, suggested writing exercises, and topics for discussion. Each chapter also contains illustrations in the form of colour photographs and drawings, and includes suggestions for video and web links. The book has been successfully used in the author's university classes on food and culture over a number of years. It provides an attractive alternative to well-established curricular offerings because it allows for the discussion of culture and literary texts in a context that is both familiar and appealing to students. The textbook invites multimedia presentations that make the material and concepts easy to grasp. Spanish description: El libro ofrece una rica introduccion a la cultura para estudiantes de niveles intermedios y avanzados de lengua a traves del estudio de las practicas alimentarias. El texto presenta una vision global de los alimentos en el contexto de las diversas culturas y paises que componen el mundo de habla hispana. Combina temas de interes actual con la presentacion de artefactos y elementos relevantes de la cultura material, asi como la contribucion de grupos etnicos. Hasta la fecha ningun libro de texto destinado al estudio del espanol ha utilizado la comida como el foco central desde el que aprender el idioma y adquirir conocimientos culturales. Este libro esta dirigido a estudiantes avanzados de secundaria y estudiantes en el tercer y cuarto ano de espanol a nivel universitario. El libro puede utilizarse como una introduccion alternativa a los temas culturales y literarios tras finalizar el segundo ano de lengua gracias a la amplitud de los temas que trata. La informacion esta org! anizada por temas y conceptos clave, con textos historicos y literarios que sirven de enriquecimiento y apoyo para los conceptos culturales. Cada capitulo cuenta con una lectura principal en un tema clave (por ejemplo, las practicas de la alimentacion azteca), seguido por secciones mas pequenas centradas en conceptos o en artefactos relacionados con el tema principal. Hay secciones sobre expresiones linguisticas relacionadas con el tema, ejercicios de comprension de las lecturas, sugerencias para ejercicios de escritura y de trabajo individual o en grupo, asi como temas de conversacion y debate. Cada capitulo tambien contiene ilustraciones en forma de fotografias y dibujos. Este libro ofrece una atractiva oferta curricular, ya que permite la discusion de temas de cultura y de textos literarios en un contexto que es a la vez familiar y ameno para los estudiantes. El libro de texto tambien invita presentaciones multimedia que hacen que el material y los conceptos sean de mas !facil comprension.
A foundational text in the emerging field of Latin American and Iberian food studies
¡Más de 400 recetas de toda latinoamérica! Dichosa soy yo. Desde que llegue de Cuba hace mas de cuarenta años, he vivido en Miami. Me encanta esta ciudad, mi ciudad, porque siempre he tenido la oportunidad de conocer a primera mano la cultura, la alegría y la gastronomía de mi gente, la gente latina. En esta ciudad tan mágica y encantadora siempre le damos una gran bienvenida al latino y el sabor latino lleva el ritmo por las calles de Miami. No se si es la manera de comer, o la manera de vestir, o la alegría de bailar y cantar, pero me doy cuenta que estoy radicada en el mejor lugar del mundo para preservar nuestra tradición culinaria. Aunque añoramos nuestra tierra, sabemos que la llevamos por dentro, y que en realidad, La cocina y la comida es mas que sus alimentos porque transmite cultura, sensaciones, placer e identidad. Cada país latino tiene su sabor único y técnica particular. La cocina de nuestros países es el resultado de una mezcla de razas, creencias, orígenes y tradiciones de cuatro continentes.Tan intensa como su vida cultural y musical, la cocina latina es el alma del pueblo latino. Donde quiera que estemos, ya no nos preguntamos si se acepta nuestra cocina latina. Ya sabemos que a los americanos y al resto del mundo les gusta, la adoran y cada semana se abren nuevos restaurantes latinos en todas las ciudades de Estados Unidos. Sera esto una sinfonía de sabores? Llamémoslo mas bien una verdadera fusión. ¡Y que viva! La cocina de Argentina La cocina de Bolivia La cocina de Chile La cocina de Colombia La cocina de Costa Rica La cocina de Cuba La cocina de Ecuador La cocina de El Salvador La cocina de España La cocina de Guatemala La cocina de Honduras La cocina de México La cocina de Nicaragua La cocina de Panamá La cocina de Paraguay La cocina de Perú La cocina de Puerto Rico La cocina de República Dominicana La cocina de Uruguay La cocina de Venezuela Ingredientes esenciales en la cocina latina Cómo medir los ingredientes Otras técnicas relacionadas con medidas
This book offers a study of what and how people ate in the Iberian Peninsula between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries. It has long been recognized that Mediterranean cultures attach great importance to communal meals and food cooked with great refinement. However, whilst medieval feasting in England, France and Italy has been thoroughly studied, Spain and Portugal have both been somewhat neglected in this area of study. This volume analyses how medieval men of the Iberian Peninsula questioned themselves about different aspects deemed important in social feasting. It investigates the acquisition of table manners and rhetorical skills, the interaction between medicine and eating, and the presence of food in literature and religion. The book also shows how this shared society and culture, as well as their attitude towards food, connected them to a Western European tradition. The book will appeal to scholars and students alike interested in food and feasting from the perspectives of literature, history, language, art, religion and medicine, and to those interested in a social, cultural and literary overview of life in the Iberian Peninsula during the late Middle Ages.
Saberes con sabor: Culturas hispánicas a través de la cocina es un manual avanzado que responde al creciente interés por el estudio de las prácticas culinarias y alimenticias de Ibero-América, sin desatender ni la lengua ni la cultura de esas regiones del mundo. Cada capítulo comprende aspectos vinculados con recetas, lengua, arte y teoría. Los estudiantes son expuestos a temas de geografía, historia, literatura, política, economía, religión, música e, incluso, cuestiones de género que estarían implicadas en la elaboración y en el consumo de ciertas comidas. Y, esto, mientras mejoran sus habilidades en temas esenciales y específicos del español. A lo largo del libro, están incorporados materiales de internet —como vínculos para videos, registros sonoros, referencias históricas, sitios web de cocina y contenidos suplementarios para la investigación. Muy útil en cursos universitarios, Saberes con sabor es un recurso original y único de aprendizaje para estudiantes fascinados por los placeres del paladar y, de igual manera, con una genuina pasión por las culturas hispánicas.
Winner, Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, 2023—Best Women of the World Book, Spain We are living in a moment in which famous chefs, Michelin stars, culinary techniques, and gastronomical accolades attract moneyed tourists to Spain from all over the world. This has prompted the Spanish government to declare its cuisine as part of Spanish patrimony. Even with this widespread global attention, we know little about how Spanish cooking became a litmus test for demonstrating Spain's modernity and, relatedly, the roles ascribed to the modern Spanish women responsible for daily cooking. Efforts to articulate a new, modern Spain infiltrated writing in multiple genres and media. Women's Work offers a sharp reading of diverse sources, placed in their historical context, that yields a better understanding of the roles of food within an inherently uneven modernization process. Further, author Rebecca Ingram's perceptive critique reveals the paradoxical messages women have navigated, even in texts about a daily practice that shaped their domestic and work lives. Women's Work posits that this is significant because of the degree to which domestic activities, including cooking, occupied women's daily lives, even while issues like their fitness as citizens and participation in the public sphere were hotly debated. At the same time, progressive intellectuals from diverse backgrounds began to invoke Spanish cooking and eating as one measure of Spanish modernity. Women's Work shows how culinary writing engaged these debates and reached women at the site of much of their daily labor—the kitchen—and, in this way, shaped their thinking about their roles in modernizing Spain.
An ideal linguistic and cultural preparation for anyone planning to study Spanish abroad, covering culture, society, education, young people, work and health.
'Hegemonic nutrition' is produced and proliferated by a wide variety of social institutions such as mainstream nutrition science, clinical nutrition as well as those less classically linked such as life science/agro-food companies, the media, family, education, religion and the law. The collective result is an approach to and practice of nutrition that alleges not only one single, clear-cut and consented-upon set of rules for 'healthy eating,' but also tacit criteria for determining individual fault, usually some combination of lack of education, motivation, and unwillingness to comply. Offering a collection of critical, interdisciplinary replies and responses to the matter of 'hegemonic nutrition' this book presents contributions from a wide variety of perspectives; nutrition professionals and lay people, academics and activists, adults and youth, indigenous, Chicana/o, Latina/o, Environmentalist, Feminist and more. The critical commentary collectively asks for a different, more attentive, and more holistic practice of nutrition. Most importantly, this volume demonstrates how this 'new' nutrition is actually already being performed in small ways across the American continent. In doing so, the volume empowers diverse knowledges, histories, and practices of nutrition that have been marginalized, re-casts the objectives of dietary intervention, and most broadly, attempts to revolutionize the way that nutrition is done.