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The Bay of Fundy has a coastline of approximately 1400 km. Within this region, there is a great variety of coastal features; six major coastal environments and twelve major shoreline types have been identified following a reconnaissance survey. The coasts of the Bay of Fundy are characterized by high tidal ranges and by the predominantly rocky nature of the shore zone. Tidal range exceeds 10 m in the Minas Basin and Chignecto Bay, where wide intertidal mudflats or sand flats and marshes are characteristic of the shore zone. This information on coastal features and shoreline processes is applied to an assessment of the expected impact and persistence of oil on the shore for each of the shoreline types. Guidelines and recommendations for protection and clean-up of the shores of the Bay of Fundy are presented and are related to the nature of the shoreline, the sediments, the shoreline processes, and the effectiveness of available techniques.
A review of the shoreline and process characteristics of Canada's coasts and the expected impact and persistence of a major oil spill, which is a function of the type of oil, weathering processes and littoral zone energy levels.
The structure of Canadian shorelines is described in terms of 10 basic types: rock surfaces, cliffs, coarse sediment beaches, sand beaches, intertidal coarse sediments, intertidal sand, intertidal mud, marshes, backshore areas and man-made structures. The expected impact of oil and cleanup strategies for each type of shoreline are presented--Abstract.
Contents: (1) Background: Oil Spills (OS) in U.S. Coastal Waters; Impacts of OS in Aquatic Environ.: Acute Impacts; Chronic Impacts; Ecosystem Recovery; Econ. Costs of OS: Cleanup Costs; Natural Resources Damages; Other Econ. Costs; (2) OS Governance: Federal Authorities: Exxon Valdez OS: 1990 Oil Pollution Act; Other Fed. Laws; Internat. Conventions: MARPOL 73/78; Intervention Convention; Fed. Agencies Responsibilities: Response; Prevention and Preparedness; Fed. Funding for the OS Liab. Trust Fund: Background; Trust Fund Ceiling; Fund Projections, and Vulnerability; State Laws; (3) Threat of Future OS in U.S. Coastal Waters: Possibilities for Future OS: U.S. Oil Imports and Possible OS; Level of Preparedness. Illustrations.
A workshop was held to explore the need for an ecological research and monitoring site in the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone, with particular reference to the land/sea/atmospheric interface (coastal zone), and to explore the suitability of the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, in conjunction with the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Biological Station, as the administrative center of such a site. This publication presents summaries of the working group discussions on estuarine and marine ecosystems, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and ecosystems data management, and includes papers presented at the workshop. The topics of the papers include ecosystem and wildlife monitoring, atmospheric variables and trees, research and monitoring programs, sulfur dioxide deposition, lakewater chemistry, benthic monitoring, and nutrient cycling patterns.
General introduction to the technology of oil spill cleanup and summary of data compiled by Environment Canada since 1972.
This report reviews relevant information on the nature and degradation of oil and on the shoreline processes and shoreline types. The expected impact and persistence of spilled oil is related to the major shoreline types that occur on the island, and recommended protection and cleanup procedures are presented. Each of the available onshore protection and cleanup techniques is reviewed and shoreline sensitivity is discussed in terms of spill-response priorities and operational decisions. A series of checklists is presented that can be used to identify relevant spill and shoreline information requirements for response decisions.