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C�mo sanar un coraz�n roto y superar el desamor de forma positivaEn este libro encontrar�s una experiencia personal mediante la que compartir� contigo qu� es lo que realmente me ha funcionado para superar una ruptura amorosa y poder volver a sentir motivaci�n y ganas de disfrutar de la vida. Ten algo muy claro, t� mereces un amor sincero que te valore. Eres una persona suficientemente valiosa tal y como eres para que otra persona te valore, te aprecie y te quiera. Nadie dice que sea f�cil y s� que sientes dolor. El objetivo del libro no es darte una receta m�gica sino ayudarte a comprender mejor lo que sientes durante el proceso de ruptura de pareja, reforzar tu autestima y ayudarte a volver a ilusionarte y motivarte con el fin de que puedas recuperar tu libertad emocional para poder rehacerte y salir del bache. Este libro aporta mi experiencia y lo que me ha funcionado con �xito. No obstante, nadie conoce tu situaci�n mejor que t�, por lo que no dudes nunca en pedir ayuda profesional si sientes que nada de lo que haces te ayuda. De esta experiencia surge el m�todo en 3 pasos basado en numerosas horas de lectura de expertos en desamor, rupturas y separaciones con el fin de encontrar respuestas. Es la manera m�s sencilla que he encontrado de poder superar una ruptura de la manera menos dolorosa y m�s positiva posible. Est� enfocado tanto para hombres como para mujeres ya que el proceso de ruptura es igual de doloroso en ambos casos y ambos pueden extraer valiosas conclusiones. En el libro encontrar�s: * C�mo gestionar los primeros momentos tras el d�a "D" * C�mo afrontar la ruptura amorosa * Respuestas a tus preguntas y c�mo evitar la trampa del por qu� * C�mo afectan tus creencias en la ruptura * C�mo evitar el sufrimiento en una ruptura * Errores a evitar * C�mo gestionar el proceso de duelo * C�mo redise�ar tu vida Es un libro que deseo pueda serte de ayuda para superar el desamor y volver a ser feliz.
Superar una ruptura amorosa puede ser uno de los desafíos más grandes que nos presenta la vida. Hay mucho para aprender tras una ruptura y es una enorme oportunidad para volver a creer en ti, redescubrirte, valorarte y conocerte como nunca antes. En esta trilogía te propongo un trabajo interior para superar tu ruptura y a la vez hacer un proceso de autoconocimiento profundo para salir fortalecido y empezar a ver tu vida con una lente diferente. LIBRO #1: Gracias por dejarme: Superar una ruptura desde el amor incondicional Aprenderás todo lo que necesitas para que puedas hacer un proceso adecuado para superar la relación que terminó. LIBRO #2: Valórate sin excusas: Autoestima para mujeres y hombres Cuando crees en ti y te valoras, puedes superar lo que sea. Con herramientas efectivas te acompañaré en el proceso para redescubrir tu propia valía personal y volver a sentir que eres la persona más valiosa de tu vida. LIBRO #3: Autoconocimiento emocional: Cómo controlar las emociones para la vida diaria Conocerte es, entre otras cosas, detectar qué sientes, entender el mensaje de las emociones y saber gestionarlo de la forma más conveniente para ti. Y quizás si tienes un pasado de emociones tortuosas, crisis a repetición y malestares profundos extendidos a través del tiempo, todo esto te suene a chino y hasta lo creas imposible. Así que estoy aquí para decirte que es solo eso, una creencia. La creencia que te mantuvo en la incomodidad emocional durante tanto tiempo y que si este libro llamó tu atención, todo eso terminará pronto porque podrás volverte un maestro de tus emociones. Quiero darte muchas herramientas para tu autoconocimiento y así, cuando te conozcas realmente, decidas si quieres ser un maestro de lo que sientes. Te mostraré cómo a través del autoconocimiento emocional puedes hacer que tu vida fluya de una forma más natural para que te sientas bien la mayor parte del tiempo. Encontrarás aquí un pequeño tesoro de ideas e historias para inspirarte a cultivar el bienestar en tu vida. Si te involucras en el proceso descubrirás una inmensa cantidad de respuestas a mucho de lo que te sucede en tu vida cotidiana y harás, sin darte cuenta, un crecimiento personal impresionante. Cualquiera puede dominar las emociones de vez en cuando, pero mi propuesta es que aprendas a controlar las emociones a voluntad y que seas tú quien elige lo que quiere sentir. Atrévete a crecer con un trabajo interior profundo y duradero. Recuerda... Conocerte, lo cambia todo. Disfruta la lectura.
This is the first in-depth guide to global community psychology research and practice, history and development, theories and innovations, presented in one field-defining volume. This book will serve to promote international collaboration, enhance theory utilization and development, identify biases and barriers in the field, accrue critical mass for a discipline that is often marginalized, and to minimize the pervasive US-centric view of the field.
The long-awaited second volume of Nelson Mandela’s memoirs, left unfinished at his death and never before available, are here completed and expanded with notes and speeches written by Mandela during his historic presidency, making for a moving sequel to his worldwide bestseller Long Walk to Freedom. “I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended.” In 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first president of a democratic South Africa. From the outset, he was committed to serving only a single five-year term. During his presidency, he and his government ensured that all of South Africa’s citizens became equal before the law, and he laid the foundation for turning a country riven by centuries of colonialism and apartheid into a fully functioning democracy. Dare Not Linger is the story of Mandela’s presidential years, drawing heavily on the memoir he began to write as he prepared to leave office, but was unable to finish. Now the acclaimed South African writer Mandla Langa has completed the task, using Mandela’s unfinished draft, detailed notes that Mandela made as events were unfolding, and a wealth of unseen archival material. With a prologue by Mandela’s widow, Graça Machel, the result is a vivid and often inspirational account of Mandela’s presidency and the creation of a new democracy. It tells the story of a country in transition and the challenges Mandela faced as he strove to make his vision for a liberated South Africa a reality.
Savage Love tells (almost) all anyone needs to know about sex. Brutally honest and scathingly funny, Dan's advice will inform and shock the curious reader. Savage has the last word on everything from STDs and fetishes, to fundamentalism and orgasms (multiple, premature and faked). He gives advice on how to get into, out of and off on a relationship, explains what straight boys should do with women's genitals and why straight girls dig gay boys. From the queer who knows best, the book sets out to tell it like it is. Don't like my advice? Don't ask for it. Don't like my column? Don't read it. Got better advice? Get your own f**cking advice column.
Lady Eleanor Ramsay is the only one who knows the truth about Hart Mackenzie. Once his fiancee, she is the sole woman to whom he could ever pour out his heart. Hart has it all--a dukedom, wealth, power, influence, whatever he desires. Every woman wants him--his seductive skills are legendary. But Hart has sacrificed much to keep his brothers safe, first from their brutal father, and then from the world. He's also suffered loss--his wife, his infant son, and the woman he loved with all his heart though he realized it too late. Now, Eleanor has reappeared on Hart's doorstep, with scandalous nude photographs of Hart taken long ago. Intrigued by the challenge in her blue eyes--and aroused by her charming, no-nonsense determination--Hart wonders if his young love has come to ruin him . . . or save him.
This vivid exposé of corruption and political tyranny in the Dominican Republic rang so true to the reality that the President of that country went on television to denounce the book. Sención's novel follows the lives of three seminary students who suffer from church-state oppression. The book also gives a chilling portrait of Dr. Ramos, a sinister autocrat, who manages to survive six terms as president of his country through manipulation and tyranny.
In my process of forgettingsome doors opened inside meand this book came to life, dayafter day, Lface the other part ofme that has your shadow stuck onyour heelsI was trampling myindependence for insecurities thattied me to your false image. Iwant you to read each line sowhen you try to find me, remember that 1 won't answerExcuse me, I forgot to thanhyou because after all... Thanksto vou and our unsuccessfulstory, we will help those whodon't know how to leave andcling to the wrong people bycalling them: love
“All of us are called to keep striving towards something greater than ourselves and our families, and every family must feel this constant impulse. Let us make this journey as families, let us keep walking together.” Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia In his groundbreaking work on modern family life, Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family, Pope Francis continues to guide and lead the Church, calling us to be a sign of mercy and encouragement for families of all shapes and sizes. The Our Sunday Visitor edition includes exclusive reflection and discussion questions, to help Catholics grow in our understanding of this call, and act upon it. In Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family the Holy Father expands on the topics and considerations of the two Synods on the family, and adds his own considerations to help us provide pastoral guidance to support and strengthen today’s families. On Love in the Family guides us through: Scripture – what we can learn from Biblical families and relationships with God and each other Reality – the experiences and challenges we face in today’s world Tradition – essential aspects of Church teaching on marriage and families Love – what it means for all our relationships Ministry – Pope Francis offers pastoral perspectives for helping build strong families Spirituality – the expression of the Gospel message in our relationships