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High-precision cleaning is required across a wide range of sectors, including aerospace, defense, medical device manufacturing, pharmaceutical processing, semiconductor/electronics, etc. Cleaning parts and surfaces with solvents is simple, effective and low-cost. Although health and safety and environmental concerns come into play with the use of solvents, this book explores how safe and compliant solvent-based cleaning techniques can be implemented. A key to this is the selection of the right solvent. The author also examines a range of newer "green" solvent cleaning options. This book supplies scientific fundamentals and practical guidance supported by real-world examples. Durkee explains the three principal methods of solvent selection: matching of solubility parameters, reduction of potential for smog formation, and matching of physical properties. He also provides guidance on the safe use of aerosols, wipe-cleaning techniques, solvent stabilization, economics, and many other topics. A compendium of blend rules is included, covering the physical, chemical, and environmental properties of solvents. Three methods explained in detail for substitution of suitable solvents for those unsuitable for any reason: toxic solvents don't have to be tolerated; this volume explains how to do better Enables users to make informed judgments about their selection of cleaning solvents for specific applications, including solvent replacement decisions Explains how to plan and implement solvent cleaning systems that are effective, economical and compliant with regulations
High-precision cleaning is required across many sectors, including aerospace, defense, medical device manufacturing, pharmaceutical processing, semiconductor/electronics, and more. In this comprehensive reference work, solvent cleaning equipment is thoroughly covered with a focus on the engineering details of its operation and selection. Key data is provided alongside practical guidance, giving scientists and engineers in multiple sectors the information they need not only to choose the correct machine in the first place, but also how to operate it effectively and efficiently. Low emission open-top vapor degreasers, enclosed machines of the vacuum and pressurized type, cosolvent machines, and adsorption of "tailpipe emissions" are covered in detail and fully illustrated in color. This unique book covers material known by designers and manufacturers of solvent cleaning machines, but not collected and organized for the benefit of users. The comprehensive coverage provided by John Durkee makes this book relevant and timely not only for readers who wish to know more about how solvent cleaning equipment works but also those who are under pressure from environmental regulators or corporate management to find effective alternatives and those engaged in non-solvent cleaning operations who are unsatisfied with their cleaning results. Clear, straightforward explanations of how various types of cleaning solvents should be managed to clean parts Full-color, hand-drawn illustrations and photographs of the important internal sections of solvent cleaning machines Design calculations of operating parameters in solvent cleaning machines
"This volume looks at a wide range of clean solvent systems that can be used for industrial processes. It includes extensive discussions on supercritical fluids and ionic liquids and describes the development and use of new solvent alternatives. It also examines the use of computer and numerical techniques for choosing among solvent alternatives." (Midwest).
Although supercritial fluid (SCF) technology is now widely used in extraction and purification processes (in the petrochemical, food and pharmaceuticals industries), this book is the first to address the new application of cleaning. The objective is to provide a roadmap for readers who want to know whether SCF technology can meet their own processing and cleaning needs. It is particularly helpful to those striving to balance the requirements for a clean product and a clean environment. The interdisciplinary subject matter will appeal to scientists and engineers in all specialties ranging from materials and polymer sciences to chemistry and physics. It is also useful to those developing new processes for other applications, and references given at the end of each chapter provide links to the wider body of SCF literature. The book is organized with topics progressing from the fundamental nature of the supercritical state, through process conditions and materials interactions, to economic considerations. Practical examples are included to show how the technology has been successfully applied. The first four chapters consider principles governing SCF processing, detailing issues such as solubility, design for cleanability, and the dynamics of particle removal. The next three chapters discuss surfactants and microemulsions, SCF interaction with polymers, and the use of supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) as a cleaning solvent. The closing chapters focus on more practical considerations such as scaleup, equipment costs, and financial analysis.
The cleaning of a work of art often involves removing not only dirt and grime but also unwanted layers of varnish, gilding, and paint from the work's surface. The challenge for conservators lies in finding a cleaning agent that will act on one layer without affecting the layer being preserved and without leaving any harmful residues on the cleaned work. This book, which examines gel cleaning in the treatment of paintings and painted works of art, presents the methodologies, data, and results of a collaborative project of the Getty Conservation Institute and Winterthur Museum. Among the issues covered are the theory and application of gel cleaning systems, the detection of residues left on the surfaces of objects cleaned with these systems, research into solvent-gel and solvent residues, stability of surfactants during natural and artificial aging, and recommendations for formulating gels for specific cleaning tasks.
Organic solvents represent a class of compounds whose utility is central to industrial and academic chemistry. The impact of solvents in everyday products such as paints, surface coatings, adhesives, pharmaceuticals and cleaning products is enormous, and there is therefore much interest in their use. This volume is divided into two parts. Part 1 provides and authoritative review of the science and technology of solvents and related issues. The topics covered are solvency and its measurement, flammability, health and toxicology, environmental issues, legislative information, transport, storage, recovery and disposal, and a review of solvent applications. Part 2 provides reliable, up- to-date data, based on information provided by manufacturers and suppliers and is presented as a database of over 350 solvent products, subdivided by solvent group. The data are also presented in key parameter tables, covering boiling points, melting points, evaporation information, vapor pressure, flash points, solubility parameters, auto ignition temperatures, and names and addresses of manufacturers, with trade names. In recent years there has been increased interest in health and safety, environmental issues and aspects of the legislative control of chemicals, including solvents, and the choice of a given solvent has therefore become more complex. The Directory of Solvents aims to provide in one place a broad spread of physico-chemical data, together with transport, safety, environmental and classification information provided by major European and U.S. suppliers and manufacturers of industrial organic solvents.
High-precision cleaning is required across a wide range of sectors, including aerospace, defense, medical device manufacturing, pharmaceutical processing, semiconductor / electronics, etc. In this reference work, John Durkee provides a comprehensive guide to all the main materials and reagents involved in the cleaning of surfaces, providing key data alongside practical guidance on applications and techniques and advice about health and environmental aspects. This handbook is a reference guide that covers all solvent types in industrial use for surface cleaning applications. Durkee's comprehensive coverage includes the cleaning solvents of the past (hydrocarbon), present (halogenated including fluorinated and iodated), and future (binary azeotropes and ionic liquids), including underused cleaning agents (e.g. oxygenated). The spectrum of information included starts with synthesis methods, supplies the normal physical properties (e.g. surface tension), explains the current applications and potential uses, and provides thorough safety, environmental, and health information. A compendium of technical information about all solvents in use in precision cleaning applications; provides basic data for design and troubleshooting of any solvent cleaning system. The most complete published data on binary azeotropes and their properties, enabling the selection of specific binary azeotropes for replacement of single solvents about which there are safety, health, and environmental concerns. Up-to-date coverage of environmental concerns about each type of solvent.