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Circles Of The Soul is an interactive experience of emotional growth and joy. Through the mediums of language, personal reflection, and art, this book asks you to contemplate the miracle of life, and all that it holds for each of us; collectively and individually. Join me on an adventure that will open your mind, enhance your heart, and facilitate your very best self.
"A unique and fascinating book featuring a patient, his mandalas, and the commentary by his analyst, David Rosen, an outstanding figure in the world of Jungian psychology. A must-read for anyone interested in therapy and the healing process."--Henry Abramovitch, Founding President, Israel Institute of Jungian Psychology"Soul Circles offers a powerful visual journey into a living individuation process. The dialogue between the partners is fresh and informative, respectful of personal details while highlighting a transformational process captured in mandala imagery."--Joe Cambray, President, Pacifica Graduate Institute"Soul Circles is a beautiful document of the self-regulating function of the psyche and the healing that comes through accepting and giving space to the creative urge that accompanies this function. It demonstrates the importance of a relationship of trust and empathy for the unfolding of the inner process. Deepest gratitude to both authors for sharing their experience with us."--Milena Sotirova-Kohli, Jungian analyst, Bern, Switzerland
The Seven Circles is the account of a man who arrives in the far future when spiritual reality is a proven fact and mankind has evolved to a higher state. William Drake, the protagonist, finds that his values are completely irrelevant and his dog-eat-dog attitude a barbaric anachronism. That being the case, he is surprised to find that his company is desired by many just for the reason that his, by comparison, savage qualities are rare and gives the people the opportunity to “turn the other cheek” when faced with his behavior and thereby gain spiritual growth from the experience. The downside is that he is not allowed complete freedom until he has progressed in his own self-mastery through the conquest of the Seven Circles of spiritual, intellectual and material attainment; a daunting challenge for anyone, much less an atheist. tten in the first person, the narrative of William Drake tells of his falling in love with the person who had revived him, Sheila, and of his own spiritual uplift and downfall as he encounters a myriad of personalities, celestial and human, and undergoes transforming experiences that make his soul evolve in cosmic growth.
"A unique and fascinating book featuring a patient, his mandalas, and the commentary by his analyst, David Rosen, an outstanding figure in the world of Jungian psychology. A must-read for anyone interested in therapy and the healing process." --Henry Abramovitch, Founding President, Israel Institute of Jungian Psychology "Soul Circles offers a powerful visual journey into a living individuation process. The dialogue between the partners is fresh and informative, respectful of personal details while highlighting a transformational process captured in mandala imagery." --Joe Cambray, President, Pacifica Graduate Institute "Soul Circles is a beautiful document of the self-regulating function of the psyche and the healing that comes through accepting and giving space to the creative urge that accompanies this function. It demonstrates the importance of a relationship of trust and empathy for the unfolding of the inner process. Deepest gratitude to both authors for sharing their experience with us." --Milena Sotirova-Kohli, Jungian analyst, Bern, Switzerland
Combining the bitter truth of Spirituality, Science and Religion into a one simple Universal truth that can be accepted by all Human beings is the Simplified knowledge and easy to learn and understand. Implementation of true knowledge into our real lives is the main goal here.
You’ve heard of sacred places, writings, relics, and rituals, holy days and magical times of year. But these are actually representations of relationships that people have with each other and the elements of the world. Some of these relationships environmental: they involve landscapes, animals, and the streets of your home town. Some are personal, such as families, friends, and elders. Some are public, involving musicians, storytellers, medical doctors, and even soldiers. This book studies twenty-two relationships, from a variety of traditions, and shows their place in ‘the good life’. Yet these relations are always fragile, and threatened by fears, from the fear of loneliness, to the fear of the loss of personal or political freedom, to the fear of death. To escape from these fears, people often trap themselves into ways of life that are bad for everyone, including themselves. This book studies how that happens, and how to prevent it. More than beliefs, laws, and teachings, our relationships are the true basis of spirituality, and freedom. ,
A young slave girl flees from the Lord who owns her, choosing to die in the mountains rather than become one of his 'pretties'. When that death seems all too likely, she is found by one of the Dragon Kindred and Tika's life takes a twist she could never have imagined in her wildest dreams - or her worst nightmares.
CIRCLE OF SOUL guides the reader through finding their inner Spirit - a place that for many has become lost over time - through the rigors of every day life. Sages throughout the ages have taught us how to live a spiritual life - it is not a secret. CIRCLE OF SOUL places this wisdom within beautifully illustrated pages and an easy to read format. A personal journey doesn't have to be difficult, this book will help you get started and on your way.