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Christ in the Old Testament is a handsome pamphlet that explores the lives of 13 biblical people who prefigured the Messiah. This bestselling 14-panel foldout chart examines types, parallels and illustrations of Jesus throughout the Old Testament, including men such Melchizedek, King David, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and many others. When viewed through the prism of Christ's life, death and resurrection, these Old Testament characters and their roles in Old Testament history take on new dimensions. Students will discover how their lives can also point to Christ. Size: 8.5x 5.5 unfolds to 38 long. Fits inside most Bible covers. Christ is the key to what God had been pointing to in all the history of God's people. One way to see this is to examine parallels between Old Testament people, events, and things, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament. Christ in the Old Testament pamphlet shows how the Old Testament anticipates, reveals, promises, and foreshadows Christ, featuring types and illustrations of Jesus. The pamphlet reveals: 13 Old Testament men who foreshadowed Jesus A Scriptural time line of their placement in history Summaries of their lives and significance Charts comparing ways their life events and actions paralleled Christ or his coming Life application questions The 13 men in the Old Testament whose life foreshadowed Christ include: Adam Noah Abraham Melchizedek Joseph Moses Joshua Samuel David Elijah & Elisha Zerubbabel & Joshua Throughout the Old Testament, God provided glimpses into the character and nature of the Messiah through typologies--significant biblical characters whose actions or events symbolically correspond with or contrast to the life ofChrist. Here are a few examples of Christ in the Old Testament: ADAM Adam's actions brought consequences to his children, causing them to inherit sin and death (Genesis 3: 16-19) Christ's actions brought consequences to God's children, causing them to inherit righteousness and life (Romans 5: 12-19, 1 Corinthians 15: 20-22, 45-49) NOAH Noah offered a sacrifice of blood (Genesis 8: 20-9: 6) Christ offered himself as a sacrifice (1 Peter 1: 18-19) MOSES Surrounding the birth of Moses, innocent children killed by Pharaoh (Exodus 1: 22) Surrounding the birth of Jesus, King Herod killed innocent children in Bethlehem (Matthew 2: 16) JOSHUA Joshua led god's people to rest in the Promised Land (Joshua 21: 44) Jesus' followers are led into rest in this new creation (Hebrews 4: 1) SAMUEL Samuel's mother Hannah was blessed by the High Priest Eli before the birth of Samuel (1 Samuel 1: 17) Mary, the mother of Jesus, was blessed by an angel before the birth of Jesus (Luke 1: 30)
"Christ in the Old Testament is a handsome pamphlet that explores the lives of 13 biblical people who "prefigured" the Messiah. This bestselling, 14-panel foldout chart examines types, parallels, and illustrations of Jesus throughout the Old Testament, including men such Melchizedek, King David, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and many others. When viewed through the prism of Christ's life, death and resurrection, these Old Testament characters and their roles in Old Testament history take on new dimensions. Students will discover how their lives can also point to Christ. Size: 8.5"x 5.5" unfolds to 38" long. Fits inside most Bible covers."
This is a book that focuses on God's appearances in human form rather than the shekinah, the pillar of cloud or other manifestations of God's presence. Its purpose is to present a positive theology of theophanies rather than simply a defence against erroneous views. Borland looks at the characteristics of Christophanies and their use by God. It is the most comprehensive book of its type, although not every Christophany is investigated all categories are represented.
Reading the Old Testament can seem like exploring an old, mysterious mansion, packed with of all sorts of strange rooms. The creation room, vast and sublime. The exodus room, with hardhearted pharaohs and dried-up seas. The war room, with bloody swords and crumbling walls. The tabernacle room, with smoking altars and dark inner sanctums. What does this odd and ancient world have to do with us, who are modern followers of Jesus? As it turns out, everything! Every chapter in the Old Testament, in a variety of ways, tells the story that culminates in Jesus the Messiah. What Christians today call the Old Testament is what Jesus and the earliest believers simply called the Scriptures. That was their Bible. From its pages, they taught about the Messiah's divine nature, his priestly work, his ministry of salvation. The Christ Key will reintroduce readers to these old books as ever-fresh, ever-new testimonies of Jesus. By the end, you will see even Leviticus as a book of grace and mercy, and you will hear in the Psalms the resounding voice of Christ.
The classic book, Christ in the Tabernacle by A.B. Simpson, is subtitled "The Old Testament portrayal of the Christ of the New Testament." A.B. Simpson again brings the truths of the Old Testament wilderness tabernacle and its makeup, linens, structure and furnishings contained within to the forefront of a simplistic theological discussion on how Christ is portrayed by those items. It is a true, simple and honest approach at showing how the Old Testament priests and people of God (the Israelites) could look forward to the coming Messiah and see him through the ordinary things they dealt with in their daily worship. In eight chapters A.B. Simpson brings to life the wilderness tabernacle in vivid detail and shows how the indestructible wood, the gold, the finest linens, the carvings were all superimposing on all of it the likeness of Christ. A. B. Simpson lifts up Jesus Christ in this book and tries to get the lay person to understand the importance that all Scripture points to Christ both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. To A.B. Simpson, it was vital that Christ was visible as the coming Messiah in the Old Testament and the Messiah that died and was resurrected in the New Testament.
Christ is marvelously foreshadowed in every piece of the Tabernacle. Every feature was planned by God with design and purpose. Because of God's plan that the Tabernacle would be fulfilled in Christ, both in its structure as well as in its function, it can be said that this book is more about Christ than the Tabernacle. As readers tour this amazing interpretive construction with Hershberger, they will be delighted to see figures of Christ where they least expected to find them. The smallest details are given significance in this great symbolic foreshadowing of Christ and His Church. This book has served many through personal studies and group studies. Every preacher and Bible teacher could benefit from this well thought out study.
The How We Got the Bible ebook will increase the confidence of every believer regarding the reliability of the Bible. The bestselling ebook includes a time line of key events in Bible-making history, examples and illustrations of ancient writing materials, and a variety of Bible versions. This full-color ebook includes the inspiring stories of early translators who gave their lives to translate and print the Bible, including William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, King James, Erasmus, and Johann Gutenberg. Few stories in the history of the world are as amazing and as touching as the story of how we got the Bible. This stunning pamphlet takes readers through this historical story and a time line of faithfulness, courage, and sacrifice for the sake of making the Bible available to us today. How We Got the Bible provides: •Ten key points on how we got the Bible •Illustrations of ancient documents created on papyrus and fine animal skins, as well as the first printing press •A time line that follows the emergence of the Scriptures that begins in 2000 BC and each major step taken in Bible publishing through AD 2000 How We Got the Bible is an amazing ebook that will encourage every believer, and that answer the questions of those still seeking. The ebook reveals how the Old and New Testaments were communicated through a variety of forms beginning as early as 1500 BC when they were written on stone, clay and leather, and later on papyrus, and fine animal skins. Discover the reasons we can trust the reliability of the Bible, for example, how earliest Bible manuscripts were intricately copied by hand and how ancient texts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, validate the earliest manuscripts. A time line in the ebook displays the remarkable and fascinating history of the Bible beginning in 2000 BC with Old Testament writers. The time-line captures key moments in Bible-making history such as: •The translation of the Septuagint, the Hebrew Old Testament translated into Greek in 500 BC •The collection of the 27 Books of the New Testament and formal confirmation of the Canon in AD 300 •The first English translation of the Bible by John Wycliffe in 1300 •The King James Version of the Bible written in 1611 •The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 •The creation of dozens of modern versions of the Bible through 2008 How We Got the Bible ebook reveals the people that were key to Bible translation history, including: Erasmus, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Miles Coverdale, and many others. Topical index: Apocrypha, Augustine, Bible translations, church fathers, codex, Dead Sea Scrolls, earliest translation, earliest translations, first book printed, first English Bible, Gutenberg, Hebrew Scriptures, Jewish tradition, Martin Luther, manuscripts, Maoretic text, New Testament, Old Testament, Origen, papyrus, parchment, Qumran, Roman type, scribes, scroll, scroll of Isaiah, scrolls, Tyndale, Vatican Library, vellum, Whittingham, Wycliffe
Using Old Testament Hebrew in Preaching provides seminary-trained preachers and preachers-in-the-making with a refresher in Hebrew exegesis, a description of the tools they need, a process of transforming exegesis into exposition, and a reminder of the benefits (both to the preacher and congregation) of using the original language. It is intended as a Hebrew counterpart to David Alan Black's widely acclaimed Using New Testament Greek in Ministry (Baker, 1993).
Celebrate a Traditional Christian Passover Seder with this Illustrated Pamphlet and Guide! Why do so many Christians study and even observe the Jewish feast of Passover? Dive into the incredible parallels between the Passover celebration and Christ’s love for us with this easy-to-understand pamphlet! The Passover is the Old Testament feast that celebrates and remembers God’s liberation of Israel from Egypt. It also foreshadows Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. In just 14 pages, you will learn the history of this special day and the symbolism in the Passover that points to Jesus Christ. Christ in the Passover also includes a Christian Passover Seder script that can be used by Christians year-round. This pamphlet: Shows the parallels between the Passover in the Old Testament and the work of Jesus Christ as the perfect Passover lamb in the New Testament. This is a good way of explaining the Jewish roots of Christianity. Includes a Christian Passover Seder script, with everything you will need, including the recipes. Our staff held a seder and it was very meaningful. It takes only 30 minutes and is good for all ages. Children have fun participating finding the hidden matzah bread that symbolizes Jesus. The Seder can be used at home, in a small group, a Bible study, or a class. Gives insights into the symbolism in the Lord’s Supper and the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples. Christ in the Passover is an excellent Bible study topic at any time, but especially near Easter. The Christian Passover Seder script is a touching worship experience for Sunday school classes and lessons on Moses and the Exodus. This pamphlet even includes the Passover Seder recipes. This [Passover] is a day to remember. Each year, from generation to generation, you must celebrate it as a special festival to the LORD. This is a law for all time. — Exodus 12:14, The Holy Bible This Christ in the Passover Pamphlet is Packed with Fascinating Facts Christians celebrate the Passover as a holiday that commemorates God’s miraculous rescue of Israel from Egyptian captivity. The Lord instituted the Passover feast nearly 3,500 years ago to remind his people of how much he loved them. The Passover is meaningful to Christians today because it is packed with symbolism that points to Jesus Christ. The messianic symbolism in the Passover is a powerful message of salvation in Christ. Christ in the Passover gives hundreds of facts at a glance, including: The Passover story from the Bible - celebrating the Exodus from Egypt The parallels between the Passover in the Old Testament and the work of Jesus Christ as the perfect Passover lamb in the New Testament. This is a good way of explaining the Jewish roots of Christianity. The symbolism of the perfect lamb The similarities between Passover and the Lord’s Supper A Christian Passover Seder script, with everything you will need, including the recipes. Our staff held a seder and it was very meaningful to everyone. It takes only 30 minutes and is good for all ages. Children have fun finding the hidden matzah bread that symbolizes Jesus. The Christian Seder can be used at home, in a small group, a classroom or a Bible study. Christ in the Passover shows six ways that the Passover in the Old Testament points to Jesus, who was called the “Lamb of God.” Why is the Passover story important for Christians today? At some point, you will face hard times, tough problems, and unfair circumstances. It’s good to know that when times are tough, God loves you and watches out for you. Passover is a reminder of God’s control over earthly events and ultimate victory over sin and death. Christ in the Passover will increase your faith in God as you learn that Jesus was sent to earth to become the Passover Lamb for all humanity.