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Identifying Your Fivefold Ministry Calling This book contains teaching previous given in a book series known as "Identifying Your Fivefold Ministry Calling." It has now been expanded to include additional teaching on business and even more about how the fivefold ministries and anointings work together. The Signs of Ministry Calling God has placed the Fivefold Ministry in the church for a specific purpose. Perhaps you feel that you are called to one of these ministries. How do you know which direction you must follow? In this book you will find a complete teaching on each of the fivefold ministry and how they function. You will find the Signs that follow each of these ministries, as well as how to Identify which ministry you are called to. This includes for the first time a Call to Business. Many have thought that you are worldly if you just want to do business. But God is calling those who will rise up in business and not only bring in finances but do new things that build the body of Christ in this earth. If God has placed a call on your life, you will see how the anointing is important in order for you function in any ministry or calling. Each ministry also has it's own goals and purpose. This teaching is a foundation that can start you on any of these ministries. No matter which direction you feel the Lord is leading you, you will find a foundation here that can set you on the path to rise up into all that God has for you. Sections in This Book: - Introduction to the Fivefold Ministry - The Fivefold Goals - The Fivefold Anointing - Signs of the Evangelistic Calling - What a Pastor Looks Like - Signs of the Teaching Calling - Identifying the Prophetic Call - Signs that You Are Called to be an Apostle - Signs of a Business Ministry Orientation Discover your call to the Fivefold and how you can begin to function in the place God is leading you.
Why does the Lord appoint apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to the church? Ephesians 4:12 says they are bestowed for the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, and to edify the body of Christ. However, these three objectives are best understood in the context of God’s purpose. His purpose provides the “why” for understanding the five-fold ministry gifts or the gifts of Christ. From before the foundation of the world, the Father predetermined spiritual blessings in Christ for all humanity. In essence, His purpose is one of unity. The blessings outlined in Ephesians Chapter 1 says that He chose humanity to be His sons, who would share His very nature and be like Him. In short, the Father’s simply wanted a family born of His nature, who would reflect His character, and on whom He could bestow an eternal inheritance. Therefore, the gifts of Christ exist in accordance with this purpose. Indeed, each gift has individual responsibilities but collectively, they serve to bring the entire body of Christ into maturity—a unified body that manifests the Father’s glory or character. The gifts exist to fulfill the purpose that the Father predetermined from before the foundation of the world. This book discusses all these elements in detail and brings the Father’s purpose for the church into perspective in relation to the gifts.
"The Character Of The Five-Fold Ministry Through the Lens of LOVE " explores the fivefold as the gifts that recreate the world. It is a comprehensive book that capsuled the fivefold ministry in five absorbing chapters. The author Chief Apostle Leon D. Nelson Jr. a seasoned minister of God, a brilliant instructor, and one of the few Apostles of our generation presents the fivefold ministry in a compelling narrative that kindles the mind. Discerning from foresight the future of the church and the new creation, Apostle Nelson advocates the exigency of the fivefold ministry. Stating that, the fivefold is of immense significance in modern Christianity. He thus, developed the fivefold in an exciting paradigm precisely presenting it as the character of Jesus Christ. He further exposed the fivefold as the character of Christ and can only be accessed through the lens of love. Focused on the character of the Five-Fold ministry officers, the book reveals the perfect plan of The Father to equip the saints and empower His Kingdom by dispensing the work at His House into a few hands, for the benefit of the church. Beginning from the introduction, Apostle Nelson clearly illuminates the fivefold and distinguishes the character of the office from the gifts of the office. He expounds the benefits of the fivefold to the body of Christ and provides an intuitive insight of the fivefold which the church and the Five-Fold ministry officers must strive to live up to for the body to mature and grow into the fullness of Christ.
A new brand of apostolic ministry for today's world The Permanent Revolution is a work of theological re-imagination and re-construction that draws from biblical studies, theology, organizational theory, leadership studies, and key social sciences. The book elaborates on the apostolic role rooted in the five-fold ministry from Ephesians 4 (apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teacher), and its significance for the missional movement. It explores how the apostolic ministry facilitates ongoing renewal in the life of the church and focuses on leadership in relation to missional innovation and entrepreneurship.The authors examine the nature of organization as reframed through the lens of apostolic ministry. Shows how to view the world through a biblical perspective and continue the "permanent revolution" that Jesus started Outlines the essential characteristics of apostolic movement and how to restructure the church and ministry to be more consistent with them Alan Hirsch is a leading voice in the missional movement of the Christian West This groundbreaking book integrates theology, sociology, and leadership to further define the apostolic movement.
"Much ink and many pages have been devoted to all of the missional issues facing the Western church today. As our culture becomes more post-Christian with each passing day, we are all realizing that what has worked in the past is no longer working, that we are far less effective for the Kingdom than we were even 10 years ago. But we would suggest it isn’t because we don’t know what the Great Commission states or the imperatives of the Gospel, or that our church services just aren’t getting it done. It’s because we are in the midst of a discipleship crisis in the Western church. The people sitting in our pews are rarely becoming like the people we read about in Scripture. They may come to a worship service, join a small group or even tithe, but their lives just don’t seem to look like Jesus’ life. The truth of the matter is that we don’t have a missional problem or leadership problem in the Western church. We have a discipleship problem. If we make disciples like Jesus made them, we’ll never have a problem finding leaders or seeing new people coming to faith. The central issue is that we have no idea how to make disciples who can do the things that Jesus did for the reasons Jesus did them. Building a Discipling Culture is the product of more than 25 years of hands-on discipleship practice in a post-Christian context that has turned into a worldwide discipling movement, dealing specifically with how to make the types of missional disciples Jesus spoke of. We all want to make disciples. Most of us are unsure how to do it. Dallas Willard put it this way: 'Every church needs to be able to answer two questions. One, do we have a plan for making disciples? Two, does our plan work?' For most of our church communities, we have a plan, but the plan isn’t working. If you find yourself in this situation, this book is for you." -- Publisher's description.
DIV God is building His body around the world in the most unexpected ways through the most unexpected people. Take a self-test to find out where your gifts lie and what area of ministry God may have custom-designed you for. /div
Many people have spoken about the Five-Fold Ministry offices (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers) but there are not many who truly understand what this really means. There are also people who have coveted these offices who truly may be gifted, but may not be graced to be in the office of a Five-Fold Ministry gift. This book gives insight on why Five-Fold offices exist and the characteristics and functions of each. The book also details what operating in the grace that has been given to you really means. The Five-Fold ministry offices are important no matter how people try to discredit the need for them. This book will help to clarify why the order and leadership each office provides is necessary.
This informative study guide discusses in depth the biblical characteristics of the ministry gifts -- apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher -- and their roles in the Body of Christ.
A unique comprehensive textbook of the distinctives of the Pentecostal movement.
Alan Hirsch's paradigm-shifting classic remains the definitive statement of the church as dynamic missional movement. The bestselling first edition ignited a conversation about how to harness the power of movements for the future growth of the church. In this major update, Hirsch shares significant insights gained along the way, provides fresh new examples of growing churches, and reflects on the last ten years of the missional movement. The new edition has been thoroughly updated and revised throughout and includes charts, diagrams, an expanded glossary of terms, new appendices, an index, a new foreword by Ed Stetzer, and a new afterword by Jeff Vanderstelt. Known for his innovative approach to mission, Hirsch is widely acknowledged as a thought leader and mission strategist for churches across the Western world. He considers The Forgotten Ways the guiding work to all of his other writings. The book explores the factors that come together to generate high-impact, exponentially explosive, spiritually vibrant Jesus movements in any time and context. This extensive update to Hirsch's influential work offers a system of six vital keys to movements that will continue shape the future of the missional movement for years to come.