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During the nineteenth century the art of photography in the Netherlands Indies, now Indonesia, was mainly in European hands. Gradually, members of other ethnic groups moved into the field. Among indigenous ethnic groups, the pioneer was the Javanese Kassian Cephas (1845-1912). From the early 1870s Kassian Cephas was photographer to the court of the Sultans of Yogyakarta. As such he was responsible for many portraits of the royal family, in particular during the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwana VII. Besides portraits of the royal family, Kassian Cephas documented theatrical performances and ceremonies at court. Apart from a biography of Kassian Cephas and his son and successor Sem Cephas (1870-1918), this book offers a selection of 98 pictures of the exquisite work of these photographers, drawn mainly from the photographic collection of the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV). This selection introduces the reader to a world of royal dignity, gracious dancers, shadowy town views, impressive temple ruins and the mysterious Indian Ocean coast.
Photographic subjects examines photography at royal celebrations during the reign of Queens Wilhelmina (1898–1948) and Juliana (1948–80), a period spanning the zenith and fall of Dutch rule in Indonesia. It is the first monograph in English on the Dutch monarchy and the Netherlands’ modern empire in the age of mass and amateur photography. Photographs forged imperial networks, negotiated relations of recognition and subjecthood between Indonesians and Dutch authorities, and informed cultural modes of citizenship at a time of accelerated colonial expansion and major social change in the East Indies/Indonesia. This book advances methods in the uses of photographs for social and cultural history, reveals the entanglement of Dutch and Indonesian histories in the twentieth century, and provides a new interpretation of Queens Wilhelmina and Juliana as imperial monarchs.
Presents a new approach to heritage formation in Asia, conveying the power of the material remains of the past.
The 26 scholars contributing to this volume have helped shape the field of Indonesian studies over the last three decades. They represent a broad geographic background—Indonesia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, Canada—and have studied in a wide array of key disciplines—anthropology, history, linguistics and literature, government and politics, art history, and ethnomusicology. Together they reflect on the "arc of our field," the development of Indonesian studies over recent tumultuous decades. They consider what has been achieved and what still needs to be accomplished as they interpret the groundbreaking works of their predecessors and colleagues. This volume is the product of a lively conference sponsored by Cornell University, with contributions revised following those interactions. Not everyone sees the development of Indonesian studies in the same way. Yet one senses—and this collection confirms—that disagreements among its practitioners have fostered a vibrant, resilient intellectual community. Contributors discuss photography and the creation of identity, the power of ethnic pop music, cross-border influences on Indonesian contemporary art, violence in the margins, and the shadows inherent in Indonesian literature. These various perspectives illuminate a diverse nation in flux and provide direction for its future exploration.
Recent years have shown an increase in interest in the study of cleanliness from a historical and sociological perspective. Many of such studies on bathing and washing, on keeping the body and the streets clean, and on filth and the combat of dirt, focus on Europe. In Cleanliness and Culture attention shifts to the tropics, to Indonesia, in colonial times as well as in the present. Subjects range from the use of soap and the washing of clothes as a pretext to claim superiority of race and class to how references to being clean played a role in a campaign against European homosexuals in the Netherlands Indies at the end of the 1930s. Other topics are eerie skin diseases and the sanitary measures to eliminate them, and how misconceptions about lack of hygiene as the cause of illness hampered the finding of a cure. Attention is also drawn to differences in attitude towards performing personal body functions outdoors and retreating to the privacy of the bathroom, to traditional bathing ritual and to the modern tropical Spa culture as a manifestation of a New Asian lifestyle. With contributions by Bart Barendregt, Marieke Bloembergen, Kees van Dijk, Mary Somers Heidhues, David Henley, George Quinn, and Jean Gelman Taylor.
In the seventeenth century, the Dutch established a trading base at the Indonesian site of Jacarta. What began as a minor colonial outpost under the name Batavia would become, over the next three centuries, the flourishing economic and political nucleus of the Dutch Asian Empire. In this pioneering study, Jean Gelman Taylor offers a comprehensive analysis of Batavia’s extraordinary social world—its marriage patterns, religious and social organizations, economic interests, and sexual roles. With an emphasis on the urban ruling elite, she argues that Europeans and Asians alike were profoundly altered by their merging, resulting in a distinctive hybrid, Indo-Dutch culture. Original in its focus on gender and use of varied sources—travelers’ accounts, newspapers, legal codes, genealogical data, photograph albums, paintings, and ceramics—The Social World of Batavia, first published in 1983, forged new paths in the study of colonial society. In this second edition, Gelman offers a new preface as well as an additional chapter tracing the development of these themes by a new generation of scholars.
De Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) had haar werkterrein in Azië. De twaalf artikelen in deze bundel analyseren de relaties tussen de Compagnie en de machthebbers op die Aziatische werkvloer. Zij bestrijken het gehele Aziatische octrooigebied van de VOC van Perzië tot Japan. De auteurs, allen internationale autoriteiten, gaan in op de Compagniesrelaties met Aziatische hoven en andere machtscentra tussen 1620 en 1720. In die periode voegde de VOC zich via diplomatie, handel of geweld in de locale machtsstructuren. Dit perspectief resulteert in een verrassende bundel. De bijdragen variëren van belangrijke revisies van opvattingen over Aziatische vorsten/elites en over de destructieve invloed van de VOC tot een diplomatiek misverstand tussen Batavia en het eerste Chinese gezantschap, van intelligence over de hofstructuur van Cochin tot close reading van een correspondentie tussen vorst van Ceylon en de VOC. De inleiding tekent gemeenschappelijke patronen: vorsten en VOC waren vaak tot elkaar veroordeeld zonder dat de ene of andere partij evident de overhand had; daarbij onderhield een geschenkencultuur van exotica (paarden en olifanten) veelal de vriendschap. Deze bundel is aangeboden aan dr. Jurrien van Goor bij zijn universitaire afscheid als koloniaal historicus. Zij bevat dan ook een bio- en historiografische schets en de bibliografie van deze VOC-kenner.
Includes reports of meetings of the institute.
"The variety of the works in this book denoted the change of times, alternating the old with the new, with photographs referring to traditions and rituals - such as wedding ceremonies, family portraits and pilgrimages - and works revealing a glimpse into tomorrow's Indonesia." -- BOOK JACKET.
The Other Classical Musics will help both students and general readers to appreciate musical traditions mostly unfamiliar to them.