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Articular cartilage is an avascular and flexible connective tissue found in joints. It produces a cushioning effect at the joints and provides low friction to protect the ends of the bones from wear and tear/damage. It has poor repair capacity and any injury can result in pain and loss of mobility. One of the common forms of articular cartilage disease which has a huge impact on patient's life is arthritis. Research on cartilage cell/tissue engineering will help patients to improve their physical activity by replacing or treating the diseased/damaged cartilage tissue. Cartilage cell, called chondrocyte is embedded in the matrix (Lacunae) and has round shape in vivo. The in vitro monolayer culture of primary chondrocyte causes morphological change characterized as dedifferentiation. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-[beta]), a cytokine superfamily, regulates cell function, including differentiation and proliferation. The effect of TGF-[beta]1, 2, 3, and their manipulated forms in biological regulation of primary chondrocyte was investigated in this work. A novel method was developed to isolate and purify the primary chondrocytes from knee joint of neonate Sprague-Dawley rat, and the effect of some supplementations such as hyaluronic acid and antibiotics were also investigated to provide the most appropriate condition for in vitro culture of chondrocyte cells. Addition of 0.1mg/ml hyaluronic acid in chondrocyte culture media resulted an increase in primary chondrocyte proliferation and helped the cells to maintain chondrocytic morphology. TGF-[beta]1, 2 and 3 caused chondrocytes to obtain fibroblastic phenotype, alongside an increase in apoptosis. The healing process of the wound closure assay of chondrocyte monolayers were slowed down by all three isoforms of TGF-[beta]. All three types of TGF-[beta] negatively affected the strength of chondrocyte adhesion. TGF-[beta]1, 2 and 3 up regulated the expression of collagen type-II, but decreased synthesis of collagen type-I, Chondroitin sulfate glycoprotein, and laminin. They did not show any significant change in production of S-100 protein and fibronectin. TGF-[beta]2, and 3 did not change expression of integrin-[beta]1 (CD29), but TGF-[beta]1 decreased the secretion of this adhesion protein. Manipulated TGF-[beta] showed huge impact on formation of fibroblast like morphology of chondrocytes with chondrocytic phenotype. These isoforms also decreased the expression of laminin, chondroitin sulfate glycoprotein, and collagen type-I, but they increased production of collagen type-II and did not induce synthesis of fibronectin and S-100 protein. In addition, the strength of cell adhesion on solid surface was reduced by manipulated TGF-[beta]. Only manipulated form of TGF-[beta]1 and 2 could increase the proliferation rate. Manipulation of TGF-[beta] did not up regulate the expression of integrin-[beta]1 in planar culture system. The implications of this R & D work are that the manipulation of TGF-[beta] by combination of TGF-[beta]1, 2, and 3 can be utilized in production of superficial zone of cartilage and perichondrium. The collagen, fibronectin and hyaluronic acid could be recruited for the fabrication of a biodegradable scaffold that promotes chondrocyte growth for autologous chondrocyte implantation or for formation of cartilage.
Cartilage cell (Chondrocyte) is embedded in the matrix (Lacunae) and has round shape in vivo. The in vitro monolayer culture of primary chondrocyte causes morphological change characterized as dedifferentiation. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), a cytokine superfamily, regulates cell function, including differentiation and proliferation. The effect of TGF-β1, 2, 3, and their manipulated forms in biological regulation of primary chondrocyte was investigated in this work. A novel method was developed to isolate and purify the primary chondrocytes from knee joint of neonate Sprague-Dawley rat, and the effect of some supplementations such as hyaluronic acid and antibiotics were also investigated to provide the most appropriate condition for in vitro culture of chondrocyte cells.
Cartilage injuries in children and adolescents are increasingly observed, with roughly 20% of knee injuries in adolescents requiring surgery. In the US alone, costs of osteoarthritis (OA) are in excess of $65 billion per year (both medical costs and lost wages). Comorbidities are common with OA and are also costly to manage. Articular cartilage's low friction and high capacity to bear load makes it critical in the movement of one bone against another, and its lack of a sustained natural healing response has necessitated a plethora of therapies. Tissue engineering is an emerging technology at the threshold of translation to clinical use. Replacement cartilage can be constructed in the laboratory to recapitulate the functional requirements of native tissues. This book outlines the biomechanical and biochemical characteristics of articular cartilage in both normal and pathological states, through development and aging. It also provides a historical perspective of past and current cartilage treatments and previous tissue engineering efforts. Methods and standards for evaluating the function of engineered tissues are discussed, and current cartilage products are presented with an analysis on the United States Food and Drug Administration regulatory pathways that products must follow to market. This book was written to serve as a reference for researchers seeking to learn about articular cartilage, for undergraduate and graduate level courses, and as a compendium of articular cartilage tissue engineering design criteria. Table of Contents: Hyaline Articular Cartilage / Cartilage Aging and Pathology / In Vitro / Bioreactors / Future Directions
This book covers the proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Mechanobiology of Cartilage and Chondrocyte. Mechanobiology can be now considered as a vigorous branch of biomechanics, biorheology and physiology mainly concerned with the study of the influence of mechanical forces on cells and tissues and their clinical or therapeutical applications. As we are now in the age of proteomics, genomics and cell micro mechanical approaches, suing methods like laser tweezers or confocal microscopy, mechanobiology brings new challenges. With such new research, mechanobiology promises new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. In other respect there has been increasing interest over recent years in the fundamental role played by local mechanical parameters in chondrocyte regulations and cartilage dysfunctions as a first step in the development of osteoarthritis. These proceedings are sub-divided into four parts: Theoretical approaches and mechanobiology of chondrocyte; Cartilage and chondrocyte studies; Osteoarthritis: inflammation degradation and clinical approaches; and, Cartilage engineering
Biological Regulation of the Chondrocytes provides a comprehensive examination of the various regulations in which cartilaginous cells are involved. The book's introductory chapter provides an overview of the different types of chondrocyte, while following chapters discuss the various biological regulations implicated in chondrocyte functions, especially the modulation of differentiative properties. Chapters 2 and 3 examine the extracellular matrix components, and Chapter 4 discusses the special case of cultured chondrocytes and the usefulness of in vitro approaches. The following three chapters focus on the complex role of cartilaginous growth factors and cytokines (FGF, TGFB, IGF, and IL1) on the modulation of the chondrocyte properties. Chapter 9 discusses the synoviocyte, and the last four chapters examine the biochemical and molecular perturbations that appear during repair, aging, rheumatic disease, and cancer. Biological Regulation of the Chondrocytes will benefit rheumatologists, pharmaceutical researchers, physiologists, connective tissue specialists, and students and other researchers in the osteoarticular field.
Bone and Cartilage Engineering provides a complete overview of recent knowledge in bone and cartilage tissue engineering. It follows a logical approach to the various aspects of extracorporal bone and cartilage tissue engineering. The cooperation between a basic scientist and a clinician made it possible to structure the book's content and style according to the interdisciplinary character of the field. The comprehensive nature of the book, including detailed descriptions of laboratory procedures, preclinical approaches, clinical applications, and regulatory issues, will make it an invaluable basis for everyone working in this field. This book will serve as a fundamental tool for basic researchers to establish or refine tissue engineering techniques as well as for clinicians to understand and use this modern therapeutic option.
Tissue engineering takes advantages of the combined use of cultured living cells and three-dimensional scaffolds to reconstruct adult tissues that are absent or malfunctioning. This book brings together scientists and clinicians working on a variety of approaches for regenerating of damaged or lost cartilage and bone to assess the progress of this dynamic field. In its early days, tissue engineering was driven by material scientists who designed novel bio-resorbable scaffolds on which to seed cells and grow tissues. This ground-breaking work generated high expectations, but there have been significant stumbling blocks holding back the widespread use of these techniques in the clinic. These challenges, and potential ways of overcoming them, are given thorough coverage in the discussions that follow each chapter. The key questions addressed in this book include the following. How good must cartilage repair be for it to be worthwhile? What is the best source of cells for tissue engineering of both bone and cartilage? Which are the most effective cell scaffolds? What are the best preclinical models for these technologies? And when it comes to clinical trials, what sort of outcome measures should be used? With contributions from some of the leading experts in this field, this timely publication will prove essential reading for anyone with an interest in the field of tissue engineering.
Articular cartilage allows for near frictionless joint movement; however, when damaged the tissue has very little capacity for self-repair. Tissue engineering can be used to both repair damaged articular cartilage and as an in vitro model for joint disease. Commonly used cell sources for tissue engineering are adipose-derived and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs and MSCs) because they can be patient matched, expand rapidly in culture, and have multipotent differentiation potential. However, donor-to-donor variability of differentiation potential can mask the results of in vitro experiments and ASCs and MSCs only retain their multipotency for a limited number of passages. To overcome the issues of limited culture lifespan and donor-to-donor variability we created an immortalized ASC line for optimized cartilage tissue engineered to be used as a model system for in vitro experiments. This ASC line was previously immortalized with the overexpression of human telomerase. However, it had limited chondrogenic potential as measured by production of cartilage extracellular matrix proteins. To increase its chondrogenic potential, we overexpressed the master transcription factor for cartilage development, SOX9. This overexpression greatly increased the production of cartilage extracellular matrix protein type II collagen and glycosaminoglycans during chondrogenic differentiation. We further characterized the response of these cells to mechanical and inflammatory stimuli such that they could be used for in vitro experiments involving cartilage development, homeostasis and inflammatory disease. The response of these cells to both mechanical and inflammatory stimuli was found to be similar to that of native chondrocytes, displaying the usability of this cell line as a model for cartilage tissue engineering. In addition to creating a model cell line, we also wanted to understand how MSCs change with passage and why that limits their differentiation at later passages. For this purpose, we used single cell RNA sequencing to investigate the transcriptome of MSCs from three donors at a single cell resolution over the course of eight passages. As these MSCs were not sorted at harvest, we expected there to be a heterogenous population of cells at the earlier passages, which was not found. Instead, the MSCs were fairly homogenous in their gene expression at passage 1, and their transcriptome subtly changed with each passage, with one of the three donors having a more substantial shift in gene expression around passage 6. From this data, we identified potential regulators of late passage phenotype including loss of IGFBP2 expression, decrease in JUN activity, and increase in CREB3L1 activity. The data collected in this project can be used along with other available datasets to better understand donor-to-donor variability, the largest source of unpredictability between MSC populations. For the purposes of understanding inflammatory joint disease and the stability of tissue engineered cartilage for clinical repair, we were interested in the regulation of the protein lubricin, and its gene PRG4. In healthy cartilage, the protein lubricin is produced by the superficial zone chondrocytes and plays a role in both the mechanics of joint motion as well as having an anti-inflammatory effect. However, the pathway of regulation of lubricin and its gene PRG4 in response to inflammatory stimuli had not previously been elucidated. By using MSC-derived tissue engineered cartilage as a model, we determined that when challenged with IL-1[beta], PRG4 expression increases, but lubricin content is unchanged. The increase in PRG4 expression was shown to be NFAT-mediated, a regulation pathway independent of the mechanical regulation of PRG4. Additionally, we found that PRG4 expression could be upregulated by using CRISPR activation. This increase did not prohibit IL-1[beta] challenge from further upregulating the gene expression. These intriguing responses help us better understand progression of inflammatory joint disease as well as informing us as to the potential therapeutic effect, or lack thereof, of lubricin in tissue engineered cartilage when implanted into an inflammatory environment. Overall, this set of work increases our understanding of adult stem cells in expansion and for tissue engineering purposes. Furthermore, by creating cell lines and a knowledge base, this work helps build the foundation for future studies to investigate the progression of joint disease and develop therapies involving adult stem cells.
Osteochondral defects can be challenging to treat, first, because the damaged articular cartilage has a poor intrinsic reparative capability, and second, because these defects cause chronic pain and serious disability. That is why cartilage repair remains one of the most challenging issues of musculoskeletal medicine. Arthroscopic and open techniques that have been developed over the last two decades intend to promote the success of complete repair of the articular cartilage defects; nevertheless, these therapies cannot always offer 100% success. Nowadays, cartilage tissue engineering is an emerging technique for the regeneration of cartilage tissue. Taking into consideration these perspectives, this book aims to present a summary of cartilage tissue engineering, including development, recent progress, and major steps taken toward the regeneration of functional cartilage tissue. Special emphasis is placed on the role of stimulating factors, including growth factors, gene therapies, as well as scaffolds, including natural, synthetic, and nanostructured.