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The objective of this case study is to understand the application of ICT technologies for rural groundwater management in China, and it’s impacts on the rural poor. This will help understand the physical and policy context this technology is being applied and expanded, its impact on resource management, and changes in water delivery service to farmers. These understanding will help improve this technology and provide data and information for its replication in other parts of Asia. It will also help understand the capabilities of the ICT within the water sector applications.
The dominance of insular, supply-side technocratic thinking has posed a major challenge to improving water governance in the face of mounting resource scarcity, which has itself been accentuated by climate change. During the 1990s, global discourse moved from supply-driven sectoral interventions to more holistic approaches to water governance as part of larger socioeconomic and environmental processes. Integrated water resources management (IWRM) emphasized demand-side water management and used prices, participation, entitlements, laws and regulations to strengthen water governance at hydrological rather than territorial units. More recently, there have been pleas for more integrative approaches that link land, water, energy, food, livelihoods, the environment and other spheres – each with its own, often insular, governance structure. The evolution in global thinking reflects the need to meet growing human needs by innovating approaches that enhance resilience and the sustainability of landscapes, the biosphere and the Earth as a whole. To this end, the water–energy–food (WEF) nexus advocates that society is better off seeking system-level balance rather than maximizing sectoral objectives. The nexus approach has produced prolific analytical literature over the past decade but integrating it into policy and governance faces many challenges. This review paper explores these challenges by focusing on the WEF nexus in action. We compare the nexus in several water-stressed areas of the world including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, China, Bangladesh and Gujarat (India), with additional evidence drawn from other places such as Morocco and Punjab-Haryana. We synthesize these case studies to examine the actual state of play in different locations and tease out practical lessons for mainstreaming nexus thinking in water policy and governance. The key conclusion is that specific contexts, contingencies and constituencies drive national and sub-national policies. Directing the outcomes towards the optimal nexus depends on the nature of the state, investment in institution building and, above all, ingenuity in policy design and implementation to overcome resistance to change and strengthen political capital for the leaders who back such policies.
The report gives a state-of-the-art overview of policies, regulations and incentives for the sustainable use of solar-powered irrigation technologies (SPIS) around the world. SPIS offer a viable, low-tech energy solution for irrigated agriculture, providing a reliable source of energy in remote areas, contributing to rural electrification, reducing energy costs for irrigation and enabling low emission agriculture. Nevertheless, SPIS have a significant initial investment cost and require innovative financing models to overcome this barrier to adoption, especially for small-scale farmers. Technical knowledge and service infrastructure is needed to ensure that the systems run effectively. Moreover, SPIS – if not adequately managed - bear the risk of fostering unsustainable water use as lower energy costs may lead to over-abstraction of groundwater. This report looks at how different countries work to create an enabling environment for SPIS technologies, while managing the risks that come with it.
Case studies on the innovative use of emerging technologies, such as 3D food printing, electronic traceability services, and multi-parameter monitors for indoor air quality, to improve the livehoods of farming communities.
Managing Water on China's Farms: Institutions, Policies and the Transformation of Irrigation under Scarcity is a comprehensive and current look at the water shortage problems in China. While China has emerged as a major player in the world economy, water is the most critical factor that limits the country’s further growth. China’s growing water problems also have a large impact worldwide, with public health as well as economic impacts. If China were to rely heavily on food produced outside of China, the massive volume of food imports would raise food prices internationally. This book examines a series of water issues, beginning with a description of the water shortage problems in China, particularly in the northern part of the country. It then looks at the government and farmers' responses and whether past policies have been effective in resolving the water problems. Managing Water on China’s Farms documents the change of existing and new water management institutional forms over time and across provinces throughout northern China, and then assesses the impacts of these changes in the rural sector. Finally, it examines potential solutions that the research has uncovered, answering the question: Who can build the bridge over China’s troubled waters? Using analyses from information collected firsthand in China’s rural villages, the series of surveys covers diverse geographic regions that are representative of north China and includes perspectives from multiple stakeholders such as village leaders, water managers, and farmers. The policy-oriented research and rich analysis in this book make it of interest to both policy makers and researchers with a focus on China water problems. This book can also be used in a Master or Ph.D. level resource economics course. Uses case studies including problem, factors, proposed solutions, and pros and cons of each to facilitate translational learning and application Uses analyses of firsthand data collected from sources of irrigation water, irrigation systems, and water users Covers governance and operation and maintenance (O and M) practices Provides an informative, quantitative, and rigorous analysis of survey results Provides practical and valuable data, including the detailed micro-level data that enables estimating strategies
This book shows the effectiveness of DRASTIC model in a geographical setting for validation of vulnerable zones and presents the optimization of parameters for the development of precise maps highlighting several zones with varied contamination. Impact of vadose zone has also been assessed by considering every sub-surface layer. Exclusive title covering effectiveness of DRASTIC model for groundwater vulnerability assessment Reviews of the strengths and limitations of assessment methods Presents multi-criteria evaluation of hydro-geological and anthropogenic factors Discusses integration with geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) Includes application of groundwater governance framework with a case study study of a geographical setting
Chinese water resource managers face a challenge that is both immense and unique. They must balance limited water supplies against the needs of the world’s largest population; demands for rapid economic growth with calls for improved environmental management; and the desire for a market-based approach to the allocation of water with a history of State ownership and strict government control of all resources. In China, changes are occurring in water resources management that are representative of many of the fundamental changes occurring within Chinese society, on issues such as property rights, community participation, improved environmental management, and the shift towards market-based decision making. This book describes the development of a water rights system in the People’s Republic of China. It covers different aspects of water resources management in China – including water planning, the provision of environmental flows, urban water management, and irrigation district management – and examines how these are being addressed through a rights-based approach. The book includes several detailed examples of the Chinese application of water rights as they address the diverse challenges of different basins across China. This book previously appeared as a special issue of the International Journal of Water Resources Development.
Water Resources Monitoring, Management, and Sustainability: Application of Geostatistics and Geospatial Modeling, Volume 16, a new volume in the Developments in Environmental Science series, introduces a variety of advanced modeling techniques like changing climate and land use/land cover, hydrological models, and machine learning approaches. These techniques are applied to address water resources and environmental monitoring, as well as planning and sustainable management of water resources. Further, the book discusses how to manage water resources at various local, regional, and international levels while incorporating environmental considerations. Finally, it delves into cutting-edge techniques based on open-source software and R statistical programming, Google Earth Engine, and modeling in modern artificial intelligence techniques, with a particular emphasis on recent trends in datamining techniques and robust modeling in water resource crisis-related hazards. Provides essential information on new methods for managing water resources to minimize the global water crisis Illustrates a geospatial technology approach to datamining techniques, data analysis, modeling, risk assessment and visualization, and management strategies in many elements of natural and societal hazards Includes works that address the connection between water, climate change, and the environment