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While theories based on classical physics have been very successful in helping experimentalists design microelectronic devices, new approaches based on quantum mechanics are required to accurately model nanoscale transistors and to predict their characteristics even before they are fabricated. Advanced Nanoelectronics provides research information on advanced nanoelectronics concepts, with a focus on modeling and simulation. Featuring contributions by researchers actively engaged in nanoelectronics research, it develops and applies analytical formulations to investigate nanoscale devices. The book begins by introducing the basic ideas related to quantum theory that are needed to better understand nanoscale structures found in nanoelectronics, including graphenes, carbon nanotubes, and quantum wells, dots, and wires. It goes on to highlight some of the key concepts required to understand nanotransistors. These concepts are then applied to the carbon nanotube field effect transistor (CNTFET). Several chapters cover graphene, an unzipped form of CNT that is the recently discovered allotrope of carbon that has gained a tremendous amount of scientific and technological interest. The book discusses the development of the graphene nanoribbon field effect transistor (GNRFET) and its use as a possible replacement to overcome the CNT chirality challenge. It also examines silicon nanowire (SiNW) as a new candidate for achieving the downscaling of devices. The text describes the modeling and fabrication of SiNW, including a new top-down fabrication technique. Strained technology, which changes the properties of device materials rather than changing the device geometry, is also discussed. The book ends with a look at the technical and economic challenges that face the commercialization of nanoelectronics and what universities, industries, and government can do to lower the barriers. A useful resource for professionals, researchers, and scientists, this work brings together state-of-the-art technical and scientific information on important topics in advanced nanoelectronics.
Coined as the third revolution in electronics is under way; Manufacturing is going digital, driven by computing revolution, powered by MOS technology, in particular, by the CMOS technology and its development.In this book, the scaling challenges for CMOS: SiGe BiCMOS, THz and niche technology are covered; the first article looks at scaling challenges for CMOS from an industrial point of view (review of the latest innovations); the second article focuses on SiGe BiCMOS technologies (deals with high-speed up to the THz-region), and the third article reports on circuits associated with source/drain integration in 14 nm and beyond FinFET technology nodes. Followed by the last two articles on niche applications for emerging technologies: one deals with carbon nanotube network and plasmonics for the THz region carbon, while the other reviews the recent developments in integrated on-chip nano-optomechanical systems.
This volume explores and addresses the challenges of high-k gate dielectric materials, one of the major concerns in the evolving semiconductor industry and the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS). The application of high-k gate dielectric materials is a promising strategy that allows further miniaturization of microelectronic components. This book presents a broad review of SiO2 materials, including a brief historical note of Moore’s law, followed by reliability issues of the SiO2 based MOS transistor. It goes on to discuss the transition of gate dielectrics with an EOT ~ 1 nm and a selection of high-k materials. A review of the various deposition techniques of different high-k films is also discussed. High-k dielectrics theories (quantum tunneling effects and interface engineering theory) and applications of different novel MOSFET structures, like tunneling FET, are also covered in this book. The volume also looks at the important issues in the future of CMOS technology and presents an analysis of interface charge densities with the high-k material tantalum pentoxide. The issue of CMOS VLSI technology with the high-k gate dielectric materials is covered as is the advanced MOSFET structure, with its working structure and modeling. This timely volume will prove to be a valuable resource on both the fundamentals and the successful integration of high-k dielectric materials in future IC technology.
This book is based on the 18 tutorials presented during the 23rd workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design. Expert designers present readers with information about a variety of topics at the frontier of analog circuit design, serving as a valuable reference to the state-of-the-art, for anyone involved in analog circuit research and development.
The issue of ECS Transactions contains papers presented at the Tenth International Symposium on Silicon Nitride, Silicon Dioxide, and Alternate Emerging Dielectrics held in San Francisco on May 24-29, 2009. The papers address a very wide range of fabrication and characterization techniques, and applications of thin dielectric films in microelectronic and optoelectronic devices. More specific topics addressed by the papers include reliability, interface states, gate oxides, passivation, and dielctric breakdown.
This book presents materials fundamentals of novel gate dielectrics that are being introduced into semiconductor manufacturing to ensure the continuous scalling of the CMOS devices. This is a very fast evolving field of research so we choose to focus on the basic understanding of the structure, thermodunamics, and electronic properties of these materials that determine their performance in device applications. Most of these materials are transition metal oxides. Ironically, the d-orbitals responsible for the high dielectric constant cause sever integration difficulties thus intrinsically limiting high-k dielectrics. Though new in the electronics industry many of these materials are wel known in the field of ceramics, and we describe this unique connection. The complexity of the structure-property relations in TM oxides makes the use of the state of the art first-principles calculations necessary. Several chapters give a detailed description of the modern theory of polarization, and heterojunction band discontinuity within the framework of the density functional theory. Experimental methods include oxide melt solution calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry, Raman scattering and other optical characterization techniques, transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Many of the problems encounterd in the world of CMOS are also relvant for other semiconductors such as GaAs. A comprehensive review of recent developments in this field is thus also given. The book should be of interest to those actively engaged in the gate dielectric research, and to graduate students in Materials Science, Materials Physics, Materials Chemistry, and Electrical Engineering.
The continuously expanding realm of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) Applications is the symposium focus. ALD can enable the precise deposition of ultra-thin, highly conformal coatings over complex 3D topography, with controlled composition and properties. This issue of the ECS Transactions contains peer reviewed papers presented at the symposium. Breadths of ALD Applications are featured: novel nano-composites and nanostructures, dielectrics for state-of-the-art transistors and capacitors, optoelectronics and a variety of other emerging applications.
Silicon Compounds—Advances in Research and Application: 2013 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ book that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Silanes. The editors have built Silicon Compounds—Advances in Research and Application: 2013 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Silanes in this book to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Silicon Compounds—Advances in Research and Application: 2013 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at
The main goal of this book is to review at the nano and atomic scale the very complex scientific issues that pertain to the use of advanced high dielectric constant (high-k) materials in next generation semiconductor devices. One of the key obstacles to integrate this novel class of materials into Si nano-technology are the electronic defects in high-k dielectrics. It has been established that defects do exist in high-k dielectrics and they play an important role in device operation. The unique feature of this book is a special focus on the important issue of defects. The subject is covered from various angles, including silicon technology, processing aspects, materials properties, electrical defects, microstructural studies, and theory. The authors who have contributed to the book represents a diverse group of leading scientists from academic, industrial and governmental labs worldwide who bring a broad array of backgrounds (basic and applied physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, surface science, and materials science). The contributions to this book are accessible to both expert scientists and engineers who need to keep up with leading edge research, and newcomers to the field who wish to learn more about the exciting basic and applied research issues relevant to next generation device technology.