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This revised and updated edition of Care of the Mentally Disordered Offender in the Community provides a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to theory and practice. The social and clinical context within which mental health care is provided to offenders in community settings has changed significantly in recent years. An increasing proportion of all mental health care is provided in the community and our knowledge of the links between violence and mental illness has advanced. Existing psychological and pharmacological treatments have been refined and new treatments have been introduced. Epidemiological and intervention-based research has evaluated these changes and suggested new avenues for clinical development. Over three sections, the second edition of Care of the Mentally Disordered Offender in the Community explores the key areas of the field. Part 1 describes the social, administrative and clinical context within which care is now given. Part 2 discusses treatment and the evaluation of violence risk when determining the most appropriate treatment. Part 3 explores psychiatric services and their relationship with other agencies. The text has been updated to cover recent developments in theory and practice. New chapters have been added that cover US provision for people with mental disorders leaving prison, the community management of sexual offenders, the relationship between care and coercion and the treatment of personality disorders. Written by a global team of experts, the book provides critical insights into the social, clinical, and institutional aspects of an increasingly important part of psychiatric community care.
In the past forensic psychiatry has been a sub-speciality of general psychiatry without its own, separate identity. However, since the mid-1980s there has been a growing in terest in the application of community care principles to mentally disordered offenders. A new set of attitudes have developed which have enabled the mentally disordered offender to emerge from relative institutional obscurity to a much higher profile in the community. Although numerically small in relation to the general psychiatric population, forensic patients tend to attract the public' s attention by virtue of their greater propensity for troublesome behaviour. Such a group needs expert community support in order to maintain an accepta bie public face. Unfortunately these developments have outstripped the creation of training opportunities for community staff charged with their support and supervision. Most community practi tioners have had to learn 'on the job' with inadequate support and supervision from senior staff, who of ten have less direct experience of working with this client group than themselves. Just such a situation prompted the authors, in 1990, to establish a module on 'Working with Mentally Disordered Offenders in the Community' as part of an MA in Social W ork at the University of Reading. As the course developed it became clear that the topic and content had equal application to other community professionals working in the field.
Essential reading for all professionals working in the psychiatric and criminal justice systems with mentally disordered offenders.
This revised and updated edition of Care of the Mentally Disordered Offender in the Community provides a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to theory and practice. The social and clinical context within which mental health care is provided to offenders in community settings has changed significantly in recent years. An increasing proportion of all mental health care is provided in the community and our knowledge of the links between violence and mental illness has advanced. Existing psychological and pharmacological treatments have been refined and new treatments have been introduced. Epidemiological and intervention-based research has evaluated these changes and suggested new avenues for clinical development. Over three sections, the second edition of Care of the Mentally Disordered Offender in the Community explores the key areas of the field. Part 1 describes the social, administrative and clinical context within which care is now given. Part 2 discusses treatment and the evaluation of violence risk when determining the most appropriate treatment. Part 3 explores psychiatric services and their relationship with other agencies. The text has been updated to cover recent developments in theory and practice. New chapters have been added that cover US provision for people with mental disorders leaving prison, the community management of sexual offenders, the relationship between care and coercion and the treatment of personality disorders. Written by a global team of experts, the book provides critical insights into the social, clinical, and institutional aspects of an increasingly important part of psychiatric community care.
Spotlights the important moment in recovery when an offender who has received substance use disorder treatment while incarcerated is released into the community. Provides guidelines for ensuring continuity of care for the offender client. Treatment providers must collaborate with parole officers & others who supervise released offenders. This report explains how these & other members of a transition team can share records, develop sanctions, & coordinate relapse prevention so that treatment gains made insideÓ are not lost. Presents specific treatment guidelines to long-term medical conditions, & sex offenders.
First published in 1997, this volume’s purpose is to understand and clarify the nature of implicit theories currently held about the mentally disordered offender by respondents who represent a range of agencies: the general lay population, Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Social Services. The significance of this research rests on the premise that a greater understanding of professional and lay perspectives towards the mentally ill offender will help elucidate conflicting assumptions between agencies which, by their very nature, may be seriously disrupting the effective implementation of a number of key criminological and clinical policy initiatives involving the care and management of the mentally ill. In particular, consideration is given to the impact such ideological differences may have with regard to the establishment of community-based psychiatric care programmes, the policy of diverting mentally ill offenders away from the Criminal Justice System and into care by Health and Social Services, and the need to strengthen inter-agency co-operation.
Topical theme of mentally disordered offenders. Reputation of Herschel Prins, Editors and Contributors.
Report by the National Coalition for Mental and Substance Abuse Health Care in the Justice System, which has led the way in establishing a platform to address the mental health and co-disorders needs of adult and juvenile offenders, an increasing problem. This report proposes new directions for community corrections in handling persons with mental health and co-disorders at a time when some policy makers are pushing for more punitive sanctions for all offenders. It focuses specifically on addressing and improving the provision of mental health services to persons living in our communities being supervised by Community Corrections.
Management of mentally disordered offenders (MDOs) is a major challenge for the clinician, because they have multiple problems and diagnoses, and the cost of a mistake can be very high. The author, former director of psychiatric services at the Regional Treatment Centre in Ontario, traces the MDO management process from initial assessment, through secure stabilization, to preparation for release and subsequent community supervision. He outlines the difficulties of managing a population of serious offenders and highlights elements of treatment that are essential if the MDO is to be reintegrated into the community.