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When we began to organize the workshop "Calcium and Cellular Metabolism: Transport and Regulation" the goal we had in mind was to put together the knowledge of 2 several specialists on Ca + homeostasis, with various examples of cellular metabolisms 2 2 (such as protein synthesis), regulated by Ca + ions. Regarding the homeostasis of Ca + ions, we invited Ernesto Carafoli to write the first chapter as a general state-of-the-art introductory review. On the other hand, the other chapters are the contribution of different specialists on membrane calcium transport mechanisms, aiming to reunite at least in part the wide field of calcium homeostasis. We roughly try to group chapters that share similar subjects. The first group of chapters (Chapters 2 to 6), are mainly related to calcium channels. Thus, Chapter 2 by Rodolfo Llimis et a!. describes a new concept related to the dimen sions of the calcium action domain at the inner mouth of calcium channels in the squid gi ant synapse and its relationship to neurotransmitter release. Chapter 3 by Martin Morad et a!. informs us about new ways of identifying and measuring, by confocal microscopy, in dividual sites where calcium release occurs in ventricular myocytes. In the same group Osvaldo Uchitel and Eleonora Katz classify and evaluate the variety of calcium channels at the neuromuscular junction, in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 by Gustavo Brum et a!.
Store-operated calcium channels are found in most animal cells and regulate many cellular functions including cell division, growth, differentiation, and cell death. This volume provides a concise and informative overview of the principles of store-operated calcium entry and the key developments in the field from researchers who have led these advances. The overall goal of the volume is to provide interested students and investigators with sufficient information to enable a broad understanding of the progress and current excitement in the field. The volume contains a wealth of information that even experienced investigators in the field will find useful. - The volume provides a comprehensive overview of the mechanisms and functions of store-operated calcium channels - Contributors are authoritative researchers who have produced important advances in the field - The volume is well-illustrated with cartoons and data to facilitate easy comprehension of the subject
A widespread appreciation for the role that calcium plays in cell physiology and patho physiology has now been achieved due to the pioneering studies of many of the scientists who attended the VIIth International Spring Symposium on Health Sciences at George Washington University in Washington, D. C. The participants in this unique meeting rep resented diverse fields of basic and clinical research, such as molecular physiology, oncology, molecular genetics, cardiology, bioenergetics, pathology, and endocrinology. The content of the proceedings of the symposium represents work in these and other areas of biomedical research. Organization of the book is aimed at striking a balance between the biochemistry 2 and physiology of normal cell Ca + metabolism and the pathological consequences of al 2 terations in cell Ca + homeostasis. The first section of the book is devoted to the transport mechanisms responsible for 2 2 regulating intracellular Ca + and the pharmacological modalities for controlling cell Ca + . Particular attention is given to the molecular basis for plasma membrane transport activities, 2 2 including the ATP-driven Ca + pump, the Na + -Ca + exchange system, and voltage sensitive 2 Ca + channels. The second section covers the exciting relationships between phosphoinositide metab 2 olism, signal transduction, and cell Ca + metabolism. This section begins with an eloquent overview by Professor Michael Berridge, who was the keynote speaker at the symposium and the recipient of the scientific merit award.
Since the publication of my previous monograph in 1974, important progress has been made in the broad area of calcium research, partic ularly as it pertains to secretory phenomena. The significant advance in methodology, while widening the scope of our knowledge, has caused research in this particular area to become more and more specialized. It has, therefore, become increasingly difficult for researchers to consider and evaluate work outside their own areas of specialization and to com prehend the field from a broad perspective. While many valuable re views on the importance of calcium in cellular function are being pro duced, they have not attempted to pull together all of the existing knowledge into a more general narrative. This volume brings together experimental data and theories from diverse sources, and attempts to synthesize into a broad conceptual framework the massive amount of specialized information that presently exists in the general area of cal cium metabolism and the secretory process. It is impossible in a book of this length to discuss specific references in detail and still maintain readability, so generalizations must be made.
The crucial role played by calcium as a cellular messenger has become increasingly evident, as has the recognition that cells spend much energy in maintaining the cytosolic concentration of this cation both constant and low. It is thought they do this to avoid precipitating phosphate, needed as a source of bond energy and to modulate protein structure. Moreover, since calcium that does enter the cell must be disposed with, processes that utilize calcium have evolved, e.g. secretion, contraction, signaling, to name just some. New knowledge concerning the processes of cellular calcium entry, extrusion and the fate of intracellular calcium has accumulated in recent years. Much has also been learned about calcium transport by and across epithelial cells. It seems logical to think that the processes of calcium entry, extrusion and intracellular handling are similar in all cells. We have therefore assembled in one volume overviews and research reports of transport and cellular calcium regulation so as to explore similarities and differences between cells that utilize calcium for metabolic purposes and those whose primary function is transport.
This volume is based in part upon the proceedings of the Calcium Theme held during the 67th Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, which took place in Chicago, AprillO-lS, 1983. The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics had the primary responsibility for organizing the scientific program with the assistance of other member societies, including the American Physiology Society, American Association of Pathologists, and American Institute of Nutrition. The purpose of the Calcium Theme was to review progress in the diverse areas of investigation bearing on the ubiquitous role of calcium in biological systems. In addition to contributions from those participating in the Theme, this volume also includes a number of invited papers that were added to fill certain voids in topics covered. The authors were selected because they are investigators active in the mainstream of their particular research area, possessing the acumen to analyze cogently not only their own recent findings but also to relate these findings to their respective area. New information as well as reviews of current concepts generally highlight the individual contributions. Undoubtedly, some readers may argue with the emphasis made and/or the conclusions reached on individual topics. In such cases, other volumes will hopefully provide a forum for alternative points of view. Due to the broad scope of subjects covered and the large number of contributions, the papers have been arranged in three sections.
The field of capillary-tissue exchange physiology has been galvanized twice in the past 25 years. A 1969 conference at the National Academy of Sciences in Copenhagen resulted in the book Capillary Permeability: The Transfer of Mole cules and Ions Between the Capillary Blood and the Tissue (Crone and Lassen, 1970). It focused on the physiochemical aspects of transcapillary water and solute transport. The field has matured considerably since. This volume was designed as the successor to the 1970 book, and was created at a gathering of the authors at McGill University. It too captures the breadth of a field that has been dramatically enriched by numerous technical and conceptual advances. In 1970 it was already known that the capillary wall was not merely a "cellophane bag" exerting steric hindrances on solute particles. Instead, the endothelial surface was recognized as the site of binding reactions and permeation by passive or carrier-mediated trans port. Furthermore, the cells of the blood could traverse evanescent wide openings in the "zippered" clefts. Today, research priorities have turned more to cell-cell interactions, toward understanding the utility of the gap junctional connections between endothelial cells and neighboring smooth muscle cells, neuronal twigs, and the parenchymal cells of organs. New discoveries in the past few years have revealed the critical importance of the close relationships between the endothelial cells and the parenchymal cells.
We present to our readers the proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Phosphate. A short account of the history of the effort led to the Phosphate Workshops is appro priate and can be of interest to the reader. The idea for Phosphate Workshops was born in the early days of November, 1974. One of us (S. G. M. ) suggested the thought to a group of scientists gathered for a luncheon in one of the attrac tive small restaurants in Weisbaden, Germany. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together interested scientists to discuss the newer developments and the recent advances in the field of phosphate metabolism and the other related minerals. An Organizing Committee made of Shaul G. Massry (USA), Louis V. Avioli (USA), Philippe Bordier (France), Herbert Fleisch (Switzerland), and Eduardo Slatopolsky (USA) was formed. The First Workshop was held in Paris during June 5-6, 1975 and was hosted by Dr. Philippe Bordier. Its proceeding was already published. The Second Workshop took place in Heidelberg during June 28-30, 1976 and was hosted by Dr. Eberhard Ritz. Both of these workshops were extremely successful scientific endeavors, and the need for them was demonstrated by the great interest they generated among the scientific community. The Or ganizing Committee, therefore, decided to continue with the tradi tion to hold additional Workshops annually or every other year.