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A widely acclaimed collection by one of France's leading poets and thinkers. Bilingual—first English translation. Winner of the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation (2006) Winner of the MLA Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Translation of a Literary Work (2006) Hailed as one of France's most influential living poets, Michel Deguy has remained largely inaccessible to English-language readers. Recumbents is the first English translation of the most critically-acclaimed volume of this poet's work. The word recumbents refers to funereal sculptures (gisants), reclining lovers, and the literal imprint of those and other figures on the page. The collection includes a poem for the dead, "Procession," written by Deguy in the wake of his father's suicide, and poems dedicated to all phases of Eros. These are interwoven with passages on rhetoric or what Deguy calls poetic reason. This bilingual edition also includes a meditation on Deguy's work by deconstructionism's foundational thinker, Jacques Derrida.
You have what it takes to sit in this office. Youre on the launch pad, fueled and ready; Senator, start the countdown, says Republican President Bob Davids, now a lame duck, to ingratiate himself with Democrat Earl Eastwood, offering him a remarkable, unprecedented sharing of presidential authority. Eastwood, unknowingly recruited to redress the Presidents badly damaged image, would receive Davids blessing to bypass bungling federal investigators. He promised the young senator whatever it might take to find the perpetrators of a terrorist attack on Washington, which killed Eastwoods predecessor, the widely beloved Senator Bill Rice. Just two years ago, Eastwood, an African-American, was Connecticuts attorney general. He was appointed by Governor Domenic Guillermo to succeed Senator Bill Rice, killed by an assassins bullet at the instant a US Air Force F-16 fighter was downed by Washington-based defensive missiles, exploding over Rices head. The aircraft was on an angle of attack toward the US Capitol. Rice had been Eastwoods lifelong mentor, his meal ticket. He had managed Eastwoods appointment to West Point, entry to Yale Law School, court clerkship, Senate staff job, and designation as state attorney general. Senator Eastwood, with both a carte blanche from the President and surreptitiously provided Israeli intelligence, redirects a feckless federal inquiry to identify the perpetrators of the air attack, and Rices assassin. His success has a few political liabilities; but the rewards cast him onto the national political stage. Governor Guillermo appointed Eastwood to the senate, hoping he would promote his presidential aspirations. Eastwood is not consciously disloyal to Guillermo; rather, he is swept up by changing political winds. Terrorism moves to the top of the publics issue agenda for the presidential race. Eastwood catches the draft. But Guillermo remains mired in issues of fading significance. His gubernatorial re-election in 2006 is at risk. With typical guile, Davids makes a proposition to Eastwood. He would appoint Guillermo as ambassador to the Vatican. The deal included a corrupt arrangement with an Italian aviation firm, AviTalia, which had just won a contract to provide the White House Marine One helicopter. The appointment to the Vatican would gracefully remove Guillermo from his failing gubernatorial re-election, opening it to a Republican win but rescuing Eastwood from hostile state Democrats. Some were thinking a recall of Eastwood from the US Senate, believing his quick leap to fame, and a certain presidential nod for the 2008 race, had come at Guillermos expense. But Eastwood rejects involvement in Davids scheme; his high-minded image of the President shattered forever. Even Atlas shrugged, Eastwood thinks. The story tempts the genre of political thrillers. Washingtons decision-making machinery is portrayed with zealous accuracy. For the neo-realist, facts buttress good fiction. Political Ducks characters live the real hypocrisy and risks of the American political culture. Their pathology of political ambition confirms even the most pessimistic impressions of democracy.
Neuf dieux gouvernaient jadis le monde, jusqu'à ce qu'une ultime trahison ne les mène à leur perte. Depuis, le monde se meurt et seul le retour des Dieux disparus pourra le sauver. Les habitants de Pozhar craignent le retour de Zhar Ptitsa, le Dieu des Âmes et de la Résurrection qui, pris d'une colère terrible, a bien failli tous les détruire il y a neuf cents ans. Pour l'empêcher de renaître, le peuple pourchasse et sacrifie les Réceptacles, ceux-là mêmes qui depuis leur naissance possèdent en eux un fragment de l'âme de Zhar Ptitsa. Les Écrits sacrés proclament que mille d'entre eux seront mis au monde et que tous doivent être sacrifiés afin de détruire Zhar Ptitsa une fois pour toute. De nos jours, seuls restent deux fragments, enfouis dans le corps de voleurs bien décidés à ne pas se laisser jeter aux Flammes sans combattre.
London society buzzed around the scandalous Comtesse de la Tour. Lord Dashwood was assigned to discover whether the beautiful red-head was a French spy—or perhaps something just as unsavory to his enchanted vision. At one moment Renée seemed as chaste as a nun, at another as flirtatious as a courtesan… Regency Romance by Joan Smith; originally published by Fawcett
Japanese corporate governance and managerial practice is at a critical juncture. At the start of the decade pressures mounted for Japan to move to a shareholder-value driven, 'Anglo-American' system of corporate governance. Subsequent changes, however, may be seen as an adjustment and renewal of the post-war model of the Japanese firm. In adapting to global corporate governance standards, Japanese managers have also been reshaping them according to their own agenda of reform and restructuring of decision-making processes. The board's role is seen in terms of strategic planning rather than monitoring, and external directors are viewed as advisers, not as representatives of the shareholders. Managers have adopted a variety of defences against hostile takeovers, including poison pills in some cases. Although shareholder influence is more extensive than it was, central aspects of the Japanese 'community firm' remain in place. The commitment to stable or 'lifetime' employment for a core of employees, although coming under severe pressure, is still an important point of reference for Japanese management. Corporate Governance and Managerial Reform in Japan is based on detailed and intensive field work in large Japanese companies and interviews with investors, civil servants, and policy makers in the period following the adoption of significant corporate law reforms in the early 2000s up to the months just before the global financial crisis of 2008. The Japanese experience suggests that there are limits to the global convergence of company law systems, and that the widespread association of Anglo-American practices with the 'modernization' of corporate governance has been misplaced. This conclusion is unlikely to be altered - it may be reinforced - by reactions to the financial crisis.