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Business Practice before the advent of Islam is a comprehensive book which provides detail accounts of the trading customs of the Arab. Arab countries are mostly situated in the desert region. A limited area of land was fertile for agriculture and farming. Majority population were engaged in the business. Trade caravan would travel south to north through the Arabian Peninsula. Before Islam, numerous trade methods were prevalent in Arabia, which was part of their culture. These methods were dubious and based on cheating and fraud. Most of the time, fraudulent trade practice were found the bone of contention among various Arab tribes which continued generation after generation. A brief history of trade and business practice of Islam is included in this book. Various Bazar (Local Markets) organised in the Arabian Peninsula is discussed in detail. The Islamic principle of trade, source of Islamic commercial law, business ethics, several business contracts used in Islamic finance and the latest theory of international trade are also discussed in the book.
"An inquiry into how Muslim trade practice and business practices evolved in the Dar al-Islam-- enabling it to become the premier 'economic superpower' of the Middle Ages; and how they then migrated to other regions to facilitate their emergence from the 'Dark Ages' in the 12th-14th centuries A.D."--T.p.
Long before Muhammed preached the religion of Islam, the inhabitants of his native Arabia had played an important role in world history as both merchants and warriors Arabia and the Arabs provides the only up-to-date, one-volume survey of the region and its peoples, from prehistory to the coming of Islam Using a wide range of sources - inscriptions, poetry, histories, and archaeological evidence - Robert Hoyland explores the main cultural areas of Arabia, from ancient Sheba in the south, to the deserts and oases of the north. He then examines the major themes of *the economy *society *religion *art, architecture and artefacts *language and literature *Arabhood and Arabisation The volume is illustrated with more than 50 photographs, drawings and maps.
Arabs and Empires before Islam collates nearly 250 translated extracts from an extensive array of ancient sources which, from a variety of different perspectives, illuminate the history of the Arabs before the emergence of Islam.
Religion plays a pivotal role in the way women are treated around the world, socially and legally. This book discusses three Islamic human rights approaches: secular, non-compatible, reconciliatory (compatible), and proposes a contextual interpretive approach. It is argued that the current gender discriminatory statutory Islamic laws in Islamic jurisdictions, based on the decontextualised interpretation of the Koran, can be reformed through "Ijtihad": independent individual reasoning. It is claimed that the original intention of the Koran was to protect the rights of women and raise their status in society, not to relegate them to subordination. This Koranic intention and spirit may be recaptured through the proposed contextual interpretation which in fact means using an Islamic (or insider) strategy to achieve gender equality in Muslim states and greater compatibility with international human rights law. It discusses the negative impact of the so-called statutory Islamic laws of Pakistan on the enjoyment of women's human rights and robustly challenges their Koranic foundation. While supporting the international human rights regime, this book highlights the challenges to its universality: feminism and cultural relativism. To achieve universal application, genuine voices from different cultures and groups must be accommodated. It is argued that the women's human rights regime does not cover all issues of concern to women and has a weak implementation mechanism. The book argues for effective implementation procedures to turn women's human rights into reality.
Patricia Crone reassesses one of the most widely accepted dogmas in contemporary accounts of the beginnings of Islam: the supposition that Mecca was a trading center. In addition, she seeks to elucidate sources on which we should reconstruct our picture of the birth of the new religion in Arabia.
Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism proposes a strikingly original thesis—that capitalism first emerged in Arabia, not in late medieval Italian city states as is commonly assumed. Early Islam made a seminal but largely unrecognized contribution to the history of economic thought; it is the only religion founded by an entrepreneur. Descending from an elite dynasty of religious, civil, and commercial leaders, Muhammad was a successful businessman before founding Islam. As such, the new religion had much to say on trade, consumer protection, business ethics, and property. As Islam rapidly spread across the region so did the economic teachings of early Islam, which eventually made their way to Europe. Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism demonstrates how Islamic institutions and business practices were adopted and adapted in Venice and Genoa. These financial innovations include the invention of the corporation, business management techniques, commercial arithmetic, and monetary reform. There were other Islamic institutions assimilated in Europe: charities, the waqf, inspired trusts, and institutions of higher learning; the madrasas were models for the oldest colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. As such, it can be rightfully said that these essential aspects of capitalist thought all have Islamic roots.
Between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries, a distinct form of Islamic thought and practice developed among Muslim trading communities of the Indian Ocean. Sebastian R. Prange argues that this 'Monsoon Islam' was shaped by merchants not sultans, forged by commercial imperatives rather than in battle, and defined by the reality of Muslims living within non-Muslim societies. Focusing on India's Malabar Coast, the much-fabled 'land of pepper', Prange provides a case study of how Monsoon Islam developed in response to concrete economic, socio-religious, and political challenges. Because communities of Muslim merchants across the Indian Ocean were part of shared commercial, scholarly, and political networks, developments on the Malabar Coast illustrate a broader, trans-oceanic history of the evolution of Islam across monsoon Asia. This history is told through four spaces that are examined in their physical manifestations as well as symbolic meanings: the Port, the Mosque, the Palace, and the Sea.
The society and legal systems of Southern Arabia, both ancient and modern, form the subject of this second collection of articles by Professor Serjeant. His approach has been to make a detailed study of modern social structures and legal customs and to relate these to what we know of ancient society and law. The traditional tribal society of the region, he argues, has preserved in its customary law and practice a very great deal that derives directly from the pre-Islamic period, whereas the shari'ah, the law of Islam, though stemming from the same sources, has often diverged significantly from it. An understanding of the modern situation, therefore, is of immediate relevance to the interpretation of pre- and early-Islamic society. Among the particular topics covered are the interplay between tribal affinities and religious authority, marriage legislation and the "Frankish chancre" or (syphilis), and maritime customary law. From an ethnographic viewpoint, furthermore, these studies record peoples and lifestyles that have been increasingly overwhelmed by contemporary events. Les sociétés et les systèmes juridiques de l'Arabie du Sud, moderne et ancienne, sont le thème de ce recueil d'articles par le professeur Serjeant. Il aborde le sujet avec une étude des structures sociales modernes, ainsi que du droit coutumier, puis les rattache à ce qui est connu de la société et du droit anciens. La société tribale traditionnelle de la région, affirme-t'il, a conservé un grand nombre d'us et coutumes trouvant des origines directes au cours de la période pre-islamique, alors que le droit de l'Islam, le shari'ah, bien qu'issu des mÃames sources, s'en éloigne de façon significative. Le fait de comprendre la situation moderne a donc un rapport immédiat avec toute interprétation de la société islamique à ses débuts. Parmi les thèmes spécifiques que couvre l'auteur, se trouvent le droit marital et le "chancre" franc (syphilitique), le droit
The first centuries BC-AD see a huge increase in Nabatean depictions of women, and using inscriptions, coins and archaeological studies this book looks at the reasons for this trend, which represents a clear rise in women's status at that time - with women becoming involved in business, and enjoying a certain amount of legal independence.