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Widespread voluntary tax compliance plays a significant role in countries’ efforts to raise the revenues necessary to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. As part of this process, governments are increasingly reaching out to taxpayers – current and future – to teach, communicate and assist them in order to foster a “culture of compliance” based on rights and responsibilities, in which citizens see paying taxes as an integral aspect of their relationship with their government.
Widespread voluntary tax compliance plays a significant role in countries' efforts to raise the revenues necessary to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. As part of this process, governments are increasingly reaching out to taxpayers - current and future - to teach, communicate and assist them in order to foster a "culture of compliance" based on rights and responsibilities, in which citizens see paying taxes as an integral aspect of their relationship with their government. The emphasis placed by governments on taxpayer education and assistance helps bridge the gap between tax administrations and citizens, playing a key role - when properly implemented - in transforming tax culture. Building on previous OECD analysis, this report aims to help tax revenue authorities in designing and implementing taxpayer education initiatives. It examines 140 initiatives under implementation in 59 developed and developing countries, offering a classification of different approaches to taxpayer education, and identifying common challenges and solutions. More generally, this report contributes to the OECD's broader work on tax morale and seeks to encourage further research, debates and initiatives, particularly in developing countries, to better understand and ultimately strengthen tax morale and the tax compliance of taxpayers.
This sourcebook captures innovative strategies in 28 countries in order to provide ideas and inspiration to revenue authorities in developing countries with regards to taxpayer education, literacy and outreach to strengthen the tax morale and tax compliance of their citizens.
The issue of trust between Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) and tax administrations is a vital part of the tax system, but relatively little studied. Building on previous OECD research on tax morale, which measures taxpayer perceptions and attitudes towards paying and evading taxes, this report presents new data on how tax administrations perceive MNE behaviour towards tax compliance.
While Central Asia has proven relatively resilient to the shocks of COVID-19, China’s slowdown and Russia’s war in Ukraine, declining trend rates of growth across the region, lacklustre productivity performance and lingering global uncertainty underscore the need to address weaknesses in the business and investment climate.
This report examines how regulatory reforms could help Portugal build a more enabling and competitive environment for investment, in particular foreign direct investment (FDI).
Bulgaria’s convergence towards more advanced economies has continued but at a slower pace. Soaring energy and food prices have pushed up inflation to highest levels in decades.
Taxation and Inequality in Latin America takes a heterodox political economy approach, focusing on Latin America, where current problems of taxation have existed for a century and great wealth contrasts with abject poverty. The book analyzes the relation of natural resource wealth, allocational politics and the limited role of taxation for redistribution, and progressive resource mobilization. By drawing on the political economy of tax regimes, the book considers the specific conditions of taxation in Latin America, which apply to a large part of the Global South and more than 100 countries specializing in the extraction and export of raw materials. This book will cover: taxation and the dominance of raw material export sectors; taxation and allocational politics; new perspectives on political economy and tax regimes. Scholars and advanced students of political economy, political science, development studies, and fiscal sociology will find several key issues in tax research from a novel angle. The book provides an analytical orientation that relates central questions of taxation to patterns of regional political economy, thereby opening up the debate with tax scholars from other world regions of the Global South.