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According to the report, the conference focused on the main challenges for the sustainable development of small-scale fisheries, including promoting political commitment and tailored strategies, raising awareness, and sharing knowledge.
Priročnik je bil izdelan med izvajanjem projekta Urbane zelene površine (UGB) v okviru programa Interreg, Srednja Evropa, katerega glavni cilj je bil izboljšati zmogljivosti javnega sektorja na področju načrtovanja, upravljanja in odločanja, povezanega z urbanimi zelenimi površinami (UZP), ter na ta način ustvariti celostne trajnostne sisteme za načrtovanje in upravljanje UZP. Posebna pozornost je bila namenjena funkcionalnim urbanim območjem (FUO), funkcionalnim ekonomskim enotam, za katere so značilna gosto poseljena »urbana jedra« in »zaledja«, v katerih je trg dela močno povezan z jedri. Na podlagi primerjalne analize stanja so projektni partnerji skupaj zasnovali inovativne metode in orodja za spodbujanje trajnostnega upravljanja UZP. Predstavljeni priročnik je bil razvit predvsem kot model za vključevanje skupnosti. Predstavljene metode in orodja za izgradnjo skupnosti so bile preizkušene znotraj treh pilotnih območji, opravljenih v Mariboru (Slovenija), Krakovu (Poljska) in Budimpešti (Madžarska).
This open access book provides in-depth insights into participatory research and planning by presenting practical examples of its use. In particular, it describes theoretical and methodological aspects of participatory research and planning, as well as the implementation of participatory processes in fields such as transport planning, cultural heritage management, environmental planning and post-earthquake recovery. Further, it compares participatory planning experiences from different territorial levels – from the macro-regional, e.g. Southeastern Europe, Mediterranean or European metropolitan regions, to national, regional and local levels. The book will help researchers, planners, public administration officials, decision-makers and the general public to understand the advantages, disadvantages and constraints of participatory planning and research. Using various examples, it will guide readers through the theory of participatory planning and research, its methods, and different perspectives on how to use it in practice.
These guidelines were developed through the collaborative efforts of the Asian Development Bank and the Municipal Department of Environmental Protection of Tbilisi City Hall. The publication aims to inform decisions that will contribute to the sustainable development of Tbilisi and give residents a better quality of life while protecting their valuable heritage and preserving the green landscape for successive generations. The guidelines recommend development features and design specifications for green space provision and identify priorities for improvements and for ensuring that limited resources are targeted at areas of most need.