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The thesis presents different control design approaches for stabilizing networks of quasi-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations. These equations are usually conservative, which gives them interesting properties to design stabilizing control laws. Two main design approaches are developed: a methodology based on entropies and Lyapunov functions and a methodology based on the Riemann invariants. The stability theorems are illustrated using numerical simulations. Two practical applications of these methodologies are presented. Network of navigation channels are modelled using the Saint-Venant equation (also known as the Shallow Water Equations). The stabilization problem of such system has an industrial importance in order to satisfy the navigation constraints and to optimize the production of electricity in hydroelectric plants, usually located at each hydraulic gate. A second application deals with the regulation of water waves in moving tanks. This problem is also modelled by a modified version of the shallow water equations and appears in a number industrial fields which deal with liquid moving parts.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the exact boundary controllability of nodal profile, a new kind of exact boundary controllability stimulated by some practical applications. This kind of controllability is useful in practice as it does not require any precisely given final state to be attained at a suitable time t=T by means of boundary controls, instead it requires the state to exactly fit any given demand (profile) on one or more nodes after a suitable time t=T by means of boundary controls. In this book we present a general discussion of this kind of controllability for general 1-D first order quasilinear hyperbolic systems and for general 1-D quasilinear wave equations on an interval as well as on a tree-like network using a modular-structure construtive method, suggested in LI Tatsien's monograph "Controllability and Observability for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems"(2010), and we establish a complete theory on the local exact boundary controllability of nodal profile for 1-D quasilinear hyperbolic systems.
Boundary value problems are of central importance and interest not only to mathematicians but also to physicists and engineers who need to solve differential equations which govern the behaviour of physical systems. In this book, Professor Sakamoto introduces the general theory of the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the wave equation. The reader is assumed to have some familiarity with Lebesgue integration and complex function theory but other than that the book is essentially self-contained. It is therefore suited to senior undergraduates and graduates in mathematics and the mathematical sciences but can be read with profit by professionals in those subjects.
This brief considers recent results on optimal control and stabilization of systems governed by hyperbolic partial differential equations, specifically those in which the control action takes place at the boundary. The wave equation is used as a typical example of a linear system, through which the author explores initial boundary value problems, concepts of exact controllability, optimal exact control, and boundary stabilization. Nonlinear systems are also covered, with the Korteweg-de Vries and Burgers Equations serving as standard examples. To keep the presentation as accessible as possible, the author uses the case of a system with a state that is defined on a finite space interval, so that there are only two boundary points where the system can be controlled. Graduate and post-graduate students as well as researchers in the field will find this to be an accessible introduction to problems of optimal control and stabilization.
In many applications one meets systems of differential equations which consist of first-order hyperbolic and second-order parabolic subsystems which are nonlinearly coupled. These arise, for instance, in the modeling of motion of a compressible, viscous heat conducting fluid, in radiation hydrodynamics, and in the theory of motion of viscoelastic materials. The relevant equations are presented. The results of this work are local time existence and uniqueness theorems for initial-boundary value problems, including cases with free boundaries, for such systems. The results given are for the case of one space dimension. The methods used involve introducing appropriate variables, the method of iteration, a priori estimation and fixed point theorems.
This book is concerned with certain classes of nonlinear problems for elliptic systems of partial differential equations: boundary-value problems with free boundaries. The first part has to do with the general theory of boundary-value problems for analytic functions and its applications to hydrodynamics. The second presents the theory of quasiconformal mappings, along with the theory of boundary-value problems for elliptic systems of equations and applications of it to problems in the mechanics of continuous media with free boundaries: problems in subsonic gas dynamics, filtration theory, and problems in elastico-plasticity.
Contents: Some ExamplesLinear ProblemsGreen's FunctionMethod of Complementary FunctionsMethod of AdjointsMethod of ChasingSecond Order EquationsError Estimates in Polynomial InterpolationExistence and UniquenessPicard's and Approximate Picard's MethodQuasilinearization and Approximate QuasilinearizationBest Possible Results: Weight Function TechniqueBest Possible Results: Shooting MethodsMonotone Convergence and Further ExistenceUniqueness Implies ExistenceCompactness Condition and Generalized SolutionsUniqueness Implies UniquenessBoundary Value FunctionsTopological MethodsBest Possible Results: Control Theory MethodsMatching MethodsMaximal SolutionsMaximum PrincipleInfinite Interval ProblemsEquations with Deviating Arguments Readership: Graduate students, numerical analysts as well as researchers who are studying open problems. Keywords:Boundary Value Problems;Ordinary Differential Equations;Green's Function;Quasilinearization;Shooting Methods;Maximal Solutions;Infinite Interval Problems