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BORDERLINE WARFARE: United Nations Command Forces in Korea, 1954-1974 (A Historical Chronology) South Korean President Park Chung Hee, following an attempt to assassinate him in 1968, and before a similar attempt in 1970, described the North Korean Communists as “the most vicious and warlike of all Communists in the world.” North Korea, under the leadership of Kim Il Sung, brazenly dared the United States and South Korea to respond to the numerous provocations it inflicted on the latter. The infiltration of 31 commandos into South Korea on 21 January 1968, with the intent of murdering the South Korean president, was followed by the seizure of the USS Pueblo on 23 January 1968, off the coast of Wonsan, North Korea. Both attacks were overt attempts to create the conditions for a renewal of full-scale war on the Korean peninsula. The ever-hostile North Koreans then deliberately shot down a U.S. Navy EC-121 intelligence-gathering aircraft in April 1969, again daring the United States to respond with military force. These major actions were set against the backdrop of North Korean infiltration into South Korea with the objective of creating a Viet-Cong-like insurgency as an alternative means of toppling the South Korean government and driving out the “U.S. imperialist aggressor army.” From a historical perspective, only the forbearance of the U.S. and South Korean military forces prevented the escalation of hostilities that could have led to World War III.
“Are you an American, or are you not?” This is the question at the heart of Katherine Benton-Cohen’s provocative history, which ties a seemingly remote corner of the country to one of America’s central concerns: the historical creation of racial boundaries.
Until recently, borderline personality disorder has been the step-child of psychiatric disorders. Many researchers even questioned its existence. Clinicians have been reluctant to reveal the diagnosis to patients because of the stigma attached to it. But individuals with BPD suffer terribly and a significant proportion die by suicide and engage in non-suicidal self injury. This volume provides state of the art information on clinical course, epidemiology, comorbidities and specialized treatments
Underground warfare, a tactic of yesteryear, has re-emerged as a global and rapidly diffusing threat. This book is the first of its kind to examine tunnel warfare in a systematic and comprehensive way, addressing the legal issues while keeping in mind operational and strategic challenges. Like many other aspects of contemporary warfare, the renewed use of the subterranean in armed conflict presents a challenge for democracies wishing to abide by the law. To Dr. Richemond-Barak, this challenge has not only been under-explored, it is also largely underestimated by the community of states, security experts, and public opinion. She analyzes traditional concepts of the laws of war as they relate to tunnels and underground operations, contemplating questions such as whether tunnels constitute legitimate targets, the assessment of proportionality in anti-tunnel operations, and the availability of advanced warning in this complex terrain. She also identifies issues that are unique to underground warfare, including those that arise when cross-border tunnels burrow under a state's own civilian infrastructure.
US Agencies at the Mexican Border were overwhelmed in 2014 as tens of thousands of unaccompanied children arrived from Central America. Unprepared to receive migrants of this particular kind, the US government deployed troops to carry out a new border mission: the feeding, care, and housing-of this wave of children. This event highlights the complex social, economic, and political issues that arise along international borders. In American Crossings, nine scholars consider the complicated modern history of borders in the Western Hemisphere, examining them as geopolitical boundaries, key locations for internal security, spaces for international-trade, and areas where national and community identities are defined.
Three years before the September 11 bombing of the World Trade Center-a Chinese military manual called Unrestricted Warfare touted such an attack-suggesting it would be difficult for the U.S. military to cope with. The events of September ll were not a random act perpetrated by independent agents. The doctrine of total war outlined in Unrestricted Warfare clearly demonstrates that the People's Republic of China is preparing to confront the United States and our allies by conducting "asymmetrical" or multidimensional attack on almost every aspect of our social, economic and political life.
Focuses on pivotal military events since the Second Lebanon War, including the Syrian reactor bombing; several assassinations of key Hezbollah, Iranian, and Syrian officials; and Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip; Evaluates the threat to Israel's security posed by a nuclear Iran, and the military and diplomatic options for countering it; Based on extensive primary research and unprecedented access to key Israeli defense establishment figures
Private Sicherheits- und Militärunternehmen erleben seit den 1990er Jahren einen außerordentlichen Boom und sind derzeit eines der spannendsten Phänomene in den internationalen Beziehungen. Die Palette der von ihnen angebotenen Dienstleistungen ist groß. Sie reichen von logistischer Unterstützung über Aufklärung bis hin zu Kampfeinsätzen. Zu ihren Kunden zählen Regierungen, Wirtschaftsunternehmen, internationale Organisationen, NGOs, humanitäre Organisationen sowie Privatpersonen. Gegenwärtig lässt sich an den Auseinandersetzungen im Irak sowohl die Aktualität wie auch die Brisanz ihres Einsatzes illustrieren, gibt es doch Anzeichen dafür, dass Beschäftigte solcher Unternehmen u.a. in die Folterung von Gefangenen verwickelt sind. Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes aus der Feder nationaler wie internationaler Expertinnen und Experten beschreiben und analysieren verschiedene Typen von privaten Sicherheits- und Militärunternehmens, ihre Dienstleistungen und die Umstände, die ihren Boom befördert haben. Sie diskutieren die Vor- wie auch die Nachteile ihres Einsatzes und beschreiben Instrumente, die die Tätigkeit dieser Unternehmen stärker reglementieren und kontrollieren könnten.
Book One of The Warrior Series Sun Tzu and Sun Pin's timeless strategic masterpieces are constantly analyzed and interpreted by leaders worldwide. For the first time ever, author D.E. Tarver explains the classic texts, The Art of War by Sun Tzu and The Art of Warfare by Sun Pin, in plain English. War is the perfect training ground for teaching Sun Tzu's ancient philosophies to attaining victory over an opponent. The Art of War outlines the steps for outwitting the enemy, be it an army of 10,000 or an unresponsive client. The Art of War teaches leaders strategies to attain victory by: Knowing when to stand up to an opponent, and when to back down. How to be confident without being overly confident. Considering the cost of the campaign before launching an attack. Avoiding an opponent's strengths and striking his weaknesses. "The one who is first to the field of battle has time to rest, while his opponent rushes into the conflict weary and confused. The first will be fresh and alert. The second will waste most of his energy trying to catch up." Be the first to the battlefield with The Art of War.