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Investigative journalist Frank would do anything for the next big scoop, and a chance to break the news to the world that vampires really exist is too good to pass up. But his fact-finding mission to an undead hangout takes a terrifying turn when he’s locked in a cellar with a starving -- if sexy -- bloodsucker and no escape in sight. Forlorn vampire Viktor hasn’t had a bite in months, ever since falling foul of über-vamp The Mistress and being imprisoned for his sins. Delivered to his cell like Meals on Wheels, Frank’s the tastiest morsel he’s seen in a long time. Viktor can’t wait to get his fangs into him -- and there’s something about Frank that makes Viktor lust for more than just his blood. To escape the mysterious Mistress’s prison, predator and prey will have to work together -- if, that is, they can manage to rein in their baser appetites for long enough! Note: this short story was previously published under the title Becoming the Spoils.
Set in early nineteenth-century Britain, Bloodlust & Bonnets follows Lucy, an unworldly debutante who desires a life of passion and intrigue—qualities which earn her the attention of Lady Violet Travesty, the leader of a local vampire cult. But before Lucy can embark on her new life of vampiric debauchery, she finds herself unexpectedly thrown together with the flamboyant poet Lord Byron (“from books!”) and a mysterious bounty-hunter named Sham. The unlikely trio lie, flirt, fight, and manipulate each other as they make their way across Britain, disrupting society balls, slaying vampires, and making every effort not to betray their feelings to each other as their personal and romantic lives become increasingly entangled. Both witty and slapstick, elegant and gory, Emily McGovern’s debut graphic novel pays tribute to and pokes fun at beloved romance tropes, delivering a joyous, action-packed world of friendship and adventure.
Only half the man he used to be -- but maybe that’s enough The Taliban may have taken both Chris’s legs, but he came back from Afghanistan with his sense of humour and his lust for life firmly intact. The one thing that can shake his confidence is meeting Josh, the one-night stand from before his tour of duty he hasn’t been able to forget. It turns out Josh hasn’t forgotten Chris, either. He spent the time they were apart fearing the worst every time a soldier was reported killed in action -- and wishing Chris would use the number Josh gave him, and call. Josh’s delight on seeing Chris again quickly turns to shock on seeing his injuries. With Chris such a changed man, can they still have a future?
There are vampires on the Titanic! Mina Harker, one the undead, returns to haunt the gas-lit alleys of Edwardian London. From a brooding house by the Thames she hunts and feeds. Beautiful, voluptuous, merciless, her overwhelming and irresistible sexual allure brings willing victims. In the east-end the death toll rises and a trail of scarlet is left on the mean streets. As life in the great city goes on, millions are unaware of the unseen yet deadly war that rages on for the soul of the metropolis. But there are those who know the old ways, those who have the knowledge to end her reign of terror. Hunted, the vampire looks across the Atlantic to the vigorous New World as a place of eternal safety. At Southampton, the Titanic, the mightiest ship in history, waits to sail...
How do you know if you’re one of the damned? As a child, Don wanted to become a priest. Now a grown man mostly at ease with being gay, he’s left the Catholic Church and has chosen instead to help people through his work as a parole officer. His strong faith is shaken when his latest assignment turns out to be Michael, a young man Don hasn’t seen since he took Michael to church as a child -- and saw his parish priest cast Michael out of the church as a demon. Meeting him as an adult re-ignites the obsession Don had with the boy he couldn’t save. But can Michael be saved at all? Or is the strangely compelling demon with a taste for risky sex as damned as he believes himself to be?
Dr. Nick Sewell's non-conformist penchant puts him at odds with his Cambridgecolleagues. His tendency to change into a wolf on the full moon, though, putshim at odds with himself.
Customer service has never been this personal. Robin Christopher, beleaguered retail worker, isn’t having an easy November. His boss is raising stress levels planning a Black Friday to end all Black Fridays, his family doesn’t understand him, and his best friend thinks his new crush is a hallucination brought on by watching too many episodes of Doctor Who. Archie Levine dresses in Victorian style and divides his time between caring for his young son and creating weird and wacky steampunk gadgets from bits of old junk—when he’s not looking after his mum and trying to keep on good terms with his ex. The last thing he’s got time for is a relationship, but the flustered young man he met while disembowelling a fridge is proving very tempting. When his mum’s social conscience is roused by a local store with a cavalier attitude to the homeless, former rough sleeper Archie shares her anger. Little does he know that Robin works for that same store. When Archie finds out he’s sleeping with the enemy, things could cut up very rough indeed. **See this title's page on for content warnings.**
When Susan Price leaves Mansfield Park to accompany her aunt, Lady Bertram, to take the waters in Bath, she little expects to meet an old “friend” of the family. Initially scandalised, Susan finds herself drawn to the former Mary Crawford, now a widow, Mrs Lynd. Mary has lost none of her playful spirit in the ten years since her family’s acquaintance with the Bertrams ended amid elopement and scandal. Her interest, first piqued by Susan’s resemblance to her older sister Fanny, only grows on discovering Susan’s very different character. But Lady Bertram will surely never countenance Susan’s intimacy with the woman whose brother caused her daughter’s disgrace -- and Mary’s true identity cannot be kept a secret forever.
How would you react if you woke up one morning to find you were in bed with your favorite rock star? More to the point: how would the rock star react? Animal rescue worker Sam is content to dream of rock sensation Cain Shepney. Trouble is, his meddling mother Lillith thinks he deserves to have all his dreams come true -- and she isn’t above performing a little magic to achieve her ends! Sam’s shocked to wake up one morning to find himself actually in bed with his celebrity crush -- but that’s nothing to how Cain feels about it! Suddenly Sam’s got to deal with an irate, naked, and very distracting rock star in his bed. Cain has it all -- he’s good-looking, famous, and adored by millions. But his life takes a turn for the surreal when he wakes up in bed with Sam. Expecting everyone to be worried sick by his disappearance, Cain’s horrified to find his manager -- and even his mum -- insisting he’s an imposter, and the real Cain Shepney is right where he belongs. Sam just wants to help, but with Cain convinced he’s a crazed, celebrity-kidnapping stalker, Sam’s got his work cut out for him. Can he get the object of his affections to trust him long enough to find out just what the hell’s going on?