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Their elaborate schoolroom deception at an end, Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his peerless manservant, Sebastian, finally hit upon the truth behind the incident of the vanished students at Weston College. Just what tragic steps did the elites of the school, spurred on by their overwhelming sense of justice, take to stamp out the bullying with which the halls of their institution had run rife?! What began as a seemingly simple case of missing persons goes round and round, spinning out of control into a great menace, one capable of perplexing even a devil of a butler...
For use in schools and libraries only. Their elaborate schoolroom deception at an end, Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his peerless manservant, Sebastian, finally hit upon the truth behind the incident of the vanished students at Weston College. Just what tragic steps did the elites of the school, spurred on by their overwhelming sense of justice, take to stamp out the bullying running rife in the halls of their institution?! What began as a seemingly simple case of missing persons goes round and round, spinning out of control into a great menace, one capable of perplexing even a devil.
His distinguished butler Sebastian having discovered the artifice of the curse that reigns over Wolfsschlucht, Earl Ciel Phantomhive absconds with the village's precious Emerald Witch and her ultimate spell. But his actions are most unwelcome, and the villagers bare their true fangs at house Phantomhive. As the precocious aristocrat of evil attempts to make his escape from the forest, a monster cloaked in olive drab trundles ever nearer, taking aim at the back of the fleeing earl...
Gruesome and mysterious deaths are occurring on the continent. Along with the fear of contagion that permeates the air, there are also rumours of witches and wolfmen running amok. In accordance with the wishes of Queen Victoria, young Earl Ciel Phantomhive embarks on a jaunt to Germany with his elite butler, Sebastian, in tow. When Ciel's party heads right into the heart of a cursed forest where supernatural creatures are said to dwell, they run straight into a witch! In fact, several of them! And the village head is none other than a little girl who appears as though she's stepped out of a fairy tale?!
Having escaped the wolves in sheep's clothing of Wolfsschlucht, Earl Ciel Phantomhive, indomitable butler Sebastian, and the rest of the Phantomhive household abscond with the Emerald Witch. They take refuge in the hideaway of an old family friend-Diedrich, the late Vincent Phantomhive's schoolmate and confidant. But as preparations are made and wounds rested for the passage home to England, word of the Undertaker and his odd behavior hangs over the proceedings. What little memory could have tripped up the ever-jovial reaper, causing his chartreuse eyes to well with tears...?
Earl Ciel Phantomhive's quietude is interrupted as Queen Victoria's very own butlers commandeer Phantomhive Manor for a lavish banquet sanctioned by Her Majesty. Preparations for such an event are quick work in the hands of Sebastian, the house's most able butler, but corralling the eminent guests may prove to be rather more of a challenge. For this dinner party is anything but festive, and as a stormy night batters the outside of the grand residence, a far more violent storm begins to unfurl within. And no one is safe from the havoc it will wreak-not even one seemingly impervious manservant...
His matchless butler Sebastian having discovered the artifice of the curse that reigns over Wolfsschlucht, Earl Ciel Phantomhive absconds with the village's precious Emerald Witch and her ultimate spell. But his actions are most unwelcome, and the villagers bare their true fangs at house Phantomhive. As the precocious aristocrat of evil attempts to make his escape from the forest, a monster cloaked in olive drab trundles ever nearer, taking aim at the back of the fleeing earl...
In the hinterlands of Germany, the servants of the Phantomhive house are at a loss when their master, Earl Ciel Phantomhive, is both physically and mentally debilitated by the curse of the Wolfman that roams the Werewolves' Forest. In the face of his master's pitiful new demeanour, consummate butler Sebastian, disillusioned, viciously takes Ciel to task, citing a breach of contract. As the Phantomhive household's crisis unfolds, the sulphurous miasma of the Werewolves' Forest encroaches ever more upon the village ruled by the Emerald Witch...
The veil of mystery cast over the Aurora Society's "absolute salvation" is torn away, and the true mastermind behind the scheme steps forward at long last. In the ensuing battle, Earl Ciel Phantomhive looks on in horror as Sebastian, his infallible manservant, is struck down by the death scythe of an unforeseen combatant. Devil though he may be, even Sebastian is not immune to the blade of a reaper's scythe. As Sebastian's cinematic record spills forth, the tale of how a devil became a butler to a little lost lord flickers to life in shades of sepia, blood, and ash...