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Our physical ecosystem is not indestructible and we have obligations to hold it in trust for future generations. The same is true of our metaphysical ecosystem - the values, principles, attitudes, beliefs, and shared stories on which we have founded our society. In Bird on an Ethics Wire, Margaret Somerville explores the values needed to maintain a world that reasonable people would want to live in and pass on to their descendants. Somerville addresses the conflicts between people who espouse "progressive" values and those who uphold "traditional" ones by casting her attention on the debates surrounding "birth" (abortion and reproductive technologies) and "death" (euthanasia) and shows how words are often used as weapons. She proposes that we should seek to experience amazement, wonder, and awe to enrich our lives and help us to find meaning. Such experiences, Somerville believes, can change how we see the world and live our lives, and affect the decisions we make, especially regarding values and ethics. They can help us to cope with physical or existential suffering, and ultimately put us in touch with the sacred - in either its secular or religious form - which protects what we must not destroy. Experiencing amazement, wonder, and awe, Somerville concludes, can also generate hope, without which our spirit dies. Both individuals and societies need hope, a sense of connection to the future, if the world is to make the best decisions about values in the battles that constitute the current culture wars.
Addresses such topics as "cloning, genetically modifying food, mapping human chromosomes, and using animal organs for human transplants." Provides an "engaged--and engaging--answer to one of our era's most difficult questions: should society set ethical limits on scientific advances?"
Business Ethics: An Ethical Decision-Making Approach presents a practical decision-making framework to aid in the identification, understanding, and resolution of complex ethical dilemmas in the workplace. Focuses exclusively on three basic aspects of ethical decision making and behavior—how it actually takes place, how it should take place, and how it can be improved Uses real-life examples of moral temptations and personal ethical dilemmas faced by employees and managers Discusses the biases, psychological tendencies, moral rationalizations, and impact of self-interest as impediments to proper ethical decision making Includes relevant examples of ethical misconduct and scandals appearing in the news media
In these Gasson Lectures, Frank Brennan addresses various contested contemporary issues such as church-state relations, physician assisted suicide and national border protection. He writes, I hope that these lectures can help persons of all faiths and none maintain what Pope John Paul II, when addressing the Italian Parliament, called "a convinced and pondered trust in the heritage of virtues and values handed down by your forebears". In these lectures I have drawn much inspiration from Pope Francis who travelled to the island of Lampedusa to speak boldly and prophetically about the plight of asylum seekers coming across the Mediterranean Sea in search of new life. Before offering his blessing and casting a wreath on the waters, Francis asked, "Who is responsible for the blood of these brothers and sisters of ours?" In these lectures, I seek to draw on my own religious tradition to answer that question to the satisfaction of persons of all faiths and none, and in the many precarious situations in which people find themselves, especially at the borders of life and of nation states.'
While local governments have traditionally been thought relatively powerless and unpolitical, this has been rapidly changing. Recent years have seen local governments jump headfirst into a range of so-called culture war conflicts like those concerning LGBTI rights, refugee protection, and climate change. Using the Australia Day and Columbus Day controversies as case studies, this Element rejuvenates research on how local governments respond to culture war conflicts, documenting new fronts in the culture wars as well as the changing face of local government. In doing this, this Element extends foundational research by advancing four new categories of responsiveness that scholars and practitioners can employ to better understand the varied roles local governments play in contentious culture war conflicts.
This volume focuses on Catholic Church history in Australia by lookimg at certain figures (Archdeacon John McEencroe, Lwesi Harding, Bishop Chalres Henry Davis, Cardonal Gilroy) as well as themes: Catholc Social Justice and parliamentary politics, humanae vitae and Tridentine clericalism, and the emergence of Catholic education offices.

Life is about relationships, good and bad.

Individualism may feel strong. In reality, it’s much weaker than when we stand together.

Much of the joy of life comes from the manner in which others touch our lives. Do you remember the last time someone touched your life with a word of encouragement? Your response may have been a smile or a sense of joy. Not all touches are like that. Some people touch our lives with pain through hurtful comments, insinuation, or even lies.

Solomon declared that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Our conversations are a key contributor to the effects we have on one another. This book is an invitation to explore the impact of others on us and our influence on them. It takes courage to nurture others and accept their nurturing. Communication coupled with action is the key to growth when we’ve experienced God as the source of our spiritual lives in Christ.

“Glenn Taylor’s writing on the subject of healthy relationships is the outcome [of] a lifelong commitment to living fully into all aspects of life. As a result, this book has deep roots and a solid foundation. I commend it to you.”
—Dr. Rod Wilson, Vancouver, B.C.

“There is no substitute for a firsthand witness. This is as true today as it was for the Resurrection. This book is the direct result of a truly empathetic faithful witness… This is a must read for anyone who is involved in ministry, counseling, or leadership of any kind.”
—James Tughan, Canadian Artist, Oakville, Ontario

“I believe the chapter on the importance of the community of faith as a place for receiving love, nurture, and healing meets a critical need in our disconnected society.”
—Marvin Brubacher, Director of MentorLink Canada

The thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded 2nd Edition offers physical therapists the tools they need as they confront the ethical dilemmas and moral controversies that they will encounter in professional practice. At the same time, it stimulates reflection on the moral significance of a therapist’s work, a neglected area of study.
Feminist ethics addresses how power, through gender, affects moral practice and theory. This enterprise is more important than ever before in an age of sharpened attention and concern for feminist issues and injustices. Yet the number of terms which have entered mainstream discussion can quickly overwhelm the novice: intersectionality, gender neutrality, androcentrism. An Invitation to Feminist Ethics offers an easy-to-understand, hospitable approach to the study of feminist moral theory and practice from a renowned ethicist, underscoring its need and the clarifying light it casts on some of the most pressing topics in contemporary society. The work surveys feminist ethical theory, beginning with an explanation of ethics, feminism, and gender before discussing the concepts of discrimination, oppression, gender neutrality, and androcentrism. The work further discusses in-depth intersectionality and microagressions before examining personal identities and how identities are vulnerable to oppression, and what can be done about it. The book also includes a helpful overview of three standard moral theories--social contract theory, utilitarianism, and Kantian ethics--and a discussion of their failings from a feminist point of view, followed by introductions to feminist care theory and feminist responsibility ethics. A "close-ups" section explores three social practices--bioethics, violence, and the globalized economy--within which these concepts are applied, and the need for feminist ethics is most urgent.
There is abundant evidence that most people, often in spite of their conscious beliefs, values and attitudes, have implicit biases. 'Implicit bias' is a term of art referring to evaluations of social groups that are largely outside conscious awareness or control. These evaluations are typically thought to involve associations between social groups and concepts or roles like 'violent,' 'lazy,' 'nurturing,' 'assertive,' 'scientist,' and so on. Such associations result at least in part from common stereotypes found in contemporary liberal societies about members of these groups. Implicit Bias and Philosophy brings the work of leading philosophers and psychologists together to explore core areas of psychological research on implicit (or unconscious) bias, as well as the ramifications of implicit bias for core areas of philosophy. Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics is comprised of three sections. 'Moral Responsibility for Implicit Bias' contains chapters examining the relationship of implicit biases to concepts that are central to moral responsibility, including control, awareness, reasons-responsiveness, and alienation. The chapters in the second section—'Structural Injustice'—explore the connections between the implicit biases held by individuals and the structural injustices of the societies in which they are situated. And finally, the third section—'The Ethics of Implicit Bias: Theory and Practice'—contains chapters examining strategies for implicit attitude change, the ramifications of research on implicit bias for philosophers working in ethics, and suggestions for combatting implicit biases in the fields of philosophy and law. This volume can be read independently of, or in conjunction with, Volume I: Metaphysics and Epistemology, which addresses key metaphysical and epistemological questions on implicit bias, including the effect of implicit bias on scientific research, gender stereotypes in philosophy, and the role of heuristics in biased reasoning.