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Günümüzün yaşam koşulları altında, televizyon insanların duygu, düşünce ve yaşam pratiklerini paylaşmak adına önemli işlevler yüklenmiştir. 2000’li yıllardan sonra Türk televizyonu programcılık ve teknik açıdan ilerleme göstererek birçok alanda kendine özgü lider konuma ulaşmıştır. Kitle iletişim araçlarının başat görevi olan haber verme adına gerek kamusal gerekse tecimsel yayıncılık atılım halindedir. Çekilen yerli televizyon dizileri yurtiçinde izlendiği kadar yurtdışında da ilgi görmektedir. Kapsam olarak gelişen yayıncılık Türkiye’yi televizyon alanında üst basamaklara taşımıştır. Güncel haber ve bilgiyi aktaran televizyon, insanın hem kendi iç dünyasıyla hem de dış dünya ile bağını kurmaktadır. Bu prensibe göre hareket eden televizyon dünyası Michael Parenti’nin ifadesiyle “halkı kuşatır”. İzleyicilerin beklentilerini bilen televizyoncular bu beklentiler çerçevesinde hareket ederler; bu beklentileri önceden tahmin edebilenler ise rating yarışında ipi göğüsleyenler olur. Televizyonlar için her programın farklı bir ticari değeri vardır bununla birlikte günümüzde geldiğimiz noktada içerik, sunum, program akışı, kurgu gibi bir programı program yapan temel unsurlar standartlaşarak birbirine benzemeye başlamıştır.
Racism was a pressing social problem long before the emergence of the digital age. The advancement of digital communication technologies such as the Internet has, however, added a new dimension to this problem by providing individuals and organisations with modern and powerful means to propagate racism and xenophobia. The use of the Internet as an instrument For The widespread dissemination of racist content is assessed in detail by the author.The problem of racist content on the Internet has naturally prompted vigorous responses from a variety of agents, including governments, supranational and international organisations and from the private sector. This book also provides a detailed critical overview of these regulatory and non-regulatory initiatives.
Why every child needs to learn to code: the shift from “computational thinking” to computational participation. Coding, once considered an arcane craft practiced by solitary techies, is now recognized by educators and theorists as a crucial skill, even a new literacy, for all children. Programming is often promoted in K-12 schools as a way to encourage “computational thinking”—which has now become the umbrella term for understanding what computer science has to contribute to reasoning and communicating in an ever-increasingly digital world. In Connected Code, Yasmin Kafai and Quinn Burke argue that although computational thinking represents an excellent starting point, the broader conception of “computational participation” better captures the twenty-first-century reality. Computational participation moves beyond the individual to focus on wider social networks and a DIY culture of digital “making.” Kafai and Burke describe contemporary examples of computational participation: students who code not for the sake of coding but to create games, stories, and animations to share; the emergence of youth programming communities; the practices and ethical challenges of remixing (rather than starting from scratch); and the move beyond stationary screens to programmable toys, tools, and textiles.
An explosion of little architectural magazines in the 1960s and 1970s instigated a radical transformation in architectural culture, as the magazines acted as a site of innovation and debate. Clip/Stamp/Fold takes stock of seventy little magazines from this period. The book brings together a remarkable range of documents and original research which the project has produced during its continuous travels over the last four years starting with the exhibition at the Storefront in November 2006. The book features transcripts from the “Small Talks” events in which editors and designers were invited to discuss their magazines; a stocktaking of over 100 significant issues that tracks the changing density and progression of the little magazine phenomenon; transcripts of more than forty interviews with magazine editors and designers from all over the world; a selection of magazine facsimiles; and a fold out poster that offers a mosaic image of more than 1,200 covers examined during the research.
Multiculturalism; ethnic relations; Turkey; congresses.
Contemporary Peacemaking draws on recent experience to identify and explore the essential components of peace processes. The book is organized around five key themes in peacemaking: planning for peace; negotiations; violence on peace processes; peace accords; and peace accord implementation and post-war reconstruction.
The Migration Conference 2017 hosted by Harokopio University, Athens from 23 to 26 August. The 5th conference in our series, the 2017 Conference was probably the largest scholarly gathering on migration with a global scope. Human mobility, border management, integration and security, diversity and minorities as well as spatial patterns, identity and economic implications have dominated the public agenda and gave an extra impetus for the study of movers and non-movers over the last decade or so. Throughout the program of the Migration Conference you will find various key thematic areas are covered in about 400 presentations by about 400 colleagues coming from all around the world from Australia to Canada, China to Mexico, South Africa to Finland. We are also proud to bring you opportunities to meet with some of the leading scholars in the field. Our line of keynote speakers include Saskia Sassen, Oded Stark, Giuseppe Sciortino, Neli Esipova, and Yüksel Pazarkaya.