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Learn from best-selling author and CEO of Inspire Investing, Robert Netzly, how you can join the Biblically Responsible Investing movement, align your investments with biblical values and inspire transformation for God's glory on Wall Street and around the world.
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be also. Mathew 6:21 (NLT) This is not a book about how God wants you to be rich, nor is it a book about the "money secrets" of the Bible. This is the true story of how one woman's journey to learn about Biblically Responsible Investing transformed her life and opened her heart to Jesus. As an author and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, Cassandra Laymon researched the principles of biblically-based investing, and learned that she was unknowingly profiting from business practices that directly opposed her Christian faith. Do you know what companies you are invested in and what business practices you are profiting from? In this book Cassandra shares why it is important to know what you own, how to find out the truth, how you can align your faith and your investments and make your money matter."
How much money is ok to have invested in abortion or pornography?The answer is simple. Not a penny.*You don't have to be a Christian to want to invest your money in companies that make the world a better - not a worse - place. But Christians and Jews have additional insight through the Scriptures that all of our money - and our time - belongs to God, not just the amount we tithe or the time we spend in worship. This comprehensive worldview includes our investments. Until 1994, when Art Ally founded the Timothy Plan, investors had no way of knowing whether their dollars were being used to advance honest business practices or unholy causes, such as abortion, pornography, anti-family activism, unhealthy substances or even slave labor. Invested with Purpose is the story of how one man's vision has led to a revolution: Biblically Responsible Investing.
Licensed CPA Loran Graham demonstrates with grace and humility why honoring God with our investment choices matters, and how biblically responsible investing (BRI) fits into the bigger picture of biblical stewardship. He addresses the tension between our stewardship responsibility to aim for the best return and our responsibility to honor the Lord by steering clear of investments that run contrary to biblical values.
Discover why honoring God with our investments matters. With grace and humility, Loran Graham takes us on a journey to demonstrate how biblically responsible investing fits into the bigger picture of biblical stewardship, and how our investment choices can be an act of worship.
The practice of socially responsible investing (SRI) has grown over the last century. A variation of this practice known as biblically responsible investing (BRI) has accompanied part of this growth. The introduction of non-financial criteria into the investment process has the potential to put an advisor's counsel in opposition to the primary goal of investing, namely, to gain a return on one's investment (William, 2009). This paper contains an overview of socially and biblically responsible investing, and a discussion concerning the scriptural and ethical ramifications of advising clients to invest in BRI.
What would your financial life look like if you managed your money and investments according to God's playbook--the Bible? We can spend most of our life trying to manage our finances from a secular viewpoint. However, this type of money survival will inevitably lead to frustrations and disappointments. Alternatively, we can follow the financial plan God has already blessed us with found in the Bible. Step out in faith and let Dr. Gerald House guide you through the maze of secular financial advice that often conflicts with God's plan, to a biblical awareness that will provide a solid financial foundation for you and your family. Embrace God's instructions on money and investing to live a life filled with contentment and gratification. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it--lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, "This man began to build and was not able to finish"? (Luke 14:28-30) God wants us to prosper and live a life without struggling to meet our financial obligations. He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32 NKJV)
"I'm excited about Faith Driven Entrepreneur. Anyone who is following the example of their creator God can find echoes of their work in this book." --Lecrae Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. But it doesn't need to be. God has a purpose and a plan for all those entrepreneurial dreams and creative gifts he gave you. The work you do today--the company you've built, the employees you work with, the customers you serve, the shareholders you report to, all of it--serves as an active part of what God wants to accomplish on earth. You are not alone in this journey. Join other faith-driven entrepreneurs as, together, we identify the values, habits, and traits that empower us to successfully build businesses, serve our communities, and faithfully pursue a loving relationship with God; read stories that exemplify how those values, habits, and traits unfold in everyday life; and discover the potential God wants to unleash through our work. Each book purchase includes access to the eight-session Faith Driven Entrepreneur video series, a discussion guide to encourage conversation among peers, and an invitation to join a Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group to meet other like-minded entrepreneurs.
A large shift in financial resources is currently underway. Learn how to position yourself to make effective money moves that will have a lasting impact on America’s future. Biblical Responsible Investing is for Christians who want to become more intentional, resourceful, and collaborative with their money, as well as how to use the financial markets to increase their return. Additionally, it explores various ways to become involved in the latest trends in the money market. Originally designed as a manuscript for Wall Street executives to gain insight into Christian approaches to money decisions, Biblical Responsible Investing documents eleven principles that, when understood, will bring a fresh and essential perspective to the table. The revised manuscript is tailored to the needs of everyday people, providing practical direction on how the trends identified can be applicable to their personal financial decisions. Inside the shadowboxes found at the end of each chapter are the tools for Christians to confidently make their financial decisions with a focus on helping their own community and faith.
God owns it all! But you have been called to be HIS portfolio manager! In the complex world of finance that we experience today, Christian Financial Adviser and author, Dwight Short, CIMA, explains how investors, advisers, and clergy can respond to this challenge. In Kingdom Gains, you will find both practical and theological points to help you bridge the gap between the gains in your portfolio and spiritual growth as well. Does God really care how we make money? If it matters to God, should it matter to you? Most believers have not wrestled with this question and the author of Kingdom Gains confesses to not having dealt with it for a long time either. You will find a guilt free challenge to examine your investing habits and take it to the Lord in prayer!