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Basketball Playbook 2: More Plays from the Pros" is an all-new compilation and analysis of the plays used by the best coaches at the highest level. See how professional teams execute the plays that win championships. Basketball Playbook 2" features plays used by many of the top head coaches in professional basketball, including Pat Riley, Jeff Van Gundy, Lenny Wilkens, and Gregg Popovich.
THE SECONDARY BREAK PLAYBOOK In this book, you will learn everything that you need to run the secondary break with high efficiency and teach your team how to transition from their primary break to their secondary break seamlessly. Don’t give your opponents a chance to catch their breath. Teach your team to push the ball at every opportunity and wear the defense down. Teach your team how to take advantage of those early defensive mismatches from bad defensive rotations. When the fast break doesn’t produce an easy basket, teams have to have the ability to capitalize and flow directly into their secondary break seamlessly. This playbook has everything that you need, whether you run a numbered break, a 2 side fast break, or the drag series, and more. After reading this 495-page playbook, you will be able to choose from 6 different secondary break offenses to keep the pressure on the defense. Your team will learn to push the ball in transition and take advantage of teams that don’t get back on defense. For those times when the primary break doesn’t produce a basket, your team can easily flow right into the Carolina Break, the Rocket 2-Sided Break, 5 Wide Break, etcetera. Each offense comes with several quick hitters that you can choose from that can counter anything a defense might throw at you. If you are a coach who likes to push the pace and play with tempo, this book is a must-have within your coaching library! Features: 6 Diffеrеnt Sесоndаrу Brеаk Offenses еасh with numеrоuѕ counters Dоn't givе уоur орроnеnt a chance tо саtсh thеir brеаth. Tеасh your tеаm to рuѕh the ball at every орроrtunitу to wear thе defense dоwn Carolina Brеаk (135 рlауѕ) Rосkеt Brеаk 5 Widе Brеаk Point Brеаk Pistol Break Drag Series Sideline break plays to use off opponents free throws
This book is for designing your basketball team's plays. There are 50 half-court templates that you can fill in with your plays. For each template, there is a Notes Page for you to write down any notes regarding the play. There is also a Table of Contents that you can fill out in order to help yourself navigate through your plays. Use this playbook to help your 2-versus-2 basketball team be even more prepared for upcoming games. Enjoy! #2-on-2 #StreetBasketball
THE SERIES PLAYBOOK Cater your offense to your team’s skill set with the Series Playbook from Coach Vann. After years of success and research, Coach Vann has put together the ultimate collection of offensive series full with numerous counterplay options to counter how the defense is playing you. Wreak havoc on opposing defenses with an offense that is simply too unpredictable for coaches to break down. Keep defenses in a constant state of guess-mode running a series that is unscoutable. In the Series Playbook, you can choose from over 20 different series full of counters and more. Coaches can simply choose 5 or 6 plays from one of the many series presented and simply select those plays that fit best to what your players do best. Then make play calls during games that are dependent on how the defense decides to play you that can help you defeat any defense. You will also learn all the adjustments a coach can make during a game to make the right call at the perfect moment. Always be prepared and keep defenses off guard with the Series Playbook. No matter what level of basketball you coach at these offenses work! Find out all the answers in this 1,155-page gem! Features: 1,155 Pages 23 Different Series Over 750 Plays 23 different series that you can choose from with numerous counters You will be sure to find some plays from a multitude of different alignments that will keep the defense off guard Quick hitters to counter any defense
THE CONTINUITY OFFENSES PLAYBOOK Have a team with no athletes? Need a way to get them all involved in the offense? It’s called continuity, baby! Use the skill sets of all of your players by teaching them the beauty and effectiveness of continuity offenses. Become that team on the schedule that opponents dread because of the power of their offense. Is your offense stagnant? Is the ball not moving enough within your offense? If the answer is yes, then this is the book for you. Thousands of hours of research went into developing the Continuity Offenses playbook, a collection of 14 different continuity offenses and actions, all full with counterplays and specials built right into them. Continuity offenses have a pattern of movement, cuts, screens, and passes, which eventually leads back to the starting formation. At this point, the movement is then repeated in an effort to cause defensive breakdowns and create the best available scoring opportunities. These offenses are a great way to make the defense work and to get good ball movement. Whether you currently run a continuity offense or you’re thinking about it, there is something in this playbook for any coach looking to expand his knowledge of the game. The book also goes to great length to help you understand the subtleties and intricacies of offenses and the adjustments that you can make as a coach. This book reveals many of the counters and adjustments a coach can make based on how the defense is playing you to assure you can make the right call at the perfect moment. We also give you a multitude of diffеrеnt entries that will hеlр to diѕguiѕе whаt уоu аrе trying tо dо that will ѕеаmlеѕѕlу flоw right into one of your continuity offenses. Each entry play givеs us 3-4 diffеrеnt ѕсоring орtiоnѕ. Your opponents will not know what hit them. The Continuity Offensive Playbook is the complete package. If you are struggling to get the ball moving and putting points on the board, this is the book for you! No matter what level of basketball you coach at these offenses work! Find out all the answers in this 638-page gem! Features: 638 Pages 14 Continuity Offenses Over 300 Quick hitters to counter the defense
A versatile basketball playbook for coaches and players, this book conists the beautifully designed basketball court, along with that it does have an additional dedicated page to draw essential and important diagrams, and a well spaced section to write the notes or the game plan for the match. Features. 1. 8.5 X 11 size 2. 100 Pages of sheets.3. Beautiful matte finish cover4. High quality interior. This item also makes an absolutely great farewell gift for basketball coaches or just as an appreciation gift for being an awesome coach.
CHICAGO ACTION PLAYBOOK Have a talented big man who is a great passer or playmaker that you want to get more involved in the offense? Or maybe you have a big man that you might want to hide on offense? Either way, you can run Chicago action to take advantage of your team’s strengths or hide your team’s weaknesses. Chicago Action has become a staple for every team at both the collegiate and NBA levels in recent years. The reason being is it can be a very tough offense to defend against and puts a ton of pressure on the defense. In this book, we give you a multitude of different plays that you can run out of different alignments that all use Chicago action, and now you can have all of those plays all in one single library. The Chicago Action playbook will help you attack and put pressure on the defense. The only way to get better at running anything, including Chicago Action, is to drill it. This playbook is packed full of drills that you can use to help make Chicago Action a valuable component of your offense while teaching your players how to read a defense and make the appropriate reads and adjustments. Step out, down screen, dribble handoff, attack and score today with the Chicago Action playbook! Features: 174 Pages 105 Chicago Plays 24 Drills You will also receive a few different ways to defend against Chicago Action
A versatile basketball playbook for coaches and players, this book conists the beautifully designed basketball court, along with that it does have an additional dedicated page to draw essential and important diagrams, and a well spaced section to write the notes or the game plan for the match. Features. 1. 8.5 X 11 size 2. 100 Pages of sheets.3. Beautiful matte finish cover4. High quality interior. This item also makes an absolutely great farewell gift for basketball coaches or just as an appreciation gift for being an awesome coach.
RAM & VEER ACTION PLAYBOOK If you are having trouble with teams that like to hard hedge or trap all of your ball screens, then now you will have the answer with the Ram & Veer Action Playbook. Hall of Fame coach Chuck Daly once said that defenses couldn’t defend against two actions at once. This has been proven true over the years and, most recently, with the Golden State Warriors who utilized the Ram screen and Veer action to stifle defenses and win three championships in four years. The Ram & Veer Actions are very effective as they free up your screener, which makes it extremely difficult for the defense to defend against. Every coach should have these plays within their playbook to counter those overly aggressive defensive teams. Not only can this offense help free up your ball handlers to attack, but it will also allow your screeners to get some great open shots. These actions are also very effective in freeing up your best shooters as counteractions in how the defense chooses to defend these actions. If your ball screen offense needs some new life, take it to the next level. Counter pressure defenses and over-aggressiveness with actions defenses simply cannot stop. Don’t allow your pick and roll offense to be stopped! This is a must-have within any coach’s playbook and coaching library. Learn how to run the Ram & Veer actions today! Features: 118 Pages 44 Ram Plays 15 Veer Action & Wide Pin-down plays 37 Drills to help teach Ram & Veer concepts to your team so you can quickly implement them within your offense