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ABOUT THIS BOOK...Getting a Grip on the Basics of Prayer is a practical, comprehensive, easy-to-follow Bible study designed to help Christians pray effectively. If you’ve never been taught prayer basics, if you’ve been discouraged by seemingly unanswered prayers, or if you are a seasoned pray-er who needs a booster shot, you...
Bounds, a much loved Christian writer, has several classic books on prayer. He states that prayer is available to all, but that one must approach it with the right attitude. This volume deals with personal and corporate prayer.
The Times Are Urgent God Is on the Move Now Is the Moment to ... ask God to ignite his fire in your soul! Pastor Jim Cymbala believes that Jesus wants to renew his people-to call us back from spiritual dead ends, apathy, and lukewarm religion. Cymbala knows the difference firsthand. Thirty-five years ago his own church, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, was a struggling congregation of twenty. Then they began to pray ... God began to move ... street-hardened lives by the hundreds were changed by the love of Christ ... and today they are more than ten thousand strong. The story of what happened to this broken-down church in one of America's toughest neighborhoods points the way to new spiritual vitality in the church and in your own life. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire shows what the Holy Spirit can do when believers get serious about prayer and the gospel. As this compelling book reveals, God moves in life-changing ways when we set aside our own agendas, take him at his word, and listen for his voice.
When a child is born, doctors and family encourage the new parents to provide three elements essential to the survival of the newborn: love, nourishment and protections. These same elements are vital for every newborn Christian as well. This workbook will help those new to the Christian faith find these basics for survival. Getting a Grip on...
Can You Know for Certain God Hears Your Prayers? Do you sometimes wonder if God hears–let alone answers–your prayers? Do you ask yourself, What’s the point of praying? Do you long to experience the power of prayer in your daily life? Find the keys to an effective prayer life in this compelling study that explores both God’s expectations of you and His promises to you when it comes to prayer. Through a detailed examination of the Lord’s Prayer and other examples of prayer throughout the Bible, you’ll discover a model for talking with God. You’ll also learn key principles of prayer and gain a deeper understanding of how prayer can draw you closer to His heart.
"Prayer is not only petition, it is also something more basic-it is soul to soul communication with God. And this really must come first, before we ask God for anything. For this is the heart of prayer. Before we expect Him to listen to our requests we must have made contact with His soul by our soul" (Excerpt). This is a book about prayer. It is a study of the most basic elements of Christian prayer. The book is written for anyone, young or old, who wants to deepen his prayer life and his walk with the Lord; it is thorough and reflective, yet easy-to-read. The book starts off by examining the definition of prayer-its nature and meaning. Then there is a discussion about praise, and how praise is both different from and interdependent of petitionary prayer. Three chapters are devoted to intercession, and the last four chapters-on forgiveness, fasting, prayer posture, and yielding-lay out those all important elements that prepare one for prayer.
Imagine a group of kids on the floor of a gym, or filling a classroom, or on a weekend retreat, praying in a whole new way--so silently that you can hear a pin drop! It happens everyday with Praying in Color.
“Henry Clay Trumbull spoke forth the Infinite in the terms of our world, and the Eternal in the forms of our human life. Some years ago, on a ferry-boat, I met a gentleman who knew him, and I told him that when I had last seen Dr. Trumbull, a fortnight before, he had spoken of him. ‘Oh, yes,’ said my friend, ‘he was a great Christian, so real, so intense. He was at my home years ago and we were talking about prayer.” “Why, Trumbull,” I said, “you don’t mean to say if you lost a pencil you would pray about it, and ask God to help you find it.” “Of course I would; of course I would,” was his instant and excited reply.’ Of course he would. Was not his faith a real thing? Like the Saviour, he put his doctrine strongly by taking an extreme illustration to embody his principle, but the principle was fundamental. He did trust God in everything. And the Father honoured the trust of His child.”—Robert E. Speer. Prayer has to do with the entire man. Prayer takes in man in his whole being, mind, soul and body. It takes the whole man to pray, and prayer affects the entire man in its gracious results. As the whole nature of man enters into prayer, so also all that belongs to man is the beneficiary of prayer. All of man receives benefits in prayer. The whole man must be given to God in praying. The largest results in praying come to him who gives himself, all of himself, all that belongs to himself, to God. This is the secret of full consecration, and this is a condition of successful praying, and the sort of praying which brings the largest fruits. The men of olden times who wrought well in prayer, who brought the largest things to pass, who moved God to do great things, were those who were entirely given over to God in their praying. God wants, and must have, all that there is in man in answering his prayers. He must have whole-hearted men through whom to work out His purposes and plans concerning men. God must have men in their entirety. No double-minded man need apply. No vacillating man can be used. No man with a divided allegiance to God, and the world and self, can do the praying that is needed. Holiness is wholeness, and so God wants holy men, men whole-hearted and true, for His service and for the work of praying. “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” These are the sort of men God wants for leaders of the hosts of Israel, and these are the kind out of which the praying class is formed. Man is a trinity in one, and yet man is neither a trinity nor a dual creature when he prays, but a unit. Man is one in all the essentials and acts and attitudes of piety. Soul, spirit and body are to unite in all things pertaining to life and godliness. The body, first of all, engages in prayer, since it assumes the praying attitude in prayer. Prostration of the body becomes us in praying as well as prostration of the soul. The attitude of the body counts much in prayer, although it is true that the heart may be haughty and lifted up, and the mind listless and wandering, and the praying a mere form, even while the knees are bent in prayer.
A simple introduction to prayer, explaining why, how, and when we pray. Included Bible references.