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This book is about YOU! It will show you that you have been using but a small part of your real abilities—that back in your subconscious mind, or "subliminal mind," as the scientists sometimes call it, is a sleeping Giant who, awakened, can carry you on to fame and fortune almost overnight! A Genii-of-your Mind as powerful, as capable of satisfying your every wish, as was ever Aladdin's wonderful Genii-of-the-Lamp of old. This book Working With God by Gardner Hunting was first published in 1934 by the Unity School of Practical Christianity and has been read by countless Unity/Truth students the world over ever since. It teaches in plain and simple terms how one can enhance and even transform their living experience through a correct understanding of the unchanging spiritual laws. It is a tremendous link in our objective to discern Truth. We are treated to great examples of God's laws, miracles, desires, giving, goodness, hurry, what will people think, reciprocity, and news. The spiritual laws outlined in this book are timeless and unfailing - the same yesterday, today and forever. "Law always works - anywhere - everywhere - now and forever. Two and two make four, by mathematical law, in New York or Kansas City, in Paris or Tokyo, in the cathedral or in prison, in the home or the dive, on earth or Mars, today or in Caesar's time, now or in eternity." As explained throughout this book, there is a principle to receiving from your Genii Within which involves you giving in order to receive. You must become an open channel through which God’s abundance can flow freely, not only into your own life but into the lives of others also though you. It is recommended that you read this book through completely from start to finish and then re-read it from time to time in order to refresh your memory. The mind is apt to revert to its old ways of thinking given half a chance, so it will pay dividends for you to keep reminding yourself of these great truths by re-reading the book often. The principles outlined and explained herein have worked for countless thousands of people in the past, and thousands more are proving the truth of them daily. No matter what your present circumstances in life may be, the Genii Within your Mind is waiting patiently to give you your heart’s desire. Now relax, sit comfortably, and let us begin our thrilling voyage of self-discovery!
This book Working With God by Gardner Hunting was first published in 1934 by the Unity School of Practical Christianity and has been read by countless Unity/Truth students the world over ever since. It teaches in plain and simple terms how one can enhance and even transform their living experience through a correct understanding of the unchanging spiritual laws. It is a tremendous link in our objective to discern Truth. We are treated to great examples of God's laws, miracles, desires, giving, goodness, hurry, what will people think, reciprocity, and news. The spiritual laws outlined in this book are timeless and unfailing - the same yesterday, today and forever. "Law always works - anywhere - everywhere - now and forever. Two and two make four, by mathematical law, in New York or Kansas City, in Paris or Tokyo, in the cathedral or in prison, in the home or the dive, on earth or Mars, today or in Caesar's time, now or in eternity."
Unleash your inner genius and take your life by storm with this supportive guide to fearlessly cultivating your imagination and sustaining your creativity Do you have a nagging suspicion that you're not living up to your creative potential? Do you feel hindered by the deeply embedded programming of social conformity and core limiting beliefs? Most of all, are you ready to shed those shackles and unleash the raging genius deep inside? In Awaken Your Genius, author Carolyn Elliott helps you do just that with a seven-step course that shows you how to live at your fullest creative potential and make manifest your deepest desires and dreams. In Step 1, Hearing the Heart's Call, you'll learn how to determine your true passions and create a vision for yourself at your most fully realized best. Step 2, Accepting the Call, helps you turn that vision into a commitment. Step 3, Meeting the Guide, opens the door to dialoguing with your inner mentor—the subconscious part of yourself that knows what's missing and how to get it. Step 4, Crossing the Threshold, shows you how to let go of socially programed conformity and venture into your own personal imaginative dreamscape. Step 5, Enduring Trials, gives you tools and tips on navigating the inevitable obstacles that arise when doing this kind of transformational work. Step 6, Becoming Divine, shows you how to tune in to your most expansive, unconditionally loving self, which in turn gives you the power to manifest your dreams and inspire those around you. Step 7, Taming Your Genius, shows you how to negotiate with your newfound genius—a mighty power to be reckoned with—so that it gets sustenance without becoming disruptive. Each step comes with excellent explanations of the powers at work, as well as assignments (called "experiments") and check-ins to make sure you're keeping up with the previous steps.
A guide to methods for accessing your mind and making changes to behaviours, attitudes and thought patterns. The text is a combined study and theory of the processes of NLP, self-talk, imagery and Ericksonian hypnosis.
The existence of life's Presence within you, the Kingdom of God, was never intended to be a mystery. And Eternal life is to be experienced now in this Present moment of life's only reality. Your life's Conscious-driven purpose was predestined before you were ever born. It has always existed within you, ready to be revealed; you just had to come into the light of awareness of its existence. This is the Practice of Awakening Your Mind to Your True Identity, Life's Calling, and Your Inspired Purpose: The Minds Renewal Is the Path to Your New Transformation You are not who you think you are .... Your mind's false self-awareness has separated you from the Presence of life. In your separation from life's only reality, this Present time, you have created a false self-identity or ego. This ego continues to lead you astray from life's Presence by seeking for more beyond this Present moment, the only reality of life's existence. Transcend your mind's false self-awareness to the higher state of Consciousness, the awareness of your Oneness with life's Presence. Know your true identity, your Oneness with the Author and Perfecter, the Creator of all life. The end of all suffering .... You hold the key to your inner peace, the end of your mental suffering. You are not your thoughts, the thinking and rationalizing mind, but you are the observing or witnessing Presence within. Know your mind's right standing position, its correct alignment with Consciousness, the awareness of life's Presence in the here and now of reality. Learn to become free from the mind's attachment to the intellect and put an end to all your suffering. Life has a purpose for you .... Predestined before the foundation of the earth, life's unfolding script had a unique role for you to play. You were created with a longing desire within to know your inner purpose, something much greater than you could imagine for this life. You were created with the secret of your identity and purpose hidden within you, waiting to be revealed. Life is calling you, drawing you inward to an awareness of your true self and to fulfill its destiny, and there is no greater time than now. The New Beginning Are you ready, child? To take the journey of life as I have set it out, just for you? Hold fast, for there is much to learn, much to teach you. Lend an ear to Me. I will fill you up, for wisdom only comes with reverence. Ask, and you shall receive. I give all to My children who reverence Me. Do not go outside of life's existence, but remain in the Present with Me. I shall surely reveal to you My unfolding plans for your life's purpose, your great destiny!
Hearing firsthand accounts with people, I began to see a relationship between a kind of unexplained insight into the experiences of others and the previously hidden, unseen effects of my own life story. Like the early morning sunrise after agonizingly long, cold, and dark wintry days, I began to warm to the idea that the chaos and cruelty that scars our lives is not the beginning nor the end of the story for any of us. Listening to these wounded souls I was amazed to discover that I already knew what they would say. I began to realize that the wounds of my own life might have given birth to a Genius ability to connect with others who suffer like I have. Genius may be the other side of our wound!
Trusted and beloved by readers everywhere for his prosperity classic The Secret of the Ages, Robert Collier takes the next step in Riches Within Your Reach! and explains how to harness mental visualization to achieve financial and professional success. "A definite purpose, held on to in the face of every discouragement and failure, in spite of all obstacles and opposition, will win no matter what the odds," wrote Robert Collier. And with faith in your own definite purpose, taught the self-help master, there is no limit to what you can accomplish. In every adversity, there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage, and in each defeat, there is a lesson in how to achieve victory next time. This is the message of Riches Within Your Reach! In 1947, Collier produced Riches Within Your Reach! to assemble his most talked-about works into one simple guide. It features: The God in You (1937); The Magic Word (1940); The Secret of Power (1945); and The Law of Higher Potential (1947). Together, these pioneering works reveal all facets of one powerful secret: Human beings, since the dawn of history, have used the applied principles of mental visualization to achieve their aims. Many of the world's most successful figures -from Napoleon Bonaparte to Benjamin Franklin to Andrew Carnegie-began their lives at a significant disadvantage, without the wealth or health that many of their peers enjoyed. Yet they were able to triumph and succeed in ways that their contemporaries weren't-by tapping into the infinite power of their own minds. Riches Within Your Reach! not only builds upon this teaching but illuminates Collier's most remarkable lesson ever: that each of us has an equal chance to harness the powers within ourselves to succeed, but first, we must learn how to focus our desires.
Its easy to find ourselves trapped in anger, bitterness, and apathy from the pressures and challenges in the world. But when we allow God to take control of our lives, everything can be turned around. Are you ready to start your day with a goal in mind, a smile on your face, and enthusiasm in your heart, all with just a simple word? Brilliant Words to Grow By is just what you need to change your perspective and start your day right, and it offers a different inspiring word for each day of the year. With over a thousand encouraging quotes from over five hundred authors, these biblical devotionals are sure to help you feel good about yourself and the world as you make positive declarations over your life in the good times and the bad. Author Pam Malow-Isham has brilliantly paired opposing words together, because just as there are two sides to every story, so is life similarly dualistic. It is possible to enjoy the ups and downs of each day, and Brilliant Words to Grow By can show you how to focus on the goodness and the grace of God that surrounds you every day. If you choose to be diligent and do it daily, you will be amazed this time next year how much better, calmer, happier, and more productive your life will be.
"Who Pooh Poohed in Your Magic Lamp?" R. Jeannie was searching to find the truth to: "Who am I?" And "Man Know Thyself." She also had a burning desire to, "Know the Truth that will set you Free." Her quest was not unique, but even she was not fully prepared for the enlightenment that she is now sharing with you. She has found the answers to these questions and more. She scoured The Holy Bible, the dictionary, and the web to gain insight and inspiration as she dissected many powerful words and their divinely inspired meanings and intentions. She has discovered and is now sharing information that may cause you to cry and shake in your boots, just as she did. R. Jeannie looked up "Genius" and found it meant: "Genie: an attendant spirit allotted to each person at his birth, to attend a person through his life." This took her to the story of Aladdin and its hidden truths. Going to the dictionary again, she found that "I" means "Ego", and this led her to the "Truth that will set You Free." She knows that she could not have written this book by herself, she felt divinely inspired. She has unraveled it, not written it, and the truths have been benevolently revealed to her. With Bible and dictionary in hand she will take you step by step, unfolding how the story (myth) about Aladdin (A-lad-in his magic lamp) contains hidden truths about Jesus and his mission here on earth. She will show that we all have a "magic lamp" and a "Genie" within us. We are the Lamp and your Genie is the light of Christ, given to be within every person ever born. Accept your God given heritage, grasp this gift, and become whole.