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They want you to think it's your fault, to have deep shame & guilt because then they're off the hook. Toxic shame is the biggest problem to survivors of narcissistic abuse, lasting decades too. It is dumped by the others onto one, going way beyond the mere "I did something wrong". The shame dump is subtle and often unconscious as the others join in the fun inflicting pain on the one: It’s cruel outspoken groupies vs. the empath/scapegoat. The bully is always on the horn shaping opinions/balancing forces around her and shame is a trauma response to this war. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside page by Blaze Goldburst
KELLOCK PSYCH TEXTBOOKS FOR A LOST GENERATION: MANUAL FOR SUPERIOR MEN: VOLUME TWO Extended Versions by Karen Kellock NEW PSYCH THEORY by Karen Kellock Ph.D., Psychology & Proverb Author. The cause of mental illness is other people: be shocked into a new world view seeing mental illness in a new light. Elite Review: "Koestler [1962] shows all discoveries blend art with science. Vivid poetic images combined with rock-solid psychology show the tyranny of groups vs. the individual: collective insanity, the contagion of lunacy. What does it take to be a champion in a sea of sharks? That’s the essence of this work. The writing is subtle, witty, clever and highly accurate. The therapy: open the book anywhere". Mansell Pattison M.D., Postdoctoral Sponsor at UCI School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry.
KELLOCK PSYCH TEXTBOOKS FOR A LOST GENERATION: MANUAL FOR SUPERIOR MEN. THE FULL COLLECTED WORKS OF KAREN KELLOCK. NEW PSYCH THEORY by Karen Kellock Ph.D., Psychology & Proverb Author. The cause of mental illness is other people: be shocked into a new world view seeing mental illness in a new light. Elite Review: "Koestler [1962] shows all discoveries blend art with science. Vivid poetic images combined with rock-solid psychology show the tyranny of groups vs. the individual: collective insanity, the contagion of lunacy. What does it take to be a champion in a sea of sharks? That’s the essence of this work. The writing is subtle, witty, clever and highly accurate. The therapy: open the book anywhere". Mansell Pattison M.D., Postdoctoral Sponsor at UCI School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry. Karen Kellock received her Ph.D. from University of California, Irvine and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Medical School, Dept. of Psychiatry [NIAAA and NIMH grants] to develop a theory of System Pathology: the Debris Theory of Disease, presented in 120 books and 22 textbooks for the general public. The theory has a general formula: All disease is obstruction, all recovery is elimination, all success is attraction. The three obstructions are people, habit and food. Remove your obstruction and snap to your goals, waiting in the wings. "An integrator and discoverer. As her Ph.D. advisor it's WOW on pathological systems theory, a sudden eye-opener". Doug Chalmers, Ph.D., UCI Dept. of Psychology "Brilliance inspires thinking in new realms by debunking old myths. A true theoretician ties everything together so we can see the whole". Daniel Feldman M.D., Postdoc sponsor V.A. hospital/UCI Med Chapter art by Karen Kellock and Fox Design, Cover by Blaze Goldburst
They traumatized her with shallow insincerities and polite cruelties: every single one was crazy. The wicked creep into houses leading captive silly women and the early trauma made her needy of treacherous friends if you can call em that. HEAL from being scorned, mocked and belittled by dam rats. The controller breaks your spirit: he is underhandedly clever micromanaging the situation with you kept under. He leads you to hope but never delivers and hope deferred makes the heart sick/all visions blurred. Just walk away--it's that simple. Start a new life every day then avoid those people. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
The mental disease of the century is narcissistic sociopathy manifested in having no empathy. I wanted solitude for no one's more hated than he who speaks the truth. Our self-image is trashed early, determining all that we attract later to confirm that bad identity. The smarter one is the more messed up they get when wires are crossed, hearts broken, rejected. Cross a narcissist and it's their entire goal to hurt you as much as they can so don't get involved man. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
The self-downputting comes from marching to a different reality/being misunderstood constantly. Those who conform/get along with pack, tribe or klatch don't feel like this seeing self as a lost case. Eventually they'll put genius in a class all his own but in the meantime life is hell if weak/not bold. Take your time, do it right. You'll spring up as savior in your field and all will know your name, aye. You swam in muddy waters like in California so you took for granted sin's ok but it's God you betrayed. But no matter what you did under social hypnotism it'll all be ok just repent and start fresh today. Contains: GlobalIslam. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Blaze Goldburst
You're a genius and it's obvious and they're dumb as rats but copious. Lock the gate to be free of whatever's happening outside--now every day is great. People did nothing but hold you back and trip you up so now just look UP! Many grow up with rejection, no one wanted em. Everyone wants something so be shrewd to prevent a disaster happening. Wild animals are nocturnal to avoid humans and I've done that too to be a good student. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
Frenemies who sow discord: a malicious heart hides behind loving lips. The strong have restraint, the weak do not. The problem is: surrounded by evil you just feel nuts. By smooth words/flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the simple. The enemy sows discord and division to the dumbed down who can't discern truly good from evil. You're not even supposed to reason with a fool, yet these simpletons are your enemy's army against you. Chapter art by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
Instead of hungering for his attention you finally had enough of one-way conversation. When you’ve had enough it happens in a blink of an eye: freedom from a nut. You have no mind of your own that's clearly shown by acceptance of whatever comes along. Arrogant stiff-necked grin, you see it in liberal friends. They act so superior we cave in to fear. They know they're right but are so wrong it’s clear. [Karen Kellock Picturestrip]. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner art by Blaze Goldburst and Karen Kellock
Feminist culture is a massive impediment to genius. Women aren't born dumb they adapt to other women. Feminists want open borders, approval of others, big governments--horrors! Races help each other up (as men and religions do) but women push each other down like crabs in a barrel: cruel. Nothing's more wrong than a liberal feminist and to think we had to adapt to that frustration as kids. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst