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LOVE -- COMMUNICATIONS -- LOVE. It is said that the bedrock of a long lasting relationship with Women is good two-way communication. Explore the inner workings of this poets mind as he tries to figure out where he went wrong! Is it Sciences fault? No. Is it Women's fault? Maybe. Is it the Author's fault? Yes! (At least according to you know who.)
The citizens of Canada enjoy a high standard of living, well most of the 'proper' ones do. And for the majority they're granted social supports, political freedoms, and economic opportunities beyond the dreams of billions of earthlings. And yet despite an abundance of resources, both natural and human, our political systems suffer the same fault as all closed power systems, corruption and 'systematic' cruelty (another dodge of personal responsibility). Anyways, this Canadian poet got tired of it and wrote some verse for you to become 'awoke' eh!
Victoria has a secret. Salacious, lurid, exciting, these words can't describe the city enough because none of them apply! Sleepy, laid back, tree hugging, happy go lucky, well to do, exclusionary, and just a little bit facetious will get you a lot closer to the truth. And as islanders they like it like that. Come along on this poetic voyage as I take a look at some of the lesser known 'sights' and 'view'points to be found in one of Canada's oldest and oddest cities.
Business and ethics have long been uneasy bedfellows. Nothing has changed. It is still being used as a tool by rich elitists to enforce their standards and class structures onto the rest of us. Un-elected, deceitful, and with the consumers demise as it's goal (less for you, more for them). TheRich always co-opt our institutions and organizations, turning them into facades to enforce social and political norms crafted to their needs, regardless of the harm to the environment or the people that inhabit it. This leads to such inhumane and irresponsible absurdities such as letting Elon Musk wastefully throw a Rolls Royce into outer space while he pays lower class workers starvation wages.
IT Technology gets taken to task. Why you ASCII? Because it's time you held up a mental mirror and had a close look at the moral, immoral, and mortal side effects of IT. Programmed in PoetryPlusPlus you'll learn the DIRTY INDUSTRY SECRETS that the major stakeholders don't want you to know. Oh sure, I might just mysteriously get 'deleted' or 'erased' but I'll just CTL-ALT-DEL my newly necessitated life support system (my PC (for Portable Computer not Politically Correct which I can assure you this book is in no way that)). Plus just like a free feature you never asked for you'll learn to obey laughing at the screen (in non-selfie mode of course) making you just a little bit better than the AI that lead you to this line. What an interfacing good time you'll have.
What expires only to be reborn instantly? A fart of course. Explore the external effects a fart can have on not only one poor poet but on the whole world. Talk about power! In my briefs I've attempted to explore the lesser known subtleties and some of the broader implications of just letting one go. I hope it smells as good to you as it does me. Enjoy. Yummy!
Nestled in the heart of the Kootenay Mountains range of the Canadian Rockies lies the unique little village of Kaslo. Avoided by the First Nations as a cursed place the early European invaders paid no heed and settled in. How the aboriginals knew of the radioactive nature of the soil is still unknown to 'White Man' but this book isn't about that. It's about the quirkiness of quaint attitudes, perhaps caused by the altitude or just the high airs many of the residents feel entitled to. Still, it is one heck of a tourist destination, deserving of this glowing praised penned in light-hearted fondness.
Making America Great Again means admitting you're no longer the best and unfortunately for the rest of the world the U.S. Political systems foibles and weaknesses have been clearly demonstrated as being able to achieve at least that much: a perpetual opportunity for improvement. With elan, alarm, and alacrity RickthePoetWarrior uses wit, prose, and rhyme to to point to some of the more 'unique, stupefying, and asinine politicians, policies and procedures produced in the good old you-is-say.