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Theories of verbal humor to date have ignored or glossed over the importance of the roles of the audience and the situation in the humor event. Most theories presuppose that the joke text conveys humor, but it is demonstrated here that humor is not possible and cannot exist unless and until an audience determines that the joke text is amusing. This study surveys theories of humor and establishes that there is, indeed, a gap in the literature concerning the relevance and the significance of both the audience and the situation to verbal humor. The linguistic aspects, especially the semantic properties, of verbal humor are examined, followed by an examination of the rhetorical aspects of verbal humor, primarily in terms of audience, discourse communities, and situation. Finally, a new theory of verbal humor is proposed which embraces both the linguistic and the rhetorical aspects of that which occurs in the humor event. The concepts of an audience's joke competence and humor competence are central to this audience-based theory of verbal humor and clearly mark the point at which the disciplines of linguistics and rhetoric come together. Joke competence and humor competence are linguistic constructs based on and developed from the notion of linguistic competence and as constituents of linguistic competence activated by and in the non-bona-fide mode of joke telling. Imbuing the audience with the power to make decisions about the effectiveness of a piece of discourse in a situation is a rhetorical construct. When the two are merged, as they are in this audience-based theory of verbal humor, they can explain what happens in the humor event.
This book brings together the best current original work on the concept of audience in written communication. Firstly examining historical and theoretical perspectives on audience, the contributors explore and synthesize current theories on its shifting and intangible nature as well as the broader context of post-structuralist concepts of reader, writer and text. The second part of the book embraces a wide variety of research on audience and serves to illuminate contested theoretical points of earlier chapters. Authors of chapters report on case studies, textual analyses, comparative experimental research and protocol analysis.
Providing a comprehensive, balanced treatment of skill and theory, combined with a robust video supplement package, Public Speaking offers the greatest flexibility of any introductory text in the market. The text's accessible approach to communication presents the process of constructing, researching, and delivering speeches as a means of building a bridge between speaker and audience. The Second Edition offers students two simple ways to access the innovative video program: on CD-ROM packaged free with the text or on the text's companion web site. Designed to allow instructors to integrate text and video in a visually oriented approach to learning, the videos strengthen the hands-on pedagogical nature of the text material. In addition the new technology creates greater opportunities for distributed learning. Video content includes examples of effective (and less effective) speakers addressing diverse audiences in business, school, and community settings; illustrations of audience-specific approaches to the same topic; and interviews with students, professionals, and community leaders about issues they face when preparing or delivering speeches. Early treatment of communication apprehension combined with a first speech assignment helps students overcome anxiety from the start. Up-to-date coverage of the Internet as a research tool includes a focus on critical analysis of content and additional Internet activities, including Connecting to the 'Net boxes. The Portfolio feature offers opportunities for creating an e-portfolio journal. A commitment to TA training features a training guide and videos, with sample integrated syllabi for making optimal use of classroom videos.
The Italian diaspora throughout the world navigate and negotiate various complex and multidirectional language dynamics. In order to account for the sociolinguistic processes that have taken place, this book provides a detailed observation of these linguistic dynamics from the point of view of the Italian diaspora in Bedford, in the UK. This study on the language behaviour of three generations of Italian residents in Bedford provides empirical data on, and highlights the importance of, the sociolinguistic examination of English in service encounters. What comes to light in most of the cases analysed, is that audience design has a proven influence on the choice of language and repertoire within the speech of the Bedford Italian community. There are not only switches from one language to another, but also style shifts in the linguistic repertoire. Throughout this study, it becomes clear that speakers freely use the two languages available to their speech community, and, thanks to their active and passive repertoire, they apply a range of linguistic resources from both Italian and English. The volume also uncovers some especially interesting traits in 3rd generation speech, involving in particular a rather widespread use of mixed pronunciation. Upon moving past the initial assumption that the adoption of this mixed pronunciation is used to show the younger generation’s sense of belonging to the BI community, a quite different reason emerges. Closer analysis reveals that, due to an increasing feeling of ‘non-Britishness’, this linguistic choice may be linked to a deliberate and conscious attempt on their part not to accommodate to British culture, and in so doing to distance themselves further from it. Preface by David Britain.
The revolutionary guide that challenged businesses around the world to stop selling to their buyers and start answering their questions to get results; revised and updated to address new technology, trends, the continuous evolution of the digital consumer, and much more In today’s digital age, the traditional sales funnel—marketing at the top, sales in the middle, customer service at the bottom—is no longer effective. To be successful, businesses must obsess over the questions, concerns, and problems their buyers have, and address them as honestly and as thoroughly as possible. Every day, buyers turn to search engines to ask billions of questions. Having the answers they need can attract thousands of potential buyers to your company—but only if your content strategy puts your answers at the top of those search results. It’s a simple and powerful equation that produces growth and success: They Ask, You Answer. Using these principles, author Marcus Sheridan led his struggling pool company from the bleak depths of the housing crash of 2008 to become one of the largest pool installers in the United States. Discover how his proven strategy can work for your business and master the principles of inbound and content marketing that have empowered thousands of companies to achieve exceptional growth. They Ask, You Answer is a straightforward guide filled with practical tactics and insights for transforming your marketing strategy. This new edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the evolution of content marketing and the increasing demands of today’s internet-savvy buyers. New chapters explore the impact of technology, conversational marketing, the essential elements every business website should possess, the rise of video, and new stories from companies that have achieved remarkable results with They Ask, You Answer. Upon reading this book, you will know: How to build trust with buyers through content and video. How to turn your web presence into a magnet for qualified buyers. What works and what doesn’t through new case studies, featuring real-world results from companies that have embraced these principles. Why you need to think of your business as a media company, instead of relying on more traditional (and ineffective) ways of advertising and marketing. How to achieve buy-in at your company and truly embrace a culture of content and video. How to transform your current customer base into loyal brand advocates for your company. They Ask, You Answer is a must-have resource for companies that want a fresh approach to marketing and sales that is proven to generate more traffic, leads, and sales.
This timely book examines language on social media sites including Facebook and Twitter. Studies from leading language researchers, and experts on social media, explore how social media is having an impact on how we relate to each other, the communities we live in, and the way we present a sense of self in twenty-first century society.
This dissertation explores the construction of the “mixed-heritage” category in Polish community-based heritage language education (HLE) and its effect on school purposes and school operations. As the number of heritage language speakers in the US who identify with multiple ethnicities grows (Parker et al., 2015; Alba et al., 2018), the community-based language programs that serve these students often struggle to redefine who and what should be included in the version of heritage they aim to transmit. At the same time, families whose backgrounds fall outside of monoracial or monocultural norms often struggle to find their place within educational institutions that protect static notions of cultural identity (Francis et al., 2009; Doerr & Lee, 2016). The increased visibility of families with multiple heritage affiliations in HL schools underscores the need for research on how these schools conceptualize this demographic shift, and how they understand their responsibility to this group of students and to their diasporic community more broadly. Complementary to that goal is the need for research on how different groups involved in HLE, namely families representing different heritage backgrounds (i.e. single vs. multiple heritage affiliations) and different immigrant generations understand their place within the HLE system and how their experience is affected by educators’ constructions of essentialized vs “mixed” identities. To date, very few studies have explored the intersection of mixedness and HL development (Pao et al., 1997; Shin, 2010; Tsai et al., 2021) and none have specifically focused on how the notion of mixedness functions with a community-based HLE context.Therefore, this study explores how recent demographic shifts within the Polish-American community have influenced the renegotiation of purpose and audience in Polish HLE, and how stakeholders’ understandings of cultural purity, authenticity, patriotism, and mixedness impacted the experience of families positioned within and outside of normative identity categories. Taking an ethnographic approach, I conducted classroom observations within a focal Polish HL school, completed interviews with school administrators, teachers, and parents, and analyzed policy and promotional documents from three key Polish HLE institutions in order to understand how institutions and stakeholders construct the intended purpose and audience of Polish HLE, and how they respond to demographic changes within the student population.Findings suggest that central Polish HLE institutions and HL school leadership share a protective orientation towards Polish community identity, which seeks to ensure cultural survival through safeguarding against outside influence, erasing internal diversity, and counteracting historically negative portrayals of the community. Within this orientation, families constructed as mixed along ethnic, racial, or religious boundaries are often also positioned as unpatriotic, driven primarily by neoliberal concerns, culturally deprived, and disruptive in their need to have community-based HLE fulfill the primary role in Polish linguistic and cultural transmission. However, an alternative, minority view among educators and parents is one of ensuring cultural survival through recognizing internal diversity and cultivating civic responsibility for the local and transnational HL community. Within this storyline, mixed-heritage students and families are constructed as possessing significant cultural capital, though it is often acknowledged that the school is not yet prepared to meet their instructional needs. Overall, the school showed resistance to demographic change through practices of avoidance and silencing around salient axes of difference. However, it also took curricular action to address growing linguistic diversity by employing new textbooks and new teaching methods. I discuss the implications of these findings for the field of heritage language education and for heritage language programs aiming to create a more inclusive environment for their students. This dissertation presents a step forward towards systematically investigating how discursive mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion impact mixed-heritage families involved in HLE, and I hope it sets the stage for more research on the nuances of the mixed-heritage experience in HLE and on the challenges and opportunities of community identity shift in HL schools.