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The concept of interval failure rate is introduced and estimators based on the total time on test process are studied. The interval failure rate estimators for nonoverlapping intervals are asymptotically normal and, surprisingly, independent. A directional multivariate version of the univariate failure rate is defined and its properties are investigated. Multivariate total time on test processes are also defined. (Author).
Mik16s Cs6rgO and David M. Mason initiated their collaboration on the topics of this book while attending the CBMS-NSF Regional Confer ence at Texas A & M University in 1981. Independently of them, Sandor Cs6rgO and Lajos Horv~th have begun their work on this subject at Szeged University. The idea of writing a monograph together was born when the four of us met in the Conference on Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics, Veszpr~m 1982. This collaboration resulted in No. 2 of Technical Report Series of the Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability of Carleton University and University of Ottawa, 1983. Afterwards David M. Mason has decided to withdraw from this project. The authors wish to thank him for his contributions. In particular, he has called our attention to the reverse martingale property of the empirical process together with the associated Birnbaum-Marshall inequality (cf.,the proofs of Lemmas 2.4 and 3.2) and to the Hardy inequality (cf. the proof of part (iv) of Theorem 4.1). These and several other related remarks helped us push down the 2 moment condition to EX
Originally published in 1986, this valuable reference provides a detailed treatment of limit theorems and inequalities for empirical processes of real-valued random variables. It also includes applications of the theory to censored data, spacings, rank statistics, quantiles, and many functionals of empirical processes, including a treatment of bootstrap methods, and a summary of inequalities that are useful for proving limit theorems. At the end of the Errata section, the authors have supplied references to solutions for 11 of the 19 Open Questions provided in the book's original edition.
Sequential analysis refers to the body of statistical theory and methods where the sample size may depend in a random manner on the accumulating data. A formal theory in which optimal tests are derived for simple statistical hypotheses in such a framework was developed by Abraham Wald in the early 1
The Theory and Applications of Reliability: With Emphasis on Bayesian and Nonparametric Methods, Volume I covers the proceedings of the conference on ""The Theory and Applications of Reliability with Emphasis on Bayesian and Nonparametric Methods."" The conference is organized so as to have technical presentations, a clinical session, and round table discussions. This volume is a 29-chapter text that specifically deals with the theoretical aspects of reliability estimation. Considerable chapters on the technical sessions are devoted to initial findings on the theory and applications of reliability estimation, with special emphasis on Bayesian and nonparametric methods. A Bayesian analysis implies the use of suitable prior information in association with Bayes theorem while the nonparametric approach analyzes the reliability components and systems under the assumption of a time-to-failure distribution with a wide defining property rather than a specific parametric class of probability distributions. The clinical session chapters discuss the actual problems encountered in reliability estimation. The remaining chapters deal with the status of the subject areas and the empirical Bayes developments. These chapters also present various probabilistic and statistic methods for reliability estimation. Theoreticians and reliability engineers will find this book invaluable.
Some memorable incidentes in probabilistic/statistica studies; Large deviation, tests, and estimates; Applications of characteristic function in solving some distribution problems; A chernoff-savage theorem for correlation ranl statistics with applications to sequential testing; Wiener - levy models, spherically exchangeable time series, and simultaneous inference in growth curve analysis; A note to the chung - erdors - sirao theorem; Asymptotic separation of distribution and convergence properties of tests and estimators; Density estimation: are theoretical results useful in practice? Stability theorems for characterizations of the normal and of the degenerate distribution; Estimation of the support contour-line of a probability law: limit law; Some estimation problems for the compound poisson distribution; A decomposition of infinite order and extreme multivariate distributions; Correction terms for multinomial large deviations; On a theorem of hoeffding; Sequential minimum probability ratio tests.