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This volume provides a comprehensive review of the developments which have taken place during the last thirty years concerning the asymptotic properties of solutions of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations. The conditions of oscillation of solutions are established, and some general theorems on the classification of equations according to their oscillatory properties are proved. In addition, the conditions are found under which nonlinear equations do not have singular, proper, oscillatory and monotone solutions. The book has five chapters: Chapter I deals with linear differential equations; Chapter II with quasilinear equations; Chapter III with general nonlinear differential equations; and Chapter IV and V deal, respectively, with higher-order and second-order differential equations of the Emden-Fowler type. Each section contains problems, including some which presently remain unsolved. The volume concludes with an extensive list of references. For researchers and graduate students interested in the qualitative theory of differential equations.
In this book we present the main results on the asymptotic theory of ordinary linear differential equations and systems where there is a small parameter in the higher derivatives. We are concerned with the behaviour of solutions with respect to the parameter and for large values of the independent variable. The literature on this question is considerable and widely dispersed, but the methods of proofs are sufficiently similar for this material to be put together as a reference book. We have restricted ourselves to homogeneous equations. The asymptotic behaviour of an inhomogeneous equation can be obtained from the asymptotic behaviour of the corresponding fundamental system of solutions by applying methods for deriving asymptotic bounds on the relevant integrals. We systematically use the concept of an asymptotic expansion, details of which can if necessary be found in [Wasow 2, Olver 6]. By the "formal asymptotic solution" (F.A.S.) is understood a function which satisfies the equation to some degree of accuracy. Although this concept is not precisely defined, its meaning is always clear from the context. We also note that the term "Stokes line" used in the book is equivalent to the term "anti-Stokes line" employed in the physics literature.
This outstanding text concentrates on the mathematical ideas underlying various asymptotic methods for ordinary differential equations that lead to full, infinite expansions. "A book of great value." — Mathematical Reviews. 1976 revised edition.
This volume provides a comprehensive review of the developments which have taken place during the last thirty years concerning the asymptotic properties of solutions of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations. The conditions of oscillation of solutions are established, and some general theorems on the classification of equations according to their oscillatory properties are proved. In addition, the conditions are found under which nonlinear equations do not have singular, proper, oscillatory and monotone solutions. The book has five chapters: Chapter I deals with linear differential equations; Chapter II with quasilinear equations; Chapter III with general nonlinear differential equations; and Chapter IV and V deal, respectively, with higher-order and second-order differential equations of the Emden-Fowler type. Each section contains problems, including some which presently remain unsolved. The volume concludes with an extensive list of references. For researchers and graduate students interested in the qualitative theory of differential equations.
This book presents the theory of asymptotic integration for both linear differential and difference equations. This type of asymptotic analysis is based on some fundamental principles by Norman Levinson. While he applied them to a special class of differential equations, subsequent work has shown that the same principles lead to asymptotic results for much wider classes of differential and also difference equations. After discussing asymptotic integration in a unified approach, this book studies how the application of these methods provides several new insights and frequent improvements to results found in earlier literature. It then continues with a brief introduction to the relatively new field of asymptotic integration for dynamic equations on time scales. Asymptotic Integration of Differential and Difference Equations is a self-contained and clearly structured presentation of some of the most important results in asymptotic integration and the techniques used in this field. It will appeal to researchers in asymptotic integration as well to non-experts who are interested in the asymptotic analysis of linear differential and difference equations. It will additionally be of interest to students in mathematics, applied sciences, and engineering. Linear algebra and some basic concepts from advanced calculus are prerequisites.
"This is a useful volume in which a wide selection of asymptotic techniques is clearly presented in a form suitable for both applied mathematicians and Physicists who require an introduction to asymptotic techniques." --Book Jacket.
In the last few decades the theory of ordinary differential equations has grown rapidly under the action of forces which have been working both from within and without: from within, as a development and deepen ing of the concepts and of the topological and analytical methods brought about by LYAPUNOV, POINCARE, BENDIXSON, and a few others at the turn of the century; from without, in the wake of the technological development, particularly in communications, servomechanisms, auto matic controls, and electronics. The early research of the authors just mentioned lay in challenging problems of astronomy, but the line of thought thus produced found the most impressive applications in the new fields. The body of research now accumulated is overwhelming, and many books and reports have appeared on one or another of the multiple aspects of the new line of research which some authors call "qualitative theory of differential equations". The purpose of the present volume is to present many of the view points and questions in a readable short report for which completeness is not claimed. The bibliographical notes in each section are intended to be a guide to more detailed expositions and to the original papers. Some traditional topics such as the Sturm comparison theory have been omitted. Also excluded were all those papers, dealing with special differential equations motivated by and intended for the applications.
In this book we consider a Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations with a small parameter. The book is divided into th ree parts according to three ways of involving the small parameter in the system. In Part 1 we study the quasiregular Cauchy problem. Th at is, a problem with the singularity included in a bounded function j , which depends on time and a small parameter. This problem is a generalization of the regu larly perturbed Cauchy problem studied by Poincare [35]. Some differential equations which are solved by the averaging method can be reduced to a quasiregular Cauchy problem. As an example, in Chapter 2 we consider the van der Pol problem. In Part 2 we study the Tikhonov problem. This is, a Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations where the coefficients by the derivatives are integer degrees of a small parameter.