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Some three decades ago, in an attempt to produce a series of symbols that would be relevant to contemporary students of astrology, Marc Edmund Jones and a clairvoyant friend formulated the so-called Sabian symbols. Now Dane Rudhyar has taken these symbols and reinterpreted them to emphasize their character as a cyclic and structured series which formalizes and reveals the archetypal meaning of 360 basic phases of human experience. Rudhyar also demonstrates how the Sabian symbols can be used for divination. Like Tarot cards and the I Ching, they provide clues to the best way to face anxieties, or suggest what alternative courses of action might mean in one's life. In the form of pictures that are easily recognizable to people today, these symbols can be said to constitute a contemporary, American I Ching, a series of symbols that goes to the very root of planetary significance for our present era.
There are many tarot sets on the market?but not one like this! The first thing you?ll notice about this unique book-and-card set is the deck?s square shape, which allows each card to be positioned facing not just two, but all four cardinal points of the compass: this provides readings of great depth and accuracy. Then, the original design eliminates the conventional human figures of the tarot, replacing them with mandala images that aid meditation. What?s more, the 22 major arcane signs are divided into three groups corresponding to the signs of the zodiac, the elements, and the planets. This spiritually aware approach to the tarot provides a remarkable new set of tools for understanding the forces that shape our lives.
"This magnum opus is a major landmark in integral theory that, combining a rare blend of analytical rigor and depth of synthesis, articulates a coherent theoretical framework for an innovative astrological-transpersonal paradigm. I am convinced that Gerry's visionary work will continue challenging and redefining transpersonal studies for decades to come. Jorge N. Ferrer, author of Revisioning Transpersonal Theory: A Participatory Vision of Human Spirituality _________________________________________________________ The posthumously published Transpersonal Theory and the Astrological Mandala: an Evolutionary Model offers a transpersonal synthesis an account of history, culture and consciousness mapped in terms of the deep dialectical logic of the astrological mandala. In this comprehensive work Goddard makes a substantial contribution toward establishing a firm theoretical foundation for astrology. His explication of astrology's foundational symbols in terms of the larger cultural conversation will help astrology take its rightful place in the new paradigm debates while his model, an interface of the transpersonal and the astrological, will stand as a confirmation of the concrete unity of cosmos, body, psyche and spirit beyond mere subjective constructivism.
The material for THE TWELVE ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES: The Way of Creative Accomplishment, was written in 1943-44, immediately following THE ZODIAC as THE UNIVERSAL MATRIX. Like its companion book, it is one of Rudhyar's most accessible and easy-to-read works. It provides comprehensive descriptions of each of the ten astrological planets in each of the twelve astrological houses. In common with THE UNIVERSAL MATRIX, the astrological interpretations are more striking, psychological and critical than what we came to expect from Rudhyar during the second half of the 20th century. The electronic publication includes hyperlinks to the birth charts of dozens of interesting example nativities. This volume should not to be confused with Rudhyar's later works -- "THE ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES: The Spectrum of Individual Experience" -- which is currently out-of-print and available used at -- or with "The Twelve Houses as Problems We All Face." Some sample passages from THE TWELVE ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES: "Every personality is the child of an individual vision (Ascendant) and of a set of collective habits (second house), Rudhyar writes. The great person is one who uses such habits to demonstrate the vision - and thereby repolarizes them. The weak personality lets collective habits use the vision which thereby becomes distorted and materialized. Every personality is a field of integration for individual vision (first house) and collective habits (second house) - our inner life is very often a battlefield! It is in the third house that the issue . . . is determined; for it is the quality of the person's environment and of his mentality (largely conditioned by education) which will decide in the third house whether the fourth house factors (ego, home, and so on) will be energized preponderantly either by those developed in the first house or those belonging to the second house." PLANETS IN THE FIFTH HOUSE "When a strong planet or a group of planets are located in the fifth house of a natal chart this does not mean the native will necessarily be a particularly gifted artist, or a great lover, or the progenitor of many children, and so on. It indicates, rather, that matters related to this house will be insistently the focal point for the person's attention. The native will be involved in fifth house issues and experiences by apparent choice or by compulsion . . . They will create problems which will demand a solution. Problems however constitute opportunities for growth and for 'creative accomplishment' - thus the title of this series. Where there are no problems, the mind and will of the individual are not roused into operation . . ." MOON IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE "The Moon in the eleventh house signifies a person highly sensitive to social moods and changes, who is often the mouthpiece of some great mass-movement seeking expression in a subterranean manner. The spiritual-occult systems proclaimed by Rudolph Steiner are much involved in personalized states of consciousness and dependent on personal 'revelations'. Indeed, it might be argued the 'revelations' of the seer could merely be projections of his collective, national and personal 'hopes and wishes' and fears and prejudices, rather than authentic and significantly interpreted revelations of spiritual realities. The traditional chart of Joan of Arc shows Moon conjunct Jupiter in the eleventh house - indeed an excellent symbol for one whose "Voices" saved a Kingdom . . ."
Many books today simply widen the field of astrology by promoting newly created techniques or championing older historical methods for investigating every possible nook and cranny of a horoscope. In contrast, this award winning writer points the reader in a new direction toward deepening the way that we approach and think about astrology in these post modern times. Drawing upon the archetypal perspectives of Mircea Eliade, James Hillman, and Thomas Moore, the author presents a truly psychological astrology, an astrology of soul that can plumb the depths of our being, sounding out our centers in a manner that enriches our struggle to fully engage what it means to be human.
The Astrological Guide to Oneness will allow you to see the grand picture more clearly and will give you a tool to finding that state of Oneness and balance within yourself and with others. Astrologer and philosopher, Rollin Shaw, brings us a new perspective of how to integrate all of life from an ancient Mandala and mystical practice into a new psychological form that can give more understanding and answers to what is happening in our lives. This teaching tool can enrich us with its unique approach to learning about ourselves. It allows us to relax into the cycles of life and the process that all of us have to go through in order to walk our true path, no matter how challenging it might seem at times. There are rhythmic reasons for all that happens, and with more understanding, we can be more positive co-creators of our lives within all our relationships. This book also makes the planets, signs, and houses of the chart an integral part of our daily lives. Planets exude their energy. Signs bring their personalities. Houses are the fields of experience. They form the play of life as they are woven together.
The Full Moons is an exploration of the Sun the Moon, the Truth and their interrelation, and it is the culmination of over ten years of letters the author has written on esoteric astrology. A compendium of topics in esoteric astrology, it explores the emerging universal spirituality, gradually unfolding through the current decades as seen from the perspective of topical world events, even though the principles investigated therein are timeless. The twelve astrological signs each give a unique insight into various aspects of spirituality, and each one has its own story to tell on the great evolutionary path of the soul. Because the soul is so dear to us, even though the subject matter of the book is esoteric in its presentation, there is something in its pages for everyone, whether or not you have an astrological background. Ultimately, this book can be used as reference material for the times of the full moon each month and for specified times in between. The book is extensively indexed for ease of reference and it contains abundant reference material in the appendices, along with a glossary of esoteric terminology.