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L'autonomisation des personnes est un processus par le biais duquel la vie de ces personnes est transformée, d'une situation dans laquelle elles ont des pouvoirs limités en raison des obstacles liés aux inégalités entre eux et les autres personnes bénéficiant de certains avantages, à une situation dans laquelle elles disposent des mêmes pouvoirs que les personnes qui étaient avantagées. Les aspects économiques, sociaux, personnels et politiques de l'autonomisation des personnes sont liés: un changement positif dans l'un des aspects de la vie des personnes ne peut être durable sans avancée dans les autres domaines. L'aspect économique constitue une composante essentielle de l'autonomisation d'une personne, car il a trait à sa capacité à accéder aux ressources productives, et à les contrôler et à être reconnue en tant qu'actrice pleinement engagée de l'économie. Néanmoins, l'autonomisation des personnes englobe davantage d'aspects que l'autonomisation économique en tant que telle, car elle comprend le processus d'obtention d'un ensemble plus vaste de droits politiques, économiques et sociaux. Il convient toutefois de noter que la participation économique en tant que telle ne suffit pas à garantir une autonomisation plus vaste des personnes: cela nécessite des approches supplémentaires qui remettent en question les obstacles structurels qui empêchent les personnes de s'autonomiser dans tous les aspects: économique, social, politique et personnel . L'autonomisation économique des personnes est une fin en soi. Par conséquent, la justice économique ne peut être obtenue qu'au moyen d'un système économique inclusif respectant les droits des personnes non autonomes à contrôler leurs revenus, leurs actifs et leur temps.
Trade can dramatically improve women’s lives, creating new jobs, enhancing consumer choices, and increasing women’s bargaining power in society. It can also lead to job losses and a concentration of work in low-skilled employment. Given the complexity and specificity of the relationship between trade and gender, it is essential to assess the potential impact of trade policy on both women and men and to develop appropriate, evidence-based policies to ensure that trade helps to enhance opportunities for all. Research on gender equality and trade has been constrained by limited data and a lack of understanding of the connections among the economic roles that women play as workers, consumers, and decision makers. Building on new analyses and new sex-disaggregated data, Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality aims to advance the understanding of the relationship between trade and gender equality and to identify a series of opportunities through which trade can improve the lives of women.
The report analyzes key challenges for improving gender equality in the MENA region and provides policy priorities that Governments could consider to address these challenges. By and large the critical areas are in improving economic and political participation of females.
The election of an unabashedly patriarchal man as US President was a shock for many—despite decades of activism on gender inequalities and equal rights, how could it come to this? What is it about patriarchy that seems to make it so resilient and resistant to change? Undoubtedly it endures in part because some people benefit from the unequal advantages it confers. But is that enough to explain its stubborn persistence? In this highly original and persuasively argued book, Carol Gilligan and Naomi Snider put forward a different view: they argue that patriarchy persists because it serves a psychological function. By requiring us to sacrifice love for the sake of hierarchy, patriarchy protects us from the vulnerability of loving and becomes a defense against loss. Uncovering the powerful psychological mechanisms that underpin patriarchy, the authors show how forces beyond our awareness may be driving a politics that otherwise seems inexplicable.
La asamblea general de la onu decidio celebrar, del 5 al 9 de junio de 2000, una sesion especial denominada "mujeres 2000, igualdad de genero, desarrollo y paz para el siglo xxi, beijing+5". El objetivo de esta sesion es comprobar el nivel de cumplimiento del compromiso de implantacion de las estrategias de nairobi y de la plataforma de accion aprobada en 1995 en pekin. Entre otras iniciativas la onu invito a todos los gobiernos a remitir copia de sus estrategias de implantación o planes de accion desarrollados a partir de la plataforma de accion de pekin. La presente publicacion supone una sumaria revision , para el ambito de la union europea, del seguimiento de dicha plataforma de accion e incluye una seccion que refleja dicho seguimiento tanto a nivel de la comunidad europea como de cada uno de sus miembros. Adicionalmente proporciona informacion sobre el encuentro regional preparatorio de la onu celebrado en ginebra en enero de 2000 y un sumario de la conferencia europea celebrada en bruselas en el mes de febrero.
The Women, Gender and Development Reader is the definitive volume of literature dedicated to women in the development process. Now in a fully revised second edition, the editors expertly present the impacts of social, political and economic change by reviewing such topical issues as migration, persistent structural discrimination, the global recession, and climate change. Approached from a multidisciplinary perspective, the theoretical debates are vividly illustrated by an array of global case studies. This now classic book, has been designed as a comprehensive reader, presenting the best of the now vast body of literature. The book is divided into five parts, incorporating readings from the leading experts and authorities in each field. The result is a unique and extensive discussion, a guide to the evolution of the field, and a vital point of reference for those studying or with a keen interest in women in the development process.
The education sector is vulnerable to a broad range of risks that can threaten development effectiveness. Risks can spring from several factors: substantial share of education in total government expenditure, opportunities for discretionary decision making, political interference and patronage networks, weak sector institutions, and nontransparent and inefficient systems. Vulnerabilities may exist at any stage and among any group of actors from policy makers to education providers and to education beneficiaries. Weak accountability increases the likelihood of misaligned priorities, resource leakages, and poor service delivery. This guidance note aims to explain key features of the education sector and identify entry points for mapping governance risks.