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Ce volume contient des pistes de réflexion concernant deux questions relatives aux effets du sentiment d'insécurité sur la cohésion sociale : pourquoi la société européenne d'aujourd'hui - porteuse dans son patrimoine des gènes de la solidarité et d'identité collective - est-elle créatrice d'une demande sécuritaire pouvant parfois paraître irrationnelle ? Y a-t-il des moyens institutionnels et politiques pour déconstruire ces sentiments d'insécurité et la peur qui s'installe dans nos sociétés, parallèlement à la mondialisation ? Les textes présentés invitent à éviter de stigmatiser, de criminaliser, de " ghettoïser ", de désigner des boucs émissaires, et lancent un appel à rechercher les voies qui permettront de déconstruire la peur (d'autrui) qui cloisonne et d'ouvrir nos sociétés à des initiatives menant à la mondialisation de la solidarité, dans la reconnaissance des droits de tous, au-delà de tout stéréotype.
Far from considering the integration problems faced by migrants to be the result of alleged «cultural incompatibility, the articles and conversations in this volume reflect on the combined effects of exclusion stemming from social policy and policy on immigration, employment and nationality. Furthermore, as «intercultural competencies developed in certain hospitals and schools have clearly shown, there are other, much more effective strategies for treating differences in a favourable light which make social rights more accessible to all. These alternative approaches can effectively help to foster social cohesion only if migrants themselves are committed to them, in particular as recognised political players in the European public arena.
These reflections on the sharing of social responsibilities as proposed by the Council of Europe pave the way for asserting concepts and forms of behaviour that, while acknowledging differences in status and authority, can nevertheless promote multiple opportunities for deliberation, joint decision making, co-operation and reciprocity between stakeholders. If we are to avoid conflict and destruction in the face of growing interdependence, it is essential to reformulate current social choices, ensuring that social, intergenerational and environmental justice lie at their very heart. This volume, like the previous one on the same theme, calls us to take action by once again heeding a key social function: when making choices and decisions, taking into consideration the expectations and preferences of the different players and citizens, and in so doing to promote transparency. Failure to exercise this function will destroy our human, natural and knowledge - and solidarity-base
A publication that has received political and financial support from the Directorate General of Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission.
Ce volume bilingue pose la question des effets des réformes institutionnelles et organisationnelles du marché du travail sur la cohésion sociale. Dans cet ouvrage, le Conseil de l'Europe recherche la conciliation entre ce qui est inévitablement imposé par la mondialisation, c'est-à-dire la réorganisation des paramètres de la concurrence, et la cohésion sociale. La conciliation doit prendre en compte une valeur politique essentielle, la sécurité démocratique, qui se trouve d'abord dans l'emploi : le coût social et sociétal élevé de la précarité le confirme. Néanmoins, sécurité ne signifie pas rigidité et doit se traduire plutôt par la reconnaissance sociale d'un "droit à la transition" qui appelle à la coresponsabilité de tous les acteurs sociaux. La conciliation est plus qu'un devoir politique : elle est le prix de la stabilité qui assure la durabilité sociale.
This book contains the papers discussed at the 2004 Forum on Socially Responsible Consumption and Finance Systems, Public Authorities and Citizens Commitment for Social Cohesion and supplements volume 12 in the series. Published by the Social Cohesion Development Division with the support of the Integrated Project "Responses to violence in everyday life in a democratic society"
Drawing inspiration from the Council of Europe strategy for social cohesion, this publication focuses on new forms of economic solidarity and ethical responsibility which are developing in European societies, in relation to issues of ethical consumerism and investment, fair trade, environmental protection and conservation. Some of the papers included were produced for a Council of Europe seminar held in Namur, Belgium in December 2003.
All European countries are currently facing major social challenges. Population ageing, persistent unemployment and rising expenditure on social protection are causing anxiety about the sustainability of social security schemes. New trends, emphasising the role of the private sector and individual responsibility in responding to social risks, are radically altering the role of the state and directly affect the benefits paid to recipients. This volume focuses on the consequences of the recent reforms of old-age pension schemes in Europe and takes a closer look at the repercussions of private funding of old-age pensions on social cohesion and equality between women and men.
The concepts of well-being for all and of responsibility borne by all are fundamental to the definition of social cohesion propounded by the Council of Europe and bring a fresh dimension to the ideas of freedom, choice and preference. This book suggests ways in which we can develop inclusive and concerted opinions on the subject of well-being.