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Twenty years after the outbreak of the threat posed by international jihadist terrorism, which triggered the need for democracies to balance fundamental rights and security needs, 9/11 and the Rise of Global Anti-Terrorism Law offers an overview of counter-terrorism and of the interplay among the main actors involved in the field since 2001. This book aims to give a picture of the complex and evolving interaction between the international, regional and domestic levels in framing counter-terrorism law and policies. Targeting scholars, researchers and students of international, comparative and constitutional law, it is a valuable resource to understand the theoretical and practical issues arising from the interaction of several levels in counter-terrorism measures. It also provides an in-depth analysis of the role of the United Nations Security Council.
Examines the legal and moral complexities democracies face when dealing with terrorism. This book is useful to students and teachers of law, political science, and philosophy, as well as to citizens and activists concerned with the impact of terrorism on civil liberties.
In this new and expanded edition of Michel Chossudovsky's 2002 best-seller, the author blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by "Islamic terrorists". This expanded edition, which includes twelve new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy. According to Chossudovsky, the "war on terrorism" is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The "war on terrorism" is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the "New World Order", dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex. September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington's agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State. Chossudovsky peels back layers of rhetoric to reveal a complex web of deceit aimed at luring the American people and the rest of the world into accepting a military solution which threatens the future of humanity.
All indications are that the prevention of terrorism will be one of the major tasks of governments and regional and international organisations for some time to come. In response to the globalised nature of terrorism, anti-terrorism law and policy have become matters of global concern. Anti-terrorism law crosses boundaries between states and between domestic, regional and international law. They also cross traditional disciplinary boundaries between administrative, constitutional, criminal, immigration and military law, and the law of war. This collection is designed to contribute to the growing field of comparative and international studies of anti-terrorism law and policy. A particular feature of this collection is the combination of chapters that focus on a particular country or region in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia, and overarching thematic chapters that take a comparative approach to particular aspects of anti-terrorism law and policy, including international, constitutional, immigration, privacy, maritime, aviation and financial law.
Will you know what to do? Now, that personal anxiety is more relevant than ever, a security expert offers a life-saving guidebook for individuals and families on how to prepare for and protect themselves in the event of an act of terrorism. With the horrific events of September 11th, 2001 still all-too fresh on the American consciousness, what do we do if something else happens? In The Anti-Terror Checklist security expert and former New York City police officer Bill Stanton explains it all for you. In rational, matter-of-fact language, he lays out the specifics: how different types of terrorist acts happen and what their effects are, and, most importantly, how we can be ready and fully-prepared in the face of such situations. This reassuring, easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidebook includes: Information on attacks of all sorts -- bombings, bio-terrorism, chemical terrorism, nuclear radiation, and more, and how to deal with the disruption of phone lines, electrical systems, waterways, roads, and airports Getting your family to safety: identifying threats; predetermined communication and coordination; modes of transportation for exiting the danger zone; target destinations; medical identification; nutritional needs; money: where to put it, how much to take with you; identifying emergency information and more A personal safety and preparedness checklist to cover all aspects of a disaster situation A security blanket for these uncertain times, The Anti-Terror Checklist should be in every American home to ensure the safety and security of ourselves, our families, and our country.
This study provides a commentary on all parts of the Terrorism Act 2000, and as well as providing expert explanation of the key anti-terrorism legislation, including the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008.
In this book, the author offers an approach to understanding and fighting the increase in domestic and international terrorism throughout the world. Citing diverse examples from around the globe, he demonstrates that domestic terrorist groups are usually no match for an advanced technological society which can successfully roll back terror without any significant curtailment of civil liberties. But he sees an even more potent threat from the new international terrorism which is increasingly the product of Islamic militants, who draw their inspiration and directives from Iran and its growing cadre of satellite states. The spread of fundamentalist Islamic terrorism, coupled with the possibility that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons, poses a more frightening threat from an adversary less rational and therefore less controllable than was Soviet Communism. How democracies can defend themselves against this new threat concludes this book.
President George W. Bush maintained in his address of 20 September 2001, that the successful prosecution of the war against terrorism will require the judicious use of 'every resource at our command - every means of diplomacy, every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every financial influence, and every necessary weapon of war'. Unlike the Cold War, the War on Terrorism is neither a battle against some ideology nor bounded by physical boundaries or conventional political units such as nation-states. The War on Terrorism is the internationalisation, or rather, globalisation of previous wars. Terror is not a nation, and the enemies in such wars are not nations; any regime such as Libya simply by repudiating terrorism, can become an ally of the anti-terror coalition. Regimes that continue to practice terrorism against domestic opponents qualify to participate in the wider war if they conform to certain norms in external affairs. The 28 articles reprinted here consider aspects of that most amorphous of animals - the War on Terrorism. They do not set out to provide all of the answers; nor do they radiate a unified vision of what constitutes the war on terrorism; the pieces begin from a range of political and intellectual outlooks. Taken as a group, however, the difficulties of determining the limits and nature of the war on terrorism receive important attention. The authors address several major themes within the war on terrorism: what falls within its perimeters, its shifting manifestations, implications, responses and future directions.
With terrorist attacks around the world and here at home and an increase in American workplace violence, I am both passionate and driven to offer valuable information concerning what I believe to be one of the more important topics in the world today: Anti-terrorism and Workplace/Home Protection. For 2 decades, I've taught around the world. Now, it's time to share with you the secrets the bad guy doesn't want you to know! The threats we face are real, and the consequences of conducting "business as usual" brings about severe consequences. PROTECT AMERICA is an in-depth educational training guide designed to offer recommendations/suggestions to both the public and private sector to foster smarter habits and a new attitude when it comes to security, terrorism and violence at work and at home. A peek inside includes a real and awakening look at "lessons learned" examining incidents of terrorist attacks on our nation and vicious workplace attacks. We show you how to "Fight Back." We examine the significance of workplace exercises, and how vital these "practice scenarios" are to the success of the workplace and it's people. We show you how to design your own Site Specific workplace procedures for bomb threats and suspicious packages, duress, emergency and response actions, blood borne pathogens and first aid techniques, and identifying suspicious personnel inside the workplace and around your home. We look at personal and family security to include travel security and special precautions for children. Created are scenarios to make you think, called "what would you do"? And finally, a chapter dedicated to those heros, unsung heros and everyday people doing the right thing..called I SALUTE AND HONOR (Strength. Spirit and Determination). If we don't act now, tomorrow may be too late, and doing nothing is no longer an option.
One of the single greatest challenges to security professionals in the 21st century is terrorism. In the last several years, we have heard a lot about the importance of preparing for terrorist attacks. This book offers a way to prevent terrorist attacks. Providing security managers with a clear and simple methodology to protect their organizations, Antiterrorism and Threat Response uses an adaptation of the U.S. Department of Defense’s antiterrorism fundamentals and applies it to the private sector to protect companies, facilities, and infrastructures. The book’s antiterrorism planning strategies enable security professionals to seize the initiative away from terrorists—setting them off balance and keeping them off balance—thereby disrupting their planning cycle and thwarting attack. The book helps security managers to: Understand the terrorist attack planning cycle Conduct a terrorism threat vulnerability assessment Develop an observation plan and the corresponding verification plan Understand how surveillance detection works Learn how pattern analysis wheels can be used to find weaknesses in security operations Appreciate the role of random antiterrorism measures and learn how to develop them Establish response plans for a wide variety of contingencies related to terrorist attack Adapt this methodology to maritime operations against piracy, individual protection, and travel security in high-risk environments Work with other security departments, the police, and the public to create infrastructure protection zones that will enhance the detection of suspicious events and reduce the likelihood of terrorist attack The book aims to show that terrorists are not defeated by technology alone, but instead by collaboration and the timely passage of relevant information and intelligence. Terrorism is, above all, an act of communication. The terrorists communicate to us through their acts and their carefully crafted communiqués. Security professionals need to send the terrorists a clear and simple message in the language they understand: You will not succeed here.