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The confirmed case of "mad cow" disease (BSE) in June 2005 illustrates the economic impact of disease outbreaks, as additional countries closed their markets to U.S. beef and beef products. Emerging diseases also threaten public health-11 out of 12 of the major global disease outbreaks over the last decade were from zoonotic agents (that spread from animals to humans). Animal Health at the Crossroads: Preventing, Detecting, and Diagnosing Animal Diseases finds that, in general, the U.S. animal health framework has been slow to take advantage of state-of-the-art technologies being used now to protect public health; better diagnostic tests for identifying all animal diseases should be made a priority. The report also recommends that the nation establish a high-level, authoritative, and accountable coordinating mechanism to engage and enhance partnerships among local, state, and federal agencies, and the private sector.
The U.S. veterinary medical profession contributes to society in diverse ways, from developing drugs and protecting the food supply to treating companion animals and investigating animal diseases in the wild. In a study of the issues related to the veterinary medical workforce, including demographics, workforce supply, trends affecting job availability, and capacity of the educational system to fill future demands, a National Research Council committee found that the profession faces important challenges in maintaining the economic sustainability of veterinary practice and education, building its scholarly foundations, and evolving veterinary service to meet changing societal needs. Many concerns about the profession came into focus following the outbreak of West Nile fever in 1999, and the subsequent outbreaks of SARS, monkeypox, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, highly pathogenic avian influenza, H1N1 influenza, and a variety of food safety and environmental issues heightened public concerns. They also raised further questions about the directions of veterinary medicine and the capacity of public health service the profession provides both in the United States and abroad. To address some of the problems facing the veterinary profession, greater public and private support for education and research in veterinary medicine is needed. The public, policymakers, and even medical professionals are frequently unaware of how veterinary medicine fundamentally supports both animal and human health and well-being. This report seeks to broaden the public's understanding and attempts to anticipate some of the needs and measures that are essential for the profession to fulfill given its changing roles in the 21st century.
Research in veterinary science is critical for the health and well-being of animals, including humans. Food safety, emerging infectious diseases, the development of new therapies, and the possibility of bioterrorism are examples of issues addressed by veterinary science that have an impact on both human and animal health. However, there is a lack of scientists engaged in veterinary research. Too few veterinarians pursue research careers, and there is a shortage of facilities and funding for conducting research. This report identifies questions and issues that veterinary research can help to address, and discusses the scientific expertise and infrastructure needed to meet the most critical research needs. The report finds that there is an urgent need to provide adequate resources for investigators, training programs, and facilities involved in veterinary research.
Animal experimentation has made a crucial contribution to many of the most important advances in modern medicine. The development of vaccines for deadly viruses like rabies and yellow fever depended upon animal research, and much of our basic knowledge about human health and physiology was discovered through the use of animals as well. Inspite of these gains, animal rights activists have been zealous in communicating to the public and policymakers their view that the use of animals in medical research is morally wrong and should be severely curtailed or eliminated. The activists' arguments draw upon a range of disciplines and focus on both practical and ethical aspects of animal experimentation. Advocates of animal experimentation have been slow to respond to these arguments. Given that the worldwide toll of communicable diseases is still immense--and that deadly new pathogens may emerge at any time in the future to menace human health--failing to defend animal experimentation from the arguments of its opponents has disastrous implications. A quick response to an unanticipated threat on the order of the AIDS epidemic is unimaginable absent a vigorous research establishment, which in turn is dependent on animal proxies. Why Animal Experimentation Matters is a first attempt by research scientists and moral philosophers to mount a convincing defense against animal rights enthusiasts. Because opponents of animal experimentation come from a variety of intellectual backgrounds, this defense is necessarily interdisciplinary as well. In this collection of eight essays, the authors scrutinize how animal experimentation actually functions in the laboratory, the vital role that it plays in palliating and eradicating human and animal diseases, and the moral justification for sacrificing animals for the betterment of human life. The subjects covered in the essays include the moral status of animals and persons, the importance of animals for advancing scientific knowledge, the history of animal experimentation (and of its detractors), differing theoretical approaches of American and European animal-experimentation regulations, the heavily restrictive legislation promoted by animal rights activists, and the threats posed to research and researchers by violent animal rights zealots. Contributors include Baruch Brody, H. Tristram Englehardt, Jr., R. G. Frey, Kenneth F. Kiple and Kriemhild Cone Ornelas, Adrian R. Morrison, Charles S. Nicoll and Sharon M. Russell, Jerrold Tannenbaum, and Stuart M. Zola. This important anthology will be of interest to scientists, philosophers, individuals suffering from heritable or communicable diseases, relatives of afflicted individuals, and policymakers. Ellen Frankel Paul is deputy director of the Social Philosophy and Policy Center, professor of political science and philosophy at Bowling Green State University, and editor-in-chief of the journal Social Philosophy & Policy. Fred D. Miller, Jr., and Jeffrey Paul are, respectively, the executive director and associate director of the Social Philosophy and Policy Center; both are professors of philosophy at Bowling Green State University.
In 1980 a group of scientists censusing marine mammals in the Bay of Fundy was astonished by the sight of 25 right whales. Until that time, scientists believed the North Atlantic right whale was extinct or nearly so. The sightings electrified the research community, spurring a quarter century of exploration, which is documented here.
One Health is an emerging concept that aims to bring together human, animal, and environmental health. Achieving harmonized approaches for disease detection and prevention is difficult because traditional boundaries of medical and veterinary practice must be crossed. In the 19th and early 20th centuries this was not the case—then researchers like Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch and physicians like William Osler and Rudolph Virchow crossed the boundaries between animal and human health. More recently Calvin Schwabe revised the concept of One Medicine. This was critical for the advancement of the field of epidemiology, especially as applied to zoonotic diseases. The future of One Health is at a crossroads with a need to more clearly define its boundaries and demonstrate its benefits. Interestingly the greatest acceptance of One Health is seen in the developing world where it is having significant impacts on control of infectious diseases.
Learning from Disease in Pets: A ‘One Health’ Model for Discovery is the first encompassing reference guide for veterinarians, researchers and physicians on conducting studies using spontaneous models of disease in animals. The study of naturally occurring disease in (pet) animals can help model our understanding of the biology, prevention and therapy of human and animal diseases. Studies of pet dogs, for instance, can aid treatment of complex medical problems such as cancer, orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, and neuro-inflammatory diseases, and zoonotic infections. Each chapter within this novel cross-species approach is contributed by a leader, or leaders, in their field of research. Using clinical trials to learn how pets with real diseases respond to therapy can lead to breakthroughs in human medicine, as well as benefiting pets suffering from otherwise debilitating illness. Despite similarities of diseases across species, there are very few spontaneous models of disease used in research compared with models where disease is induced in healthy laboratory animals. Many medical researchers and veterinarians have a multitude of questions regarding how to use naturally occurring diseases in pets for the discovery of treatments and diagnostics: this book will demonstrate how to safely make this happen. This book encourages veterinarians to build on and disseminate existing findings for the wider benefit of pets and humans. Many pets suffering from incurable illnesses may benefit from clinical trials; the book includes a section on the imperative communication styles necessary within the research environment and with clients, a compelling discussion on the ethics of using pets in veterinary clinical research, comprehensive tables of diseases that spontaneously occur in animals and humans, the regulatory requirements necessary to move therapy from benchside research to patient bedside, as well as intricate details on how to design a robust clinical study.
New Directions of Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health covers topics from emerging diseases and toxicants to the EcoHealth/One Health explosion. It challenges the notion that human health is an isolated concern removed from the bounds of ecology and species interactions.