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To understand modern science as a coherent story, it is essential to recognize the accomplishments of the ancient Hindus. They invented our base-ten number system and zero that are now used globally, carefully mapped the sky and assigned motion to the Earth in their astronomy, developed a sophisticated system of medicine with its mind-body approach known as Ayurveda, mastered metallurgical methods of extraction and purification of metals, including the so-called Damascus blade and the Iron Pillar of New Delhi, and developed the science of self-improvement that is popularly known as yoga. Their scientific contributions made impact on noted scholars globally: Aristotle, Megasthenes, and Apollonius of Tyana among the Greeks; Al-Biruni, Al-Khwarizmi, Ibn Labban, and Al-Uqlidisi, Al-Ja?iz among the Islamic scholars; Fa-Hien, Hiuen Tsang, and I-tsing among the Chinese; and Leonardo Fibbonacci, Pope Sylvester II, Roger Bacon, Voltaire and Copernicus from Europe. In the modern era, thinkers and scientists as diverse as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Johann Gottfried Herder, Carl Jung, Max Müller, Robert Oppenheimer, Erwin Schrödinger, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Henry David Thoreau have acknowledged their debt to ancient Hindu achievements in science, technology, and philosophy. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), one of the largest scientific organizations in the world, in 2000, published a timeline of 100 most important scientific finding in history to celebrate the new millennium. There were only two mentions from the non-Western world: (1) invention of zero and (2) the Hindu and Mayan skywatchers astronomical observations for agricultural and religious purposes. Both findings involved the works of the ancient Hindus. The Ancient Hindu Science is well documented with remarkable objectivity, proper citations, and a substantial bibliography. It highlights the achievements of this remarkable civilization through painstaking research of historical and scientific sources. The style of writing is lucid and elegant, making the book easy to read. This book is the perfect text for all students and others interested in the developments of science throughout history and among the ancient Hindus, in particular.
Description: Not only the sign for zero, but also the binary number system, the ideas of metarules, algebraic transformation, recursion, hashing, mathematical logic, formal grammars, and high level language description arose first in India. Indian mathematical science had already reached dizzying heights about 2,500 years ago by the time of Panini and Pingala, considered by tradition to have been brothers. Panini's grammar for Sanskrit, which is equivalent in its computing power to the most powerful computing machine, has not yet been matched for any other language, while Pingala described the binary number system. This classic book of contributions by the leading scholars in the world presents an overview of these seminal contributions to computer science. It also includes chapters on models and computation in astronomy and cognitive science.
These volumes contain articles on all types of scientific matters by the leading authorities from all over the world. The subjects covered in the 3 volumes are extensive and include many fascinating treatises on the subjects of math, physics, medicine, biology, surgery, astronomy and countless other ancient sciences.
India was a major power during ancient and medieval times. But very little is known about its scientific and technological achievements, and the contributions that were very influentia1 to human civilization. India had the highest standards of living; it introduced math (including the number zero) to the world, along with many other inventions that date back more than 4,000 years. India's many contributions (including brick technology, Ayurvedic medicine, yoga, and the first medical school) were the inspiration for this well-balanced encyclopedia, which seeks to reintroduce classical Indian sciences to scholars and others. This volume offers alphabetically arranged entries, covering agriculture, algebra, arithmetic, astrology, astronomy, calculus, decimal rotation, geography, geometry, mathematics, medicine, military technology, physics, textiles, weights and measures, yoga, zero, and more. They represent the work of scholars from many countries. Additionally, biographies of many well-known ancient Indian scientists are included.
The entire ancient Indian scriptures contain abundant knowledge and wisdom. Significant scientific discoveries and observations of ancient Indian sages have laid foundation for modern science. Ancient Indian civilization has made significant contributions to various fields of Science and Arts This book - * Is a captivating guide to scientific discoveries of ancient India * Motivates the students to learn more about an era * Is a great resource for kids and parents * Helps us learn about the architectural marvel of ancient India which are still in mesmerizing condition * Has a few activities after the last chapter for kids This book gives readers of all ages an amazing experience of the glory of ancient Indian wisdom. It is an essential handbook for every student.