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The highly influential book that helped bring Eastern spiritual principles to the Western world. One of the world’s leading authorities on Zen Buddhism, and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, D. T. Suzuki was the author of more than a hundred works on the subject in both Japanese and English, and was most instrumental in bringing the teachings of Zen Buddhism to the attention of the Western world. Written in a lively, accessible, and straightforward manner, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism is illuminating for the serious student and layperson alike. Suzuki provides a complete vision of Zen, which emphasizes self-understanding and enlightenment through many systems of philosophy, psychology, and ethics. With a foreword by the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung, this volume has been acknowledged a classic introduction to the subject. It provides, along with Suzuki’s Essays in Zen Buddhism and Manual of Zen Buddhism, a framework for living a balanced and fulfilled existence through Zen.
Manual of Zen Buddhism's main object is to inform the readers to various literary materials relating to the monastery life. It also tells us about those edicts which the Zen monks read before the Buddha in daily service in the different quarters of institution.
Illustrations: 16 B/w Illustrations Description: This book is of a historical Nature and is intended to give readers a faithful Account of the historical development of Zen Buddhism. However Zen is not merely of historical interest; it has Importance for the present day. History reveals the form and leads to the essence of things. In historical Research we are guided by the Things themselves, and we try to comprehend their response and their teaching. The object of the book is to put the reader into a close contact with Zen as possible to elucidate its inner form from History and make its living Values apparent. Contents Preface I. THE MYSTICAL ELEMENT IN EARLY Buddhism AND HIHAYANA : 1. Buddhism and Mysticism 2. Shakyamuni, the Enlightened One 3. Hinayanist Meditative Exercises 4. Nirvana as the God of the Mystic Way II. Mysticism WITHIN Mahayana : 1. Perception of Life and Mysticism 2. The Beginnings of Mahayana 3. The Bodhisattva Ideal 4. Buddhoiogy and Nirvana III. THE MAHAYANA SUTRAS AND Zen : 1. The Position of Zen in Intellectual History 2. Prajnaparamita - Transcendental Wisdom 3. Religious Cosmotheism in the Avatamsaka Sutras 4. The Vimalikirti Sutra - The Way of Enlightenment for All 5. The Psychological View of the Process of Enlightenment in the Lankavatara Sutra IV. THE ANTICIPATION OF ZEN IN Chinese BUDDHISM : 1. The Historical Understanding of Zen 2. The Introduction of Buddhist Meditation into China 3. Kumarajiva and Buddhabhadra 4. Wisdom Not Being Knowledge 5. The Suddenness of Enlightenment V. ZEN PATRIARCHS OF THE EARLY PERIOD : 1. Bodhidharma 2. Disciples and Followers 3. Schisms and Oppositions VI. THE HIGH PERIOD OF CHINESE ZEN : 1. The Sixth Patriarch 2. To See into One's Nature and Become a Buddha 3. Zen Masters of the T'ang Period 4. The Monastic Life VII. PECULIARITIES OF THE FIVE HOUSES : 1. The Circular Figures (Wei-yang Sect) 2. The Pass of a Single Word (Yiin-men Sect) 3. The Interpenetration of the Attributes of Being (Fa-yen Sect) 4. The Five Ranks (Ts'ao-tung Sect) 5. Shouting and Beating (Lin-chi Sect) VIII. SPREAD AND METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT DUNNG THE SUNG PERIOD : 1. Zen and the Spirit of the Age 2. The Rise of the Koan in the Lin-chi Sect 3. The Psychological Structure of the Koan 4. The Two Main Streams of Zen IX. THE TRANSPLANTING OF ZEN TO Japan : 1. Preliminary Developments 2. Eisai 3. The Flowering of Rinzai Zen in the Kamakura Period X. THE ZEN MASTER DOGEN : 1. His Life and Work 2. Zazen 3. Religious Metaphysics XI. THE Cultural INFLUENCE OF ZEN IN THE MUROMACHI PERIOD : 1. The Spread of Zen Under the Rule of the Ashikaga 2. Approaches to the People 3. The Unfolding in Japanese Culture XII. THE FIRST ENCOUNTER BETWEEN ZEN AND Christianity : 1. Friendly and Hostile Contacts 2. Doctrinal Disputes 3. Cultural Adaptations and Influences 4. The Christian Daimyo and the Way of Tea XIII. ZEN IN THE MODERN JAPANESE AGE : 1. The Obaku Sect 2. Renewal of Zen 3. Basho and Zen's Love of Nature XIV. THE ZEN MYSTICISM OF HAKUIN : 1. Life and Work 2. Mystical Experiences 3. The Great Doubt and the Great Enlightenment 4. Zen Sickness 5. Personality and the Japanese Character XV. THE ESSENCE OF ZEN : 1. History and Form 2. The Experience of Satori 3. The Psychological Interpretation of Satori 4. Natural Mysticism
The first accessible beginner's guide to Rinzai Zen practice. The recognition of the true nature of oneself and the universe is the aim of Rinzai Zen—but that experience, known as kensho, is really just the beginning of a life of refining that discovery and putting it into practice in the world. Rinzai, with its famed discipline and its emphasis on koan practice, is one of two main forms of Zen practiced in the West, but it is less familiar than the more prominent Soto school. Meido Moore here remedies that situation by providing this compact and complete introduction to Zen philosophy and practice from the Rinzai perspective. It’s an excellent entrée to a venerable tradition that goes back through the renowned Hakuin Ekaku in eighteenth-century Japan to its origins in Tang dynasty China—and that offers a path to living with insight and compassion for people today.
First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Preface: Why Write or Read this Book? -- 1. What Really is Zen? Recovering the Beginner's Open Mind -- 2. Previewing the Path of Zen: Know Thyself, Forget Thyself, Open Thyself -- 3. Zen Meditation as a Practice of Clearing the Heart-Mind -- 4. How to Practice Zen Meditation: Attending to Place, Body, Breath, and Mind -- 5. The Buddha's First and Last Lesson: The Middle Way of Knowing What Suffices -- 6. The Buddha's Strong Medicine: Embracing Impermanence -- 7. The True Self is Egoless -- 8. We are One: Loving Others as Yourself -- 9. But We Are Not the Same: Taking Turns as the Center of the Universe -- 10. Who or What is the Buddha? -- 11. Mind is Buddha: So, if You Encounter the Buddha, Kill Him! -- 12. Dying to Live: Zen, Pure Land Buddhism, and Christianity -- 13. Zen as Trans-Mysticism: Everyday Even Mind is the Way -- 14. Engaged Zen: From Inner to Outer Peace -- 15. The Dharma of Karma: We Reap What We Sow -- 16. Zen and Morality: Following Rules to Where There Are No Rules -- 17. Being in the Zone of Zen: The Natural Freedom of No-Mind -- 18. Zen Lessons from Nature: Samu and the Giving Leaves -- 19. Zen and Art: Cultivating Naturalness -- 20. Zen and Language: The Middle Way Between Silence and Speech -- 21. Between Zen and Philosophy: Commuting with the Kyoto School -- 22. Sōtō and Rinzai Zen Practice: Just Sitting and Working with Kōans -- 23. Death and Rebirth--Or, Nirvana Here and Now -- 24. Reviewing the Path of Zen: The Ten Oxherding Pictures -- Endnotes -- Discussion Questions -- Index.
The renowned psychoanalyst and New York Times–bestselling author of The Art of Loving unites philosophy from the East and West. In 1957, social philosopher and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm invited Daisetz T. Suzuki, the most famous Zen Buddhist master in the Western world, to a seminar at his new home in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Their discussion was one of the highlights of Fromm’s life, and the paper Fromm presented (and later expanded into a book) was a watershed work. Fromm demonstrates his mastery of the philosophy and practice of Zen, perfectly articulating how Zen tenets fit into the ideas of psychoanalysis. In this text, he creates new perspectives on both systems of thought. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Erich Fromm including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author’s estate.
This entry in the popular Little Bit of series introduces the ancient practice of Zen Buddhism. What is Zen? It's an ancient spiritual system rooted in Buddhism that began in China and spread throughout Asia, finally reaching the West. It encompasses meditation, mindfulness, and calming the mind--exactly what so many of us need and crave in this busy, stressful world. A Little Bit of Zen is the perfect, accessible introduction for newcomers, providing a history, overview, and exercises to use in their own daily practice, and covering everything from Zen literature to the ritual chants and bows.