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How easily we forget that it was Africans who brought the gospel to Africa, not foreign missionaries! Evangelism has always been central to African Christianity, ever since Egyptians and Libyans returned home from Jerusalem following the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). In this brief history of the church in Africa, Dr. John Kurewa highlights the major approaches to evangelism that the church employed over the centuries, for better and for worse. Then, in historical context, Kurewa zeroes in on those distinctive methods of evangelism, proclamation and disciple formation that shaped a diverse yet vibrant African Methodism. Thanks to this historical review, we stand to gain fresh vision for ministries of evangelism that truly can fulfill the Great Commission—to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
In this time when the church is experiencing a tremendous growth in members and in the number of denominations, such questions like the "what," "why," and "how" of evangelism need to be addressed. This resource gives answers and guidance to these and other important questions. Foreword by Bishop Joaquina Nhanala.
Living into a less colonial way of being together. Methodism and American Empire investigates historical trajectories and theological developments that connect American imperialism since World War II to the Methodist tradition as a global movement. The volume asks: to what extent is United Methodists’ vision of the globe marred by American imperialism? Through historical analyses and theological reflections, this volume chronicles the formation of an understanding of The United Methodist Church since the mid-20th century that is both global and at the same time dominated by American interests and concerns. Methodism and American Empire provides a historical and theological perspective to understand the current context of The United Methodist Church while also raising ecclesiological questions about the impact of imperialism on how Methodists have understood the nature and mission of the church over the last century. Gathering voices and perspectives from around the world, this volume suggests that the project of global Methodism and the tensions one witnesses therein ought to be understood in the context of American imperialism and that such an understanding is critical to the task of continuing to be a global denomination. The volume tells a tale of complex negotiations happening between United Methodists across different national, cultural, and ecclesial contexts and sets up the historical backdrop for the imminent schism of The United Methodist Church.
Suffering and exclusion are normal in a believer's life. At least they should be. This was certainly Jesus's experience. And it's the experience of countless Christians around the world today.No matter your social location or set of experiences, the biblical letter of 1 Peter wants to redefine your expectations and reinvigorate your hope.Drawing on years of ministry in a Muslim-majority nation, Elliot Clark guides us through Peter's letter with striking insights for today. Whether we're in positions of power or weakness, influence or marginalization, all of us are called to live and witness as exiles in a world that's not our home. This is our job description. This is our mission. This is our opportunity.A church in exile doesn't have to be a church in retreat.
We all know that healthy partnerships are essential to fruitful boundary-crossing ministries, but how exactly do we create them? What barriers must be overcome, and what self-examination must we do? How do the legacies of colonialism, racism, and unhealed trauma impact missional collaborations today? In this doctoral thesis, Denyer reflects on these questions as she examines the history of relational dynamics between American and Congolese United Methodists in the North Katanga Conference (DR Congo). By surveying memoirs, magazines, and journals, and conducting in-depth interviews, Denyer presents a complex and multifaceted example of a partnership that is in the process of decolonizing. More than just a history lesson, Decolonizing Mission Partnerships presents the questions, hard truths, pitfalls, and toxic assumptions we must face when attempting to be in mission together.
I was scared to death. I had just told God I would do WHATEVER HE ASKED. Now I waited to hear what He wanted me to do, and where He wanted me to go. Would I be able to do what He asked? Would I like it? Would I hate it? Would it be too hard? Where would He send me? What if I failed? All these questions were running through my head, but I knew that once I made a commitment, I would keep it. Eventually God did unveil His plan. I was supposed to go to Bible School, then get a degree in Elementary Education, and go to Africa to teach the children of missionaries. This involved language study in Switzerland. WOW! That sounded like fun! Join me as I describe what it was like to live in a Swiss Pension, to study French, and to visit Dr. Francis Schaeffer. While in Europe, I had to go to Paris to get a visa. I was scared of traveling alone, but read how God provided a traveling companion at the very last minute and gave us a great weekend in Paris. I was originally scheduled to teach in the Congo, but due to a serious rebellion there, I was sent to the Central African Republic where I taught five students in a little thatched roof schoolhouse. Between the bats in the attic, the army ants, the red ants, the flying termites, and the huge flying roaches, I slowly began to adjust to African life and actually enjoyed it. A year later I was sent to the Congo. The rebellion was over (or so we thought) but during our five day trip to my mission station, we were met by rebels with machine guns demanding our truck. As I slept on the floor in a bullet-ridden room with no food or water, I thought to myself that I should be afraid. But I was calm and peaceful, for in spite of the circumstances, I knew that I was in the center of Gods will, the safest place in the world. The rest of the book describes the joy of teaching at Rethy Academy, the frustration of learning Swahili, the excitement of village evangelism, the seasons of loneliness, the experience of visiting a Pygmy village, the trials and joys of starting youth camps, and the MANY, MANY lessons that I learned about God and how you can trust Him completely, for what He has planned for your life will be good, acceptable, and perfect, and you cant improve on that!
Gordon Christensen and Geneva Noren were born in different parts of the country and into different hard times. Gordon grew up in the south end of Seattle in the 1920s, where his family faced many struggles in the New Land to which they had moved after World War I. Geneva was raised on a small farm in Dust Bowl Kansas where faith in God was the family's greatest hope. God proved His love and care for these young people as they learned to trust in Him in any adversity--lessons that would be the key to life or death as these young Christians found each other, and found their way onto the mission field in the Belgian Congo. Their adventures, escapes, and discoveries underscore these truths about their God: He is all powerful, all loving, and everywhere present.
Years after the end of Apartheid South Africa remains racially polarized and socially divided. In this context pilgrimage and travelling rituals serve to help those who often find themselves at the bottom end of the social ladder to make sense of their world. This book describes a South Africa that is made up of a number of different fragmented worlds. The focus is on the Zion Christian Church, one of the largest religious movements in southern Africa, and a good example of indigenized African Christianity. Pilgrimage plays an important role in reintegrating some of those fragmented worlds into something approaching wholeness. This book tells the story of how the enduring ritual of pilgrimage is transforming African religion, along with the lives of ordinary South Africans.